Broken Souls – Chapter 19

fantasy, fantasy novel, Fantasy book, Fantasy story, elves, vikings

Lura Syllana

I feel as if I walk upon the clouds. My smile won’t fade and this joy won’t either. I do not know how I came to be so fortunate to experience this love, but I will cherish it.

All day I wait for the moment to come where I can be with Orym. My holy Paladin. The hero of my heart. I can’t help but consider his offer to join the church and be with him, even though we’d have to keep our relationship in the shadows. Even so, it would be worth it. A love in the shadows with this much passion is far better than no love at all.

As my shift begins, I happily skip over to the Brothel. Madame gives me a room and I sit and wait for the handsome man to return to me. I make sure my dress is straight, my hair done up, the room clean, and everything perfect while I wait.

I pace and drink a glass of wine, waiting for my love to come. I know he’ll come. He said he would, and I know he’s a man of his word. He will come.

I look out the window for him and watch the moons chase each other across the sky. Finally, a knock at the door startles me. I quickly make sure everything is perfect, re-straightening my dress and hair while checking the room before I answer the door. Unfortunately, it’s Madame. “I’m sorry, child. I do not think he is coming and I need the room.”

“But he said he’d come. I know he’ll come,” I say in protest.

“Then I will find another room for you when he does show up,” she says. I relent and follow her out. “Why don’t you wait on some tables in the meantime? Don’t forget why you’re working here. Your family should come first. And child…”

 I meet her eyes. “Don’t give your heart to a man who has to pay for it with coin. More often than not, they don’t deserve it.”

I don’t say anything, but I want to. Orym is not like that. He is a kind and an honorable man. I know that in my heart, but I do as she says and wait tables while enduring disgusting remarks and men’s wandering hands. Maybe he wasn’t able to sneak away tonight. Maybe he was sent on a mission. There must be a reasonable explanation for his absence. I’m sure he’ll tell me tomorrow when he arrives.

However, when tomorrow arrives, he does not come with it. I spend all night serving drinks at the cost of my self-worth. Serving these disgusting men who love to degrade and demean women with awful remarks. It can wear down even the hardest of souls.

The next night is the same. No Orym, and my heart cracks with every night we are apart. Surely, he is out on a mission. Surely, he’ll return. I just have to wait, but the days go by. Madame suggests I should take up other customers to earn money, but I’m reluctant to do so. What if I do and he returns? I couldn’t bear his heartbreak if he saw me with another man.

However, that night as I return to the room I share with Tyma, who was kind enough to let me move in with her after she finally moved out of the Brothel, I find the place broken into. All the coin I worked so hard to save was stolen. I felt so broken and devastated. Every last copper I’d earned was gone. All the coin I was saving to free my family was all gone!

I can’t help but break down and cry. Even Tyma’s words can’t make me feel any better. Even worse is the awful feeling in my gut telling me that perhaps WRYM didn’t love me. Perhaps he just said those things to take my virginity. Maybe he’ll never return; he’ll just move on to another brothel and use another whore as dumb as me for believing his lies. I bury my face into my pillow and scream. I hate this world.

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Broken Souls – Chapter 18

Stormfront, fortress, castle, fort, keep,

Bothvar Beorcolsson

As winter ends, my brother’s and my own child are born only a few days apart. He had a daughter and me, a son.

Holding my son for the first time, it felt like everything was leading up to this point in my life. His eyes are a deep blue, just like that of Arni’s. We decided to name him Hrut after Arni’s father. My father approves.

My brother and Asfrid named their daughter Thora, and she too has the same deep blue eyes as the sea. Asfrid was torn between the names Freyja, which also means Frida, the goddess she worships, and Thora. But ultimately, they chose Thora for a reason I wasn’t clear about. I believe it’s because of Thorkel’s obsession with Thunar, the name of his favorite god. The god also goes by a different name… Thor. I can’t help but think about what Sigvor said upon our wedding day as I look at her. What did she mean?

