Lura Syllana
The Angel Akrasiel said this:
The Divine Light seeks order, stability, peace, and justice.
The greedy Demons seek to conquer and rule.
The hollow Darkness seeks to snuff out all Light, leaving nothing but the dark.
The hungry Void seeks to devour everything.
The Elder Gods seek chaos.
The envious Arcane seeks to become everything.
The Celestial life seeks to spread and blossom.
Love seeks to protect and cherish.
Hope seeks to strengthen.
Fear seeks to weaken.
Despair wants to end hope.
Wrath wants to destroy everything.
Death seeks the end of everything.
War brews upon this world. Some seek to conquer; others seek to destroy. We must not let this happen. This I task upon you, find loyal disciples of the Light.
Those who have a kind heart full of compassion.
Those who are brave enough to do what is hard even if it goes against the masses.
Find those willing to endure pain, sacrifice self, speak true in the face of lies, and find the Light in the darkest of nights.
Those who you can rely upon for the truth. Those you can depend upon to do what is right. And those who are humble and willing to serve, yet still question what is said. A mind that doesn’t take what is said as truth, but questions it, will better be able to tell the truth from lies. It is questions that help shine Light upon lies, but it takes courage to ask such questions when everyone seems to take what is said as the truth, even when it seems wrong.
These are the people who hold gold in their hearts while having the skin of iron. For not all that sparkles is gold. Sometimes what shines brightest might not always be the purest Light. Just as whoever speaks the loudest won’t always speak the truest.
Words from the Angel Akrasiel written in Terel’s book, Terel’s Revelations
Reading this book has brought me much to think about, yet it feels as if what is written is the truth and nothing short of it. His words about how those who speak the loudest might not be speaking truths really makes me question our High Father. His voice is certainly convincing, but what he says seems… Wrong.
I put the book away and pick up the book for training. It teaches how to clear one’s mind and focus inward. How to block out all sound and distractions. How to focus on one’s breath and become one with the Light from inside. Then it describes how to channel that Light from inside and manifest it in a physical form. Of course, it shows that most elves either use Celestial or Arcane Light. The elves from the forest lands use the traditional Celestial Light they gain from the forest itself. It is a Light of life and is found within nature and in all life. The Wood Elves of the forestland are able to harness this Light. That is why the forest is so sacred to them. It gives them strength. There is nothing wrong with the Celestial Light. In fact, the Divine Light strengthens the Celestial Light. The two have always supplemented each other. Made each other stronger. For it is the duty of the Divine Light to protect Celestial Light. That has always been the Divine Light’s purpose.
As far as Arcane Light goes, it is a double-edged sword. Arcane is not naturally destructive, but it can be. It can also be addictive. It is powerful, but also it can be used to do wonderful and amazing things if used properly. However, the more you use it the harder it is to refrain from it. It attracts envy. However, Arcane and Divine are not enemies. They can strengthen each other, but Arcane is tricky and can be self-serving.
Once you can channel the Light from within, in order to transmute it to Divine Light, you have to focus on channeling it through the crystal provided. At first, this will take a lot of concentration for those not used to channeling at all, but with enough practice, it becomes natural and instinctive. Once you can channel it through the crystal, you can weave it into a spell. Spells, for obvious reasons, take a tremendous amount of focus, depending on the level of difficulty and concentration required. The simplest spell is to manifest the Light in a physical form outside of your body. To produce the Light and let it shine.
This requires concentration. On a side note, when performing any kind of spell, it helps to have an item to channel the Light through, like a wand, staff, or orb. However, with Divine Light, we use a crystal that not only purifies the Arcane Light but helps focus it, allowing it to be easily woven into a spell as a wand would with just pure Arcane Light.
I guess that makes sense. Unfortunately, the book doesn’t go into any spells aside from making Light appear. I guess to reach level one, we just have to achieve that.
I set the book down and grab one I borrowed from Charinva about Arcane Magic. I’ve already finished the books for beginners and have moved on to more complicated ones. This book is a bit complex with spells that look extremely difficult. I don’t think this is for beginners. Even so, I should put all of these to memory, especially now that I know how to channel the energy, at least on a theoretical basis. I still have yet to channel. Well, at least within the church. I can’t count all the cheap tricks I did as a kid that my uncle taught me or the time, I killed Phraan with it. I didn’t know what I did then. I should probably spend my time getting my meditation hours done instead of reading a book on Arcane Magic, but I really want to learn.
