Amalia Hawk

Aratheon, Fantasy World, Aratheon Fantasy World, Fiction, Fantasy Fiction, Fiction Character, Creativity, fantasyland, fantasyart, Warrior, Knight, Warrior, Knight, Female, Female Warrior, Female Knight, Soldier, Female Soldier, woman knight, woman, woman warrior,

Name: Amalia Hawk

Legacy Names:

Of House Hawk

Title: Lady

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Status: Lady

Profession: Soldier


  • Father
    • Lord Arnulf Hawk
  • Mother
    • Lady Catherine Hawk
  • Brother
    • Benjamin Hawk

Victoria Wulf

Name: Victoria Wulf

Legacy Names:

Of House Wulf

Title: Lady

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Status: Soldier

Profession: Soldier


  • Father
    • Lord Beorhtel Wulf
  • Mother
    • Lady Helen Wulf
  • Brother
    • Jaxon Wulf

Prince Hammond

Name: Hammond

Legacy Name

Title: Prince

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Status: Prince

Profession: Prince


  • Father
    • King Vandil Windfury, son of Kebalinos, House of Aristos
  • Mother
    • unknown
  • Siblings
    • Prince Arald, Son of Vandil, House of Aristos
    • Princess Ariel Ironhammer, Daughter of Vandil, House of Aristos