My father wants me to join him and Thorkel in the Captain’s meeting along with the crew meeting before they all leave for the All-Clan Meeting. Near the docks is a building with a long table within it. We follow farther inside as he takes his position at the end of the table while the nineteen captains file in and take their spots with their most trusted behind them.

After everyone is here, my father takes his seat and everyone else sits down after him. My brother takes a seat to his left while I stay standing behind Thorkel with Rognvald, our ship’s quartermaster and second in command. Since I’m not a captain myself, I have to remain standing. My father begins the meeting. “The meeting of the captains is now in session. Let us discuss this raiding season.”

They all give their agreement. My father nods. “Shall we continue our raids on the merchant ships moving to and from Chillshore, or does anyone have any other suggestions?”

“The elves are getting more protective of their merchant ships. The normal routes are becoming more dangerous, especially with the small numbers we raid in,” Koll says as he sits to the right of my father, a seat of the utmost respect.

“And what do you suppose we do about that?” Thrain Haklangsson asks with none other than Gorm standing behind him with a sneer. His eyes seem to fixate on Thorkel and me.

“We either need to raid in larger numbers which will decrease the profits we make individually, or find other routes,” Koll says. Another uproar rumbles through the captains.

“Where in the name of the gods would we sail?” Thrain Haklangsson asks. He is a man of pure greed. His face is covered in tattoos of his journeys and his hair is done in the traditional Viking way, with the sides shaved and the top in a long braid. He has a long goatee with a mustache. “There are no more profitable routes.”

“May I make a suggestion?” Thorkel asks and all eyes fall upon him.

“Earl Beorcol, I mean no disrespect, but you need to keep a muzzle on your son. This is a discussion between Captains,” Thrain spits out.

“Well, seeing how I will be giving the captain’s seat over to Thorkel this raiding season, I see no problem with him interjecting. He is a captain as of now. Now, Captain Thorkel, what is your suggestion?”

Thrain has murder in his eyes as he glares at Thorkel, but my brother gives him no more attention than he would give a bug beneath his feet. “Why do we not head west beyond the forest of the elves, and then south to the islands where Pirates sail? I hear there are shipping routes to many lands. I am sure there is more treasure to be plundered there.”

Father smiles as he looks out at his men. “That is a good suggestion, Captain. Does anyone have anything to say?”

“That is absurd. We will find ourselves surrounded by enemies in seas we know nothing about,” Thrain says. Spit flies out as he speaks. “I say we bring an army down and raid the Southerner’s main port of Riverhall.”

“Not all pirates are enemies. I’ve met an elven woman pirate with fiery red hair named Azariah who flew a red dragon flag. She was an honorable pirate and gave aid,” Father says.

“You want to attack one of their more fortified positions? We might as well take Chillshore back while we’re at it,” Koll says, slapping the table. My aunt, Ingithora, my mother’s youngest sister, stands behind him and puts her hand on his shoulder. My cousin, Veleif, Koll’s oldest son, stands on his other shoulder.

“At least we know what we’re in for. Sailing west, we might as well sail into the Merrow waters,” Kodran, a close friend of Thrain, says. He has no respect for anyone. His nose is so far up Thrain’s arse that it’s covered in shit. That’s why his beard is so brown. Behind him stands a man named Sigemaer Tjorvisson, a man who is not so bad, but will never prosper under such terrible leadership.

“Riverhall has a far bigger fleet of warships than we do. They would annihilate us unless we ally with the other clans. Even then, the only ones who have any ships are the Valkyrie, the Builders, and the Ice Tribe. But the Builders aren’t warriors. The Eagle Clan will never agree to go to war. Do you intend to ask the Wolf Clan for aid? That will certainly go over well,” Throst says. He supports and is a friend of my father. He’s a man of few words, but when he speaks, he speaks sense. His long, bright red hair is always done in a braid and he keeps his beard braided as well.

“I would sooner befriend a Merrow than a scum of the Wolf Clan,” Kodran says.

“We should just raid the Wolves. They deserve death,” Thrain says.