I turn through the pages, looking at all the crazy spells. Some are more difficult than others. My eyes light up when I find the spell on how to make objects invisible to the eye. That is one I learned from my uncle. He made it seem so easy, but looking at the spell itself, it looks rather difficult. And yet, it uses hardly any energy. It’s more about concentration. Focusing your thoughts on the object and manipulating the material of the object so light will affect it differently. The light bends in such a way that warps around it, reflecting the image of what’s behind it. The item retains its physical mass, but to the eye, it’s completely invisible. I wonder how Ralodan can see it? He must be able to see the manipulation of light, but how?
Another spell that catches my eye is transmutation. It’s similar to what we are doing with Arcane Energy, but instead of Light or energy, it transmutes the physical property of the item. There’s some complex explanation about manipulating the little properties that make up the material. It explains that a metal like gold has approximately seventy-nine of these positive particles. Iron only has twenty-six of these positive particles. In order to transmute iron into gold, you have to add fifty-three positive particles to the physical makeup of the iron ore. To do that, you have to break down part of the iron in order to take what is needed to transmute what is left into gold. This is a highly dangerous spell and can be quite sensitive. Even a minor mistake can cause a catastrophic eruption.
That’s disappointing. I thought I found a way to get the gold required in order to free my family. I could just transmute the gold from something like sand. Of course, according to the spell, you need to know the material in an absolute sense in order to transmute it. That means you have to break the material down into its tiny particles that require Arcane manipulation in order to see something so tiny. I sigh, put the book away, and decide to do some meditation.
It feels like I’ve been sitting here forever and yet the stupid hourglass hasn’t moved. Sister Jereno said it would only start once I am in meditation. Isn’t that what I’m doing? I keep peeking my eyes open to check the hourglass and never moves. The sand won’t fall from the top. It just sticks there. I sigh. I finally give up and wander over to the others to see if they have any luck.
I meet Melyis in the hall across from me and she can’t seem to get the hourglass to move, either. We head over to the boys’ side of the floor to find Biremeril first and neither can he. We reach Ralodan and as we knock and enter his room, he’s sitting on his bed with his legs folded and his eyes closed. “Ralodan?”
I walk up to him and wave my hands in front of his face. Then snap my fingers. Nothing. I look over to see the sand of his hourglass rising from the bottom to the top. He’s been at this for at least an hour. How did he do it? I put my hands on his shoulders and shake him. He finally opens his eyes. Blinks and then smiles. “Hey. Didn’t hear you.”
“You figured out how to get into the meditative state? How?” I ask.
“Yeah, we’d like to know too,” Biremeril says.
“It’s simple. You just have to clear your head of thoughts and focus on breathing. Sometimes it helps to also focus on your senses. Listen to what you hear, feel the sensations across your skin, smell the air, hear the beat of your heart, and just bring yourself peace. Here. How about you all get your hourglasses and we’ll find a nice place to practice,” he says, unfolding himself and standing up. He grabs his hourglass and follows us out. The more of Ralodan I get to know, the more I feel like he’s different from everyone else. The Light seems to come so easily to him. As if he is a part of it.
We grab our hourglasses and follow Ralodan out to the courtyard. We gather in a circle and copy Ralodan’s sitting position with our legs folded and our arms resting on top of them. “Alright, start your hourglasses and close your eyes.”
I do as he suggests and put my finger on the hourglass before closing my eyes. “Listen to what you hear. Feel the heat from the sun down upon you. Take it in and let it warm you up. Feel the cool, slight breeze upon your skin. Let the refreshing air cool you. Take in the sweet scent of the flowers. Allow the smell to fill you. Hear the sound of the birds chirping and the bugs buzzing, along with the sound of my voice, and the rustling of the plants. Now turn your attention inward. Listen to your breathing. Hear your heart beating. Let that beat take over. Fall into the rhythm of it and breathe. Slow, deep breaths in and hold it. Then slowly release the breath and let go of everything you are. Everything you hold on to and everything that burdens you. Just let it all go…”
I feel my heart beating, and I can feel the water of my body flowing. The wind dances across my skin and I breathe it in. I feel all that I am go silent. The worries I hold seem to release, like birds taking flight. My burdens wash off my shoulders, leaving me feeling weightless. I fall into a place where time and space seem to cease. Heat and cold find peace with each other. My mind feels fluid, my thoughts flow like a river, and yet they don’t take shape. I feel something deep inside me. This incredible warmth. A bright blue fire. It calls to me. I follow its call and become engulfed in the heat of its fire. It swarms around me as it burns inside me. It feels so good. So warm and lifting. I want to feel more of it. I want to drown in it. I want to lose myself in it.
