Lord Aiden Grafton

Name: Ariel

Legacy Names:

Son of Lord Hothere Grafton

House of Grafton

Title: Lord of the House Grafton

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Status: Lord

Profession: Soldier


  • Father
    • Lord Hothere, House of Grafton
  • Mother
    • Lady Saewynn of House Grafton
  • Siblings
    • Lady Sasha of House Grafton

Lady Brooklyn Timbermane

Name: Brooklyn

Legacy Names:

Daughter of Lord Aldred Timbermane

House Timbermane

Title: Lady

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Status: Lady

Profession: Lady of House Timbermane


  • Father
    • Lord Lord Aldred Timbermane
  • Mother
    • Lady Morrin Timbermane