Sadly, many people in our town believe this, and I once was one of them. But since the wedding, I’ve been questioning my own hate of the Wolves. Baldric and Siv don’t seem all that different from us. They are two I can respect. However, Vidkunn and Bjarni seem quick to anger and know how to get under my father’s skin. Of course, he also lights a fire under their arses, so it goes both ways.

“If you attack them unprovoked, you’d give the other clans a reason to fight us out of fear we’d attack them too. Besides, we do not have enough men to fight them in their own woods. Their wolves alone would pick us apart. Even if we sail into the lake through the river, we’d be hard pressed to get past their defenses without losing many of our own,” Beorcol says with a bit of fire in his eyes. “Too many of our people have died fighting the Wolves. Besides, we have enough enemies outside of the North. We do not need to open old wounds and reburn bridges that were weakly rebuilt. Trust me, I have more reason than any to want the Wolves dead, but it is not worth the lives of our people. And provoking the Southerners might invoke their wrath, or did you forget what happened the last time we went to war with the south?”

That shut them up. At least on attacking either the Wolf Clan or the Southern ports. It surprises me my father would be against the war since it seems like it’s all he’s talked about ever since the last war with the south.

“I still think we shouldn’t risk going out west,” Thrain mutters.

“That is because you are a coward,” Einar Alriksson, my uncle Koll’s brother, says. He’s always been blunt with words and lets his thoughts be clear. I respect him for that, but it can get him into a lot of heat with others. Behind him stands his oldest son, Vog, and a woman named Brynhild Svartkollrdottir, the virgin woman who gave birth to a fatherless son. She is a true beauty and a warrior at that. I remember when Thorkel convinced the orphan boy Gudrod, my great uncle’s ward, to sneak into her tent and try to snag her undergarments… That did not work out so well. Her fatherless son, Thorvir, tossed him out on his arse. Thorvir Stormborn – which is what they call him since Brynhild gave birth to him on Einar’s ship in the middle of a storm only days after she found out she was even pregnant – is a fighter, to say the least. A bit of a temper, but he can rumble with the best of them. That is why I am surprised he is such a good friend to Thormar. Thormar may get into tussles with Bodvar when he’s pushed too far, but he generally avoids conflict.

“Let’s put it to a vote. Bring out the sticks,” father says. A slave brings out two cups of short sticks and another empty cup, placing them on a table to the side. The sticks in one cup are painted blue and the ones in the other are painted red. “Red is to go west and blue is to continue to raid the same shipping routes to Chillshore. Vote now or be silent.”

The captains all get up and get in line to vote, taking a stick from one cup and placing it into the empty one. From what I can see, the voting is close. My father’s loyal supporters, Einar Alriksson, Throst Thorhallson, and Koll Alricksson along with Thorkel, all vote to go west while all of Thrain Haklangsson’s friends, Sibbi Hreitharrsson, Kodran Steinmodsson, and Vebrand Haraldsson, vote to continue raiding the ships that head into Chillshore. The vast majority of the captains are mostly neutral and seem to be split down the middle. When the voting stops, the votes are counted out loud.

Unfortunately, raiding the Chillshore route won by one vote. Father’s face remains neutral. “It is determined that we will continue to raid the merchant ships that sail to and from Chillshore. Thrain, you, Sibbi, Kodran, and Vebrand will take your ships north and spread out to catch any ships coming south. Sigeheah, Harald, and Hogni, you will also go north with Thrain. Make sure you all spread out; you can determine the position amongst yourselves. The rest will go south and sail the bay. We’ll travel in three groups of four ships. Thorkel, Koll, Einar, and Throst will be in the group to the west. Bjalki, Stigandi, Arnfinn, and Ufi will sail along the coastline. And Athils, Steinunn, Kiogrim, and Geitirgest will cut the difference in between. Any questions?” They all shake their heads. “Good, let’s prepare to set out so we can leave after we get back from the All-Clan Meeting. Meet with your groups and discuss your plans. The meeting of Captains is adjourned,” father says as the men all file out, talking amongst themselves.