I feel something trying to separate me from it. Everything seems to shake as the fire seems to slip. I cling to it. “Lura! You need to let go”
Ralodan? Is that him? I can’t let go. It feels so good. I always want to feel this way. My pain fades in the light of this flame. All those horrible things I’ve endured burn away and all that’s left is this flame. “Lura! You’re causing a storm.”
A storm? It doesn’t feel like a storm. I feel everything around me shake as the flame slips from my finger. I can’t let go. But… What about Ralodan? I need it. This is the way I need to feel. I don’t want to feel all that pain anymore. “Lura, please! Stop this.”
I let go and open my eyes to see everything spinning. Everything but Ralodan as he looks into my eyes. His own seem to glow with a bright yellow golden light. The sky has formed clouds and the wind swirls around us rather violently. There are rarely ever clouds in the sky. Not in the Shifting Sands. Only during violent sandstorms.
“Are you okay? We lost you there,” Ralodan says.
“What happened?” I ask. I look around to see both Melyis and Biremeril staring down at me with fear in their eyes as they brace themselves.
“You lost control. You must’ve latched onto the light inside. The Arcane Light. It ignited inside you and caused a storm outside,” he says, looking around as the winds die down and the clouds part.
Several people walk out into the courtyard, one being the High Mother, Mathienne Naesalor. “What happened?”
“We were meditating and…” Ralodan goes to answer before I interrupt.
“It was my fault,” I say, standing up and dusting myself off. “I’m sorry, High Mother. I lost control. I never felt anything like that before.”
She nods as her eyes seem to take me in while she rubs her chin.
“She needs to be punished for using magic without supervision. We shouldn’t allow a girl with such violent tendencies into the church. She’s too dangerous,” Mother Chaetris Rapidbirth says as she comes out from the opposite side of the courtyard. Her eyes are a blaze of fire.
My heart leaps into my throat. They can’t do that! This place has become my home. I don’t know what I’d do without it.
“That’s nonsense,” Mother Vedana Oddheart says. “This happens from time to time when someone is not used to the pull of Arcane Light and becomes engulfed in it. It is rare, but not done on purpose. She just needs a little help in controlling it. She’s got a lot of potential. There’s so much Light inside her.”
“I agree with Mother Chaetris, she’s too dangerous,” says Mother Aule Brasstruth, who’s next to Mother Chaetris.
“What in the name of the Light is going on out here?” the High Father says as he marches out with several others behind him.
“It was nothing but an accident,” Mother Vedana says.
“I will handle it,” the High Mother says, silencing everyone else. She holds her arm out to me. “Come with me, child. I think it is time we have a discussion.”
I look over at the others. They are all worried, everyone but Ralodan. He just nods. I turn to the High Mother and go with her. We walk into the Cathedral and up the stairs in silence. We arrive all the way to the top before heading into her private quarters. She ushers me over to a pair of couches with a table in between. “Have a seat, child.”
I do as I’m told, taking a seat on the couch. She sits across from me. Then waves her hand and a porcelain tea kettle suddenly steams before pouring itself into two glasses. The glasses levitate over in front of us. “You, my child, are blessed, but it seems you’re also cursed. You see, you have a lot of potential inside you. Normally, most people can channel the fire inside, letting it flow like a river, but some who have suffered much in their life have to deal with a storm inside. And you, my child, you have suffered much. Not just in your lifetime, but you’ve been cursed to endure the pain of an entire family line. It’s a harsh burden to put on your shoulders.”
“My family?” I ask, searching her bright blue eyes.
“Yes, the Syllana line. Not many know you’re one of them. If they did, they would not want you here. The Syllana line is one of the sacred Arcane lines. Same of that with King Volodar Morric and my own family line. We are the original elves that embraced the Arcane god. That is a little secret not many know, and I’d appreciate it if it stays between us,” she says with a wink before continuing. “I’m sure you’re aware by now that the gods of the other religions do exist. You’ve read the book, haven’t you? I know Terel’s notes have shown themselves to you. Have they not?”
