
Alyndra, Aratheon, Fantasy, Fantasy Fiction, Elf, Elf Warrior, Elf Woman, Elven woman,

  • Character’s Full Name
    • Alyndra
  • Race
    • Mixed Breed
      • Half Deldorai Wood Elf
      • Quarter Human
      • Quarter Mystery
  • Occupation
    • Slave
  • Dreams/Ambitions
    • To find her long lost sister and mother
    • She desires to be Arald’s wife.


I was taken from my mother and sister when I was but a child. I was to be sold into slavery, but as fate would have it, I escaped. Alone, stranded in on the streets of Highwater, I had to do what I could to survive. So I tried to steal to eat, but I was caught. I was to be put back into slavery to a tyrant of a man who owned the food I stole from. However, the gods were kind that day.

I was saved by my prince Arald. He rescued me from the grips of a cruel master and took me in. Instead of being a slave, I was his companion and we grew close as the years went on. We studied together, trained together and even slept in the same bed together. Some call it slavery, but I never saw it that way. He never treated me like a slave. To him, I was his friend. A companion to confide in. To me, he was my savior and he always will be.