Be the first 100 to sign up for the Arathoon Newsletter and a FREE Digital copy of Shattered Souls when it is released!

fantasy, fantasy novel, Fantasy book, Fantasy story, elves, vikings

Broken Souls – Chapter 17

fantasy, fantasy novel, Fantasy book, Fantasy story, elves, vikings, Lura Syllana

Lura Syllana

As I arrive at work, full of nervousness and anticipation, I talk to Madame. “I think I’m ready to give my virginity to my client.”

She looks caught off guard. “Really? I suppose that could be wise. Especially since you seem to have him wrapped around your finger. Just know that men seem to lose interest once you give it to them.”

My breath catches in my throat. Orym wouldn’t do that, would he? He’s a Paladin. Holy and divine. He’s a righteous and devout man. He wouldn’t. “I’ll do it.”

“Okay then. I’ll set it up when he comes in. Why don’t you go up to the same room as last night and get ready? Just so you know, when you lose your virginity, it isn’t pleasant for the most part. It can be quite painful and bloody. I will have a talk with him and make sure he’s gentle. If he isn’t, let me know and I’ll make sure he regrets it,” she says in a stern voice.

I nod. “Thank you, Madame. I appreciate all that you have done for me.”

She nods and gives me a half smile. “Of course. I look out for my girls. Now go prepare and have a glass of wine or two. And I’ll have a tonic to prevent pregnancy brought up to you. You might need to wash it down with wine.”

I nod and rush up the stairs. I tidy up, spray perfumes, make sure the bed is set, check my dress, and then double-check everything again. I do as Madame suggests and drink two glasses of wine. It lifts some of the anxiety off my shoulders. But I still wonder – what if he leaves me after?

 A knock at the door makes my heart leap into my throat. I check everything once more, take a deep breath, and answer the door. Standing at the door is Tyma. She’s smiling with a cup in her hands. Right, the tonic.

“Here ya go. You’ll want to down this foul-tasting drink before you do the deed. You don’t want to get a baby inside you. Trust me, you’ll be left to fend for yourself with no coin to help,” she says, handing me the cup of tonic.

I nod and take it. I sniff it and recoil in disgust. “That’s putrid.”

She shrugs. “It’s worth it though. It goes easy with wine.”

I nod and pour myself another cup. I have to go sip for sip, and even then, I need another cup of wine before I can drink it all. It tastes like rotten eggs. Like something spicy and poisonous.

“So, are you ready? Madame told me what you plan to do tonight. It’s always nerve-wracking to lose your virginity. I remember when I lost mine. It was a long time ago to a rather ugly man, but he was kind and gentle. Honestly, if you could get past his homely face, he was a decent man. I’d certainly take him over some of the best-looking men who are rotten to the core. There are plenty of them out there.”

“I think I’m ready. Orym said he’d be gentle. I trust him, oddly enough.”

“Good. Well, I have to go. Good luck,” she says with a smile and a wink. I return the smile with a nod as she heads to her own room.

I catch myself pacing back and forth, worrying if I have misjudged Orym. He’s been so nice and kind to me, but what if he’s just acting and is truly a horrible person underneath? I refuse to believe that.

A knock at the door pulls me out of my thoughts. I scurry over to it and my breath catches in my throat as the man, with all his handsomeness hidden behind a cowl, stands before me. I step aside and let him in, closing the door before he pulls down the hood. “I’ve been waiting for this moment ever since the last one we shared together.”

“Me too,” I say, fidgeting with my hands. I don’t quite know what to do with them, so I force them behind my back. “I am so nervous.”

“I don’t blame you. But don’t worry, my lady, I won’t hurt you. I promise. Are you still sure you want to do this? We can just talk like last time,” he says.

“If that’s what you want, then let me inform Madame, so you’re not charged with taking my virginity,” I say.

“No, you don’t have to tell her. I don’t mind paying as long as the coin gets in your hands,” he says.

“Then we will have sex. I won’t let you pay for a service you didn’t receive,” I say.

“It’s not just a service to me. It’s far more than that. You make me feel as if I’m not alone,” he says, stepping up to me.