My eyes go wide, but I nod. She smiles. “I had no doubt. You have the qualities he looks for. Terel’s a nobleman of a pure heart. He was a close friend of mine, the same as your grandfather. He, along with the other original elves to embrace the Arcane god before the fall, were all close friends of mine, and, yes, that included Terel himself. We followed the god named Nabu. He shared his wisdom of the Arcane with us and let us dip into his well of the Arcane fire. He was a wise god. Everything we learned from him we shared with the people that followed us away from our kin, who chose to stay with the old goddess. The mother of the forest. Your grandfather was one who chose to leave, along with myself, Volodar Morric, his wife, Terel Glarespell, and several others.”
This is beyond anything I ever imagined. “He led us to our own kingdom. Gave us the power to build this wonderful city. We became enlightened, but like all good things, they never last. Nabu wasn’t the only god who came to offer us salvation. Several others offered their own version of salvation. War broke out between the new religions. Our beautiful city was torn apart by fighting. We had an edge with our Arcane Magic, but then Ahriman, the evil one, brought destruction and activated the pylons, killing off the forest and sapping the land of the Celestial life. He grew in immense power and slew Nabu. This was made worse when our brethren from the forest attacked because of such devastation to their forest. They didn’t realize we were the ones who did not commit the atrocity and attacked all of us. Of course, we fought back, but we didn’t have the fight within us after losing our beloved deity. Fortunately, the dwarves came to our aid and turned the tables. However, the war cost us much, including the life of our Queen Immianthe Morric, which left Volodar devastated.”
“That’s awful,” I say.
“Yes, those were the parts left out of the books. Even though the war was over, the danger had not passed. Ahriman was still out there, and he wasn’t the only malevolent god who sought to either destroy us or enslave us. Other religions rose up. A new god named Vhezish offered salvation, but chaos followed wherever he walked. A god of complete darkness they called Deimos wrought terror and dread upon our people. A goddess Onoskelis deceived many into taking the power she offered. She let greed rise within our people, and, in a time when many gods sought power, it left devastating results.” The High Mother takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, taking time to center herself before she meets my eyes. “Those who were blinded by greed and power took it. This led to the rise of the Golden High Elf Trading Company and the Council. War broke out between the different factions once more. We tried our best to save as many people as we could, but we were overwhelmed and overpowered. We lost many good people, including your grandfather, and your family suffered much, being stripped of their wealth and name. Everything seemed hopeless.” She wipes away a tear that escaped her cheek.
“What happened?” I ask.
“A light broke through the darkness. Angels came down from the heavens. They were led by the Angel Akrasiel. He fought the other gods back, bringing us salvation. The other gods retreated, giving us a momentary peace. We were able to rebuild and prosper for a long moment. The other angels left, but Akrasiel stayed behind. During this time, the Angel Akrasiel taught us many things and helped us build the church. He gave us back our city, and we gave him our loyalty and service. But like all good things, it didn’t last. The other gods would not remain in the shadows. They attacked. The Angel Akrasiel had to fight on different fronts. He created avatars of pieces of himself to fight them all. But he was weakened by being so divided. Ultimately, he lured the other gods into one final battle to the skies above beyond our own battle with their followers. He sacrificed himself, unleashing the full might of his Divine Light onto them. I will never forget seeing his holy power unleashed. The Light was blinding, but it cleansed and filled us with so much Light. He gave himself to save us. Once again, we found ourselves without a god, but we were not alone. Akrasiel promised he would be reborn. So, we remain here waiting to seek him out. Now, you know. There’s a reason why you have so much potential. Your grandfather touched the source itself and was filled with it. He passed this flame onto you.” She leans close and takes my hand into hers.
Her eyes look deeply into mine. “I’m sorry for all the pain you suffered. We had to keep you and your family out of the clutches of those who only seek to corrupt. That is why we didn’t intervene when your father and mother became refugees within the outer rim. I so wanted to intervene, but there are too many here who would try to corrupt or enslave you for their own twisted purposes. I’m not sure how far along you are in Terel’s books, but you will learn that the shadows hide everywhere. Even where the Light shines brightest, the shadows still find crevices to hide in. Even our church has corruption seeping within its walls. We’ve done our best to seek it out and bring it into the Light, but it’s a battle we are not accustomed to.”
I don’t know what to say. This is a lot to take in. It feels like my entire world has been turned upside down. “Now, I beg you to please be patient. Practice restraint. You have a heavy burden on your shoulders. Within you is a fire that is strong enough to engulf even those with the strongest wills. You must not give into temptation and let that fire swallow you. I know it’s hard. I know what I ask of you may feel impossible. Once you have tasted the sweet Light of Arcane, it is all too easy to want more, but don’t let yourself give in. Find solace in the Divine Light. Trust me, its warmth can give you the salvation you seek. You just have to be disciplined enough to choose it over the blue flame. Okay?”
