Princess Eloimaya Nerisandoral

Name: Eloimaya Nerisandoral

Legacy Names:

Title: Princess

Race: Wood Elf


Status: Royalty

Profession: Leader of the Deldorai


Mother: Queen Syphire Nerisandoral

Mother: Lady of the Forest

Half-Brother: Prince Aeson Nerisandoral

Half-Sister: Princess Alenia Nerisandoral

Half-Sister: Princess Shearah Nerisandoral

Princess Shearah Nerisandoral

Name: Shearah Nerisandoral

Legacy Names:

Title: Princess

Race: Wood Elf

Gender: Female

Status: Royalty

Profession: Healer


Mother: Queen Syphire Nerisandoral

Father: King Alluin Nerisandoral

Brother: Prince Aeson Nerisandoral

Sister: Princess Alenia Nerisandoral

Half-Sister: Princess Eloimaya Nerisandoral