I walk to him, resting my hands on his chest. “I feel the same way.”

He wraps me in his embrace, and my soul warms with his kiss. My hands slide up and wrap around his neck as I kiss him back. He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist while he carries me to the bed, laying me down gently. I feel his hot breath against my skin as his lips leave a trail of kisses down my neck. He looks up and down at me. “One last time. Are you sure you want to do this?”

I nod with a smile. “Yes. Just promise not to leave me after tonight. I don’t know if I can stand being without you.”

He smiles. “I promise I won’t abandon you.”

I return his smile before I lean up and kiss him. “Also, please be gentle. I heard it hurts.”

“Do not worry Lura. I am a Paladin. I have a way of making pains go away. All you’ll feel tonight is the pleasure we share,” he says with a smile as he undoes my dress before tugging it off me. Then he pulls off my stockings and undergarments.

I lay completely naked and exposed on the bed before him as he undresses himself, revealing carved muscle with scars here and there throughout his torso. I sit up and trace my fingers on each scar. “So many scars. What have you been through?”

“Do not worry, it is the way of a Paladin. We put ourselves in danger so others are safe from it.” He smiles and winks.

“I would not wish you to be in danger,” I say.

“If not me, then who? I’m sorry to say, Lura, but that is just the way of things. Paladins are the shield of Light that protects the realms against the darkness. This is my purpose in life, and I fulfill it willingly with honor,” he says proudly with his chest out.

“Will you at least promise me you won’t risk your life for anything short of a truly righteous cause?” I ask. He nods.

“Of course. Every cause I take up is a righteous one,” he says with another wink.

He lets his pants drop, showing that beautiful cock that seems to come to life at the sight of me. He then grabs my thighs and drags me to the edge of the bed as I laugh. I truly didn’t expect him to bury his face between my thighs, nor the pleasure that comes from it. He has me moaning in worship. I feel like a melted puddle of butter, gripping the sheets so I don’t fall over the edge.

Finally, he stands up and wets his cock with his spit. “Are you ready? This might feel a little uncomfortable. But don’t fear, my beautiful woman. It will not hurt.”

I nod, completely trusting this man. With one hand on his cock, he places the other against my pelvis. Then slowly presses his big, meaty cock against my cunt, rubbing the tip up and down against my lady lips. I take a sharp breath in as he presses the tip inside me and it truly feels uncomfortable. But then, a white-hot glow comes out of his hand, filling me with so much warmth. It’s intoxicating. It feels just like every time I’ve ever used magic. So filling and wonderful. A joy of life. But this feeling is slightly different. The magic I’ve used before always felt like a sweet candy-filled and wine drunk joy, but very empowering and somewhat addicting all the same. This warmth feels pure, clean, and divine. As if I am one with this light that seems to envelop me. I want to hold on to it and never let it go.

I can feel his big cock fill me up as the heat engulfs me with so much joy and wonder. I want to live in this light. Bathe in it. I’ve felt nothing like it. It makes me feel as if I’ve died and gone to the place where only the worthy are allowed. The church calls it Heaven. This must be what it feels like. His cock continues to fill me up as the warmth leaves me feeling intoxicated.

Oh, sweet mercy. I think he’s all the way inside me. I want to feel this way all the time. To feel such joy mixed with pleasure. To feel so warm and happy. It’s addicting. He takes his hand away from my pelvis, taking the warmth and joy with him, leaving only an uncomfortable pleasure. “What was that?” I ask.

“The healing power of the Divine Light,” he says as he lifts me up and brings me to the top of the bed.

“That felt amazing,” I say, holding on to him.

He smiles as he leans down and kisses me while slowly thrusting inside me. This pleasure feels amazing too, but nowhere near as good as that warmth. He then leans down again, taking my head in his hands and kissing me. Suddenly, I’m overwhelmed with that joyful warmth once more. It feels like paradise. It’s even warmer than the heat of the sun, and yet it doesn’t feel draining, but fulfilling. I want to feel so much more of it. I want it all.