I nod. She smiles and lightly pats my hand. “Now, go back to your friends, but I ask you to keep what I told you between us. If you need to speak to someone about it, you can either come to me, Vedana Oddheart, Nostra Longswitch, or Damaris. You can trust us. Damaris has always watched over you and wants what is best for you.”
“She knew all along?” I ask.
The High Mother nods. “We tasked her with looking after you and your family. She grew up with a man close to your grandfather. Of course, this isn’t my story to tell. If you want to know more, you’ll have to ask her about it. I have said too much.”
I nod. She smiles that sweet, genuine smile that reminds me of my mother. “Now, go be with your friends. They need you, and you need them.”
I nod and get up. She hugs me and walks me out to the door. “And Lura.”
I look up to meet her eyes. “When you meditate, you’ll always face the call of the Arcane flame. It will always be there. You must not answer it. You have to be vigilant. Instead, I want you to hold on to the crystal and focus on it. There you will find the Divine Light.”
I nod, and she smiles. I walk outside to see Damaris standing there. She gives me a soft smile. “I heard what happened.”
“You never told me you were charged with looking after my family!” I blurt out before I can stop myself.
She takes in a deep breath and lets it out slowly while she trades nods with the High Mother. “Come, let us go somewhere to talk where we can be alone.”
I nod and follow her to her quarters. She has me sit on her sofa with her. “Yes, I was charged with looking after your family and I knew your grandfather. Not well and only briefly. I never knew my own family, you see. I was orphaned during the events that led up to Akrasiel’s coming. I was only a child then. The man who took me in was a friend of your grandfather’s. I only saw your grandfather a few times before he… before he died. He was a brave and noble man who was truly loyal to the King until his last dying breath. He and your grandmother stayed behind to let others escape in order to hold off those who practiced the forbidden arts. They sacrificed their own lives so your parents, Volodar’s heirs, and all the innocent people could escape. And to make matters worse, since the Council took power, they stripped your family of their name and holdings due to their allegiance to the King. I’m sorry.”
I wipe the tears that have formed from the corners of my eyes. “I don’t understand. Why didn’t they go after the church? Why was my family the only one who was punished?”
She rubs the center of her nose between her eyes and takes a moment to center herself. “Your family weren’t the only ones punished, but they couldn’t go after the church. At least not at the time. Your grandfather died just before Akrasiel came. Once he arrived, no one could stand up to the church. However, after the Angel Akrasiel vanquished the other gods, forcing them to retreat, he forgave the council and those who controlled the Golden High Elf Trading Company. However, during the short time of peace with Akrasiel’s guidance, we weren’t able to reestablish Morric’s line back to the Throne. Many of the nobles refused to accept the rule of another monarch. Akrasiel didn’t want to break the peace, so they compromised and created a new Council. All was good until the Angel Akrasiel sacrificed himself to save us. After he was gone, the Council became corrupt, as you can see. The church was divided on what to do about it, most refused to intervene. Most believe it is not our place to play politics. I suspect some within our ranks might be working with the Council, but I have no proof.”
I let out a sigh. “So, we just let the corruption erode our city? People starve and suffer on the streets because of such corruption. Is it not our responsibility to weed out corruption?”
“It’s not that simple. You need proof. You can’t just accuse people of such things,” she says.
“Instead, we just let people suffer,” I say with a little more venom than I intended.
“No, we do all that we can to help those who suffer,” she says.
“That definitely worked well,” I say as my anger gets the best of me.
“I understand your frustration,” she says.
“Do you?” I ask, glaring into her eyes.
“I do more than you realize. Trust me, Lura. I am with you on this. I agree with you, but there’s nothing we can do. Trust me, I’ve tried all that I can to change things,” she says, closing her eyes to rub the spot between her eyes.
I let out a sigh. “I know, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to blame you for any of this. I just… It doesn’t feel fair what we’ve all had to go through in the lower sections. What my family has gone through. What most have to go through, especially those forced into slavery.”
“You are absolutely right. That’s why I joined the church. I wanted to help those who suffer as such. Now you also have an opportunity to make a difference and help those who you know in Tent City and the Low Town. When you become a Sister, you will be able to help heal the hurt, cleanse the sick, and help provide for those in need. That’s how we help the suffering,” she says.
