King Arald and Alyndra

Sick of the same old flat worlds that fantasy fiction seem to always deliver? Tired of one dimensional characters with cringy dialogue and corny one liners? And lets not forget the problem with too many unlikeable protagonists. Well fear not. The tales of Aratheon will not be another dull book series just like the last. Be prepared to feel the heat of the fires of the dragon’s breath as it singes the hairs standing up at the back of your neck when you step into the world of Aratheon. A place where the smell of magic tingles in the air. Adventure is underfoot. Or a troll or two. You don’t want to be caught by one of those. You may find yourself without your skin. Although, there is far more to fear than trolls. In a land where Ogres fight for teeth and tusk. Orcs will wage war for blood and honor. And dragons rule the sky. You may never know what you’ll find until you take the first step. 

For instance, let me tell you the tale of the great King Arald. On second thought, why don’t you hear it from him first hand. 

The howling wind blew by as the cold stung the senses, leaving a trail of mountains upon the shivering valleys of my skin as we charge to our deaths. I take one last look back. 

Alyndra my love. You must escape. Even though you’d give your life for mine, it is I who must make the final sacrifice. You must get back and warn the others. It is your turn to carry on. To protect our people. To protect our family. To protect our son!

I take one last look back as we ride to our on to our demise. To an enemy I fear we cannot stop. But we must fight. We must defeat them or all shall share our fate. 

One last look back upon my life. Will this be my last charge? Is this how the tale of King Arald will end? If it must be so, then I will die fighting!

Join King Arald and recount his life as he takes his final stand in the battle that will claim all Aratheon. 

Find out what happens next by filling out your name and email and when the first book is published, you’ll get it for Free!