His lips connect with mine, and I breathe him in, clinging to him and that wonderful light. I hold on to him as he fills me both with his cock and with his soul. I’ve never felt so good. He thrusts his cock inside me, and they become harder and faster. The pleasure tries to battle the joyful warmth, but ultimately loses out. Nothing could feel as good as this. His lips wander down to my neck as he fucks me, filling me with so much joy and warmth.

I can feel his breathes become heavy and his thrusts become erratic. His kisses become primal, and the light feels far more intense. I’m drowning in joy, warmth, and pleasure. I want it to take me.

I finally fall over the edge and feel the intense pleasure wash over me along with his burning hot seed filling me up. He collapses on top of me as the warmth slowly fades, taking the pleasure with it, but the joy seems to stay. I hold his head against my breasts as his breath staggers and struggles. He’s soaked in sweat and shivers with coldness. I hold him tight and keep him close. He seems to be on the edge of consciousness. I hold him close to my heart, Nourishing him with my love.

He barely whispers. “Sorry about that… I lost control. I didn’t mean to use that much power. It drained me.”

“Don’t apologize for that. It was the most wonderful, amazing thing I’ve ever felt. I’ve experienced nothing like it,” I breathe, kissing his head.

“Well, hopefully, it won’t be your last time experiencing it. You know, if you trained at the church, you’d feel it quite often whenever you use the Light,” he says.

“How does one use the Light? I am filled with the blue magic,” I say.

He struggles to get to his elbows and lifts up his necklace with a crystal attached. “It purifies the magic we use and converts it to the Divine Light. You see, I too harness much of the Arcane magic. I was born with it, but this lets me turn over to the Light.”

“That is fascinating. So, if I go to the church, will I be given one as well?” I ask.

He nods before he rests his head back down against my bosom. He kisses my skin as his hands caress me softly. “I will have to go soon. I don’t want to, but if the church finds me sneaking off to this brothel, they’ll surely send me away.”

“Will you be back tomorrow?” I ask.

“I will find a way to sneak out and return. I think I love you. Would you ever come away with me? You can become a priestess and we can be together. In secret, of course, because any form of an intimate relationship is forbidden for us, but no one will ever find out.”

“I would love to, but I need the money to save my family from slavery. Does the church pay at all?” I ask.

“It pays decently. I won’t lie; it probably isn’t as good as the coin you make here, but it’s honest work and it makes you feel like you’re making the world a better place most of the time. Of course, it is burdened heavily with politics and bureaucracy, but what isn’t?”

I laugh. “That is true. Even a brothel has a level of bureaucracy.”

He smiles and kisses both of my breasts. “Just think about it, and we can discuss it tomorrow when I fill you with my Light again.”

I laugh and kiss his head. “Oh, please fill me with your Light.”

He smiles and winks. Then, he gives me one last kiss before he pulls himself up off the bed. He staggers and wobbles a bit. His face is slightly pale.

“Are you okay?” I ask.

He nods. “Yes, quite so. But I may have used more energy than I should’ve. Just like with the Arcane magic, using the Divine Light takes a toll. You can only use so much of it before you tire out.”

“Well, please be careful. I don’t want you hurting yourself just to show me some joy.”

“It was worth it. Trust me. I enjoyed it just as much as you did,” he says as he finishes getting dressed. I go to him and kiss him as he wraps his arms around me, holding me close. “Tomorrow I’ll be back and we can be together again.”

“I can’t wait,” I say as we share one more kiss before he leaves with his cowl hiding his handsome face once more.

Be the first 100 to sign up for the Arathoon Newsletter and a FREE Digital copy of Shattered Souls when it is released!

fantasy, fantasy novel, Fantasy book, Fantasy story, elves, vikings

Broken Souls – Chapter 16

Icy Mountains, winter village, winter, vikings, viking, viking village

Bothvar Beorcolsson

I love the way Arni’s nose seems to scrunch as she just wakes up and lets out a yawn while she rubs her eyes. As her eyes open, they land upon me and a smile forms on those cute lush lips. “Have you been watching me sleep?”