“But there must be more that we can do. What we can accomplish is as much as one person can by shoveling sand out of the desert. We can hardly make any impact at all,” I say.
“Perhaps it doesn’t seem like much in the greater scheme of things, but don’t discount the difference you make in one person’s life. You shine a light in their life, and they will carry that light and shine it for others. Soon, that light will spread. Besides, things will be better. The Angel Akrasiel will be reborn and things will change. I promise you that,” she says.
“Maybe he’s already reborn. Have you ever thought about that?” I ask and I can’t help thinking of someone specifically. It makes sense.
She eyes me suspiciously. “What makes you say that?”
I only shrug. “Nothing.”
She stares at me just a little longer before she smiles. “Well, you should get something to eat. It’s lunchtime and I’m sure you’re hungry.”
As she walks me out, I nod my head. I turn to her. “I know you’re right, it’s just, it seems like no matter what we do, nothing changes.”
“I know all too well how you feel. We just have to keep our faith strong and continue to do the good work of the Light. Eventually, you’ll see your work bear fruit. I see it in my own work. Just look at yourself. You’ve come such a long way, and I’m proud of you. I know you have a long way to go, and you’re still so far from your own goal of freeing your family, but just maintain your faith and I know you’ll see the day when you are reunited with your family. You just have to have faith,” she says with a smile that shines with hope. I nod and hug her. She embraces me in her arms and holds my head against her chest.
“Thanks, Sister Damaris. For everything,” I say as I pull back.
She nods and smiles. “Of course. You deserved none of the bad things that have happened to you. I just hope the Light brings you the peace you deserve. It works in mysterious ways, but it has a plan for us all. We just need to have faith.”
I smile and nod before I head to lunch. As I walk into the hall filled with Sisters and Brothers of the Light, silence suddenly washes over it before whispers break out. I don’t let it bother me as I grab some food and join my friends. They make room for me between Chalia and Charinva and across from Ralodan, Melyis, and Biremeril. Chalia barely gives me time to eat as she hurls a whirlwind of words at me. “What happened? Ralodan, Biremeril, and Melyis said you created a storm and had to go with the High Mother. Are you in trouble?”
“No, I’m fine. It was just an accident,” I say, not telling them the truth. I didn’t create the storm… I am the storm.
“So, what did the High Mother tell you?” Chalia asks.
“She just said I have to fight the temptation of Arcane energy and focus on channeling through the crystal. That’s all,” I say, picking at my food. It just hit me how tired I feel.
Ralodan places an hourglass on the table. “You left this back in the courtyard.”
“Thank you,” I say with a smile as I grab it. On the bottom, a number glows that shows how many hours I’ve accumulated and I’m shocked to see I have four hours from our session earlier. I look up at the others. “We meditated for four hours?”
Ralodan smiles. “Time goes by quickly during meditation.”
“That’s so true,” Chalia says and Charinva agrees.
“Yeah, once you learn how to enter the meditative state, it goes by quickly. One hundred hours hardly feels like a single hour,” Charinva says.
After we finish eating, I head back to my room and sit on my bed. I take my crystal in my hand. I guess I should give it a try. Maybe I should wait for a Sister? No. I feel like I can do this. I start my hourglass and close my eyes. I do exactly what Ralodan instructed, focusing on everything I hear, feel, smell, and then focusing on my heartbeat and breath. I feel myself become weightless and leave time behind. And like before, I feel that pull to the invigorating blue light. It calls to me. It’s so strong. I want to embrace it and submerge myself within it, but I fight it. I focus on the crystal in my hand. I try to imagine the Divine Light. When Orym filled me with it, I remember what it felt like. So warm and holy. It gave me so much joy. I feel that joy return as my body is enveloped in warmth. I feel so wonderful. Far different than the feeling from earlier; instead of the sweet, intoxicating power it’s a warm, joyful, light that encompasses me. It feels as if I have entered the Kingdom of Heaven. The Light lifts the weight of all the pain I’ve endured from my body. It washes away the past and alleviates the worries of the future. All that remains is this joyous warmth.
I open my eyes to see the room filled with warm, yellow light like that of the sun. It’s almost blinding. I don’t want to let it go. It feels so good. I want to let it engulf me, but I have to let it go. As the Light fades, I’m left feeling cold and a little empty, but not entirely. Some of that joyful feeling stays behind and resonates within me. I take in a breath and let it out. Then I grab my hourglass and see that five more hours have been accumulated. Wow… This might not be as hard as I first thought.
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