Prince Borlann Ironhammer

Name: Borlann

Legacy Names:

Son of King Aheagin Ironhammer

Ironhammer Clan

Title: Lady of the House

Race: Dwarf

Gender: Male

Status: Prince

Profession: Blacksmith


  • Father
    • King Aheagin of the Ironhammer Dwarves
  • Mother
    • Queen Alnarionda of the Ironhammer Dwarves
  • Siblings
    • Prince Nesley of the Ironhammer Dwarves
    • Prince Korvear of the Ironhammer Dwarves
  • Uncle
    • Prince Sizmirlun of the Ironhammer Dwarves

Lady Anora

Name: Ariel

Legacy Names:

Daughter of Timonax

House of Banhour

Title: Lady of the House

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Status: Lord/Lady

Profession: Scholar


  • Father
    • Lord Timonax, House of Banhour
  • Mother
    • Lady Mila of House Banhour
  • Siblings
    • Lord Wallaceof House Banhour
    • Lord Clyde of House Banhour
    • Lady Faye of House Banhour
    • Lord Owen of House Banhour

Princess Ariel

Name: Ariel

Legacy Names:

daughter of Vandil,

House of Aristos


Race: Human

Gender: Female

Status: Princess

Profession: Healer


  • Husband
    • Prince Borlann Ironhammer, Prince of the Mountain Dwarf Clan
  • Father
    • King Vandil Windfury, son of Kebalinos, House of Aristos
  • Mother
    • Queen Asta Lifebringer
  • Siblings
    • Prince Arald, Son of Vandil, House of Aristos
    • Prince Hammond, Bastard Son Vandil

King Vandil Windfury

  • Full Name
    • King Vandil Windfury
    • Surname Windfury
    • Windfury was given to him because of the sound his axe makes in battle
  • Occupation
    • King
  • Dreams/Ambitions
    • To Reunite the Kingdom of Men
  • Family
    • Father
      • King Kebalinos
    • Mother
      • Issabelle
    • Grandfather
      • King Ariston
  • Family
    • Grandmother
      • Queen Maia
    • Brother
      • Harkom
    • Wife
      • Queen Asta Lifebringer
    • Offspring
      • Daughter
        • Ariel
      • Son
        • Arald
      • Bastard Son
        • Hammond
  • Allies
    • Prince Borlann Ironhammer
    • Lord Timonax Banhour
    • Lord Feichin Lagoonior
    • Lord Grafton
    • Lord Amulf Hawk
    • Lord Aldred Timbermane
    • King Aheagin Ironhammer
    • Prince Nesley Ironhammer
    • Queen Asta Lifebringer


I was born into a broken kingdom. My grandfather, King Ariston, was murdered by the usurper. His throne was taken. My father, Kebalinos, barely escaped with his life.

He married the daughter of a tavern keeper. She had hair as black as a raven’s feathers which was passed down to me. My younger brother, Harkom and I watched helplessly as my mother and father were murdered by orders from the usurper who took my grandfather’s throne. My throne.

I vowed I would get my revenge. I would retake my grandfather’s throne and reunite the kingdoms of man.

King Arald Stormsword

King Arald, Aratheon, Fantasy Character, Fantasy Fiction, Fantasy, Character, Aratheon King Arald, Arald
  • Character’s Full Name
    • Arald Stormsword of Highwater son of King Vandil Windfury
  • Race
    • Hybrid
      • Human
      • Mystery
  • Social Class
    • Crown Prince
  • Family
    • Father
      • King Vandil Windfury
    • Mother
      • Queen Asta Lifebringer
    • Older Sister
      • Princess Ariel Ironhammer
  • Family Continued
    • Younger Brother
      • Prince Hammond
  • Closest Allies
    • Alyndra
    • Lady Anora Banhour
    • Prince Sizmirlun Ironhammer
    • Prince Borlann Ironhammer
    • Master Thena
    • Master Saward
    • Commander Joriaha
    • Isaaya
  • Lovers
    • Alyndra


Arald grew up in the royal castle under his father King Vandil’s rule. His mother, Queen Asta Lifebringer, played a pivotal role in his upbringing. He looked to his older sister, Princess Ariel Ironhammer, for guidence. At an early age, Arald found the orphan Alyndra who was caught stealing from an unruly merchant and took her as his own slave.

The two of them became inseparable and developed a close friendship. They trained together under Master Saward and studied under Master Thena.

They also were trained by Prince Borlann just like Arald’s father King Vandil. While living in the dwarven capital Mighholdir, Arald developed the strength of a dwarve and the craftsmanship of their people as well. He became a great blacksmith in both weapons and armor.