“Maybe,” I say with a smile, nuzzling my nose against her neck as she giggles.

She kisses my forehead and lets out another yawn. “I had the strangest dream.”

“Yeah? Tell me about it,” I say as I kiss the nape of her neck.

She bites her lip and runs her hand through my hair. “I was in this… Temple. It was huge. One of the biggest temples I have ever seen. However, they called it a cathedral. And there was this painting… It was on the ceiling that arched to the sky. It showed this man with wings bathed in light descending from above, shedding that light upon the darkness below. The walls of the temple were all white with gold and silver everywhere. Then there was this short, pudgy woman who was really mean and cruel. She kept calling me and these others low-borns. She was just so rude and condescending. I just wanted to punch her in the face!”

I laugh as I try to picture Arni punching some short, fat woman in the face. It’s hard to imagine. Arni would never do that. “Yeah, and then what happened?”

“There was another short skinny man who was so arrogant. They called him… I think it was Admiral? I don’t know if that was his name or some kind of title.” She only shrugs as I roll onto my back and smile. She slides over and rests her head on my chest. “I don’t know what it means. I feel like I’m seeing life through someone else’s eyes.”

“Who knows what dreams mean,” I say as I kiss her head. “Let’s leave the dreams for sleeping. My father and mother continue to pester me about making babies. I grow tired of it.”

Her delicate, soft, hand dances across what she has taken to calling the rock pathway of my lower torso. Her small, perfect teeth bury themselves in her plush bottom lip. “I want to have a lot of children. Many sons and daughters like your father. But maybe a couple more daughters. I don’t know where I’d be without my sister.”

“We can have as many children as you want. You can name almost all of them as long as I can have a son named Thorkel. We might as well name one Hrut as well.”

She smiles and kisses me. “I’d like that. I like it a lot. I should name one of the girls Asfrid then. And Svala. I think my sister wants to name one of her daughters after her favorite goddess, Frida, but I would rather name my children after people I know and love.”

I smile at her. “If that is what you want, then that is what you shall have. And it will make my sister think I did it just for her. Might earn me some silver tips. If only she knew the truth.”

She laughs and softly swats my chest. “You are so bad. I suppose we should probably name two of our boys Thormar and Bodvar, right?”

“Not a chance. I don’t want to risk having children just like them. Ugh… One is a know-it-all and the other knows too little. One is full of anger and the other doesn’t know fear. They’d always be fighting each other. Seriously, not children I want to put up with. At least with Thorkel, we only need to worry about him slipping out to exploring and getting into trouble. Every youngling does that.”

She gives a half smile and raises an eyebrow. “Bothvar? They’ll take it as if they didn’t make you proud or something. Both of them look up to you.”

“Why can’t Thorkel name his kids after them? He deserves children like them for all the trouble he’s gotten us all into.”

Her smile flattens. “Bothvar…”

“Fine, okay. But what if my brother names his kids after them too? Then we’d have two of each of them. Can you imagine that?” My eyes go wide as I truly give the thought weight. “That would not be good, I do not think our village could survive the four of them together.”

She snorts a laugh. “I’ll sort it out with my sister. Let’s just worry about making them.”

I crawl on top of her with a grin. “Oh, don’t worry about that, love. I think I’m going to do well at making babies.”

She giggles before her lips meet mine. Her hands slide up my rocky pathway and across the drizzle of hair on my chest, which she thinks looks like two large stones with a sprinkle of grass on them. Her fingers wander north, twirling my beard before her fingers explore my head of hair. She loves to keep my hair nice and soft with those tonics and oils of hers. She also loves to keep me nice and clean. I don’t mind it either.

Especially when she takes her time to clean my body. She loves to follow the trails of my muscles. I love to return the favor and trace the curves of her soft skin as I bathe her. My hands have explored every curve and valley of her body. It makes her moan in delight. I love the look she gets on her face when I find those soft, sensitive spots that make her gasp. It’s the look of a goddess gracing her love upon me. She is the stars, the moon, and the sun to me. I want to make her feel as if she’s already in the halls of the gods and that this is what the afterlife of the worthy is like. Full of pleasure, love, friendship, and joy.

She grinds her hips against mine as I kiss a trail down her soft skin. Her delicate, beautiful skin. The golden color she had during the summer has faded into a white, milky ivory color. I can’t help but leave a path of kisses all over it. I want my lips to touch every part of her, but I hold back and make my way down her soft tummy and lick the little cave there. That gets her squirming in giggles. My lips find her little pond, but I don’t dive in right away. I bring my lips between her legs as she wiggles her hips, enticing me. I slowly kiss down the soft, silky skin of her inner thighs as she quivers and scoots closer to my face. “Please, Bothvar. I want to feel your tongue against my womanhood.”

“Do you now? How badly?” I grin up at her as I meet her eyes, her teeth nearly cutting into her lip.

She pleads with me with those deep blue eyes. My own eyes go wide as I blink. For a second I swore I felt we were somewhere else… A golden hall, laying in a bed with sheets softer than silk. Her golden hair shining brighter than the sun and her eyes glowing with the light of all the stars in the sky. “Please, Bothvar. I need it so badly.”

I shake my head, pulling my attention back to the present. I look up at Arni’s cute, feminine face with that dainty, little nose.

“That bad, huh?” I ask with a dirty grin. “You know I could never say no to that face.”

I spit on her tight cunt and gently rub it inside her with my fingers as she grinds against them. Then I drag my tongue against her slit and flick the little bead at the top. She writhes in pleasure with a squeal. I let my tongue explore her wet womanhood, going back to the places that make her moan but never staying too long. She sighs in frustration as I tease her. Her hands grip my hair as she grinds her cunt against my face, groaning out.

I finally pull away and spit on my hand as I wet my cock. She bites her lip as she arches her back, pulling her legs against her soft, perky breasts. I slide myself across her tight entrance, coating my cock in her wetness. She doesn’t wait any longer and grabs my dick, pulling me up to her wet, warm sex. It drives me crazy when I see her digging her teeth against that delicate lip of hers. It’s so plush. I sink my cock into her cunt as she lets out the breath she’s been holding in.

Then I lean down and bite that bottom lip. She won’t let me go and kisses me deeply as I make love to her while her legs rest on my shoulders. Her cute nose squinches and it drives me crazy, making me thrust hard into her. She whines as her eyes cross. “Oh god, don’t stop. Fill me with your seed, Bothvi. I want to bear you a son.”

I groan out as I thrust harder into her. She grabs my ass, urging me on. My lips attack hers as I pump my cock into her while reaching down to rub that spot she likes so much that looks like a little bean. She moans out, gasping for breath. “I’m… I’m going to. Oooh… Bothvi.”

She moans out, digging her nails into my skin. Her eyes clench shut. She clenches down on my cock and convulses. I fall over the edge and fill her with my seed as the pleasure drowns me. Sweat covers my skin as I drain every last bit inside her. Gasping for breath, I collapse on her, holding her tightly. She grips my hair and holds onto me in return. “I can feel our son grow inside me. I know it to be true.”

I look at her and can’t hold back my smile. I kiss her with a burning passion.

A sudden loud crash comes from Thormar’s room next door. Arni staples. “What was that?”

“Must be Thormar having another one of his tantrums,” I say with a sigh.

“But he’s always so kind and calm,” Arni says.

I laugh. “My little brother might seem kind and rather calm most of the time, but when he gets pushed over the edge, he blows up. As my great uncle Alvi once described my grandfather, Thormar is very much the same. Swallows down his anger like a mug of mead, but when he swallows too much, it comes up like vomit.”

I spent the first part of winter making love to my wife when I’m not sparring, playing the game of war with my brothers or father, or picking up the slack with the slaves. Even though the slaves do most of the hard manual labor, sometimes I find it refreshing to chop some wood myself. Keeps me strong. We also spend a good deal of time fishing on the ice once the rivers, bays, and lakes freeze over. Winter can be harsh and food can be scarce. That’s why we must take every opportunity to get more.

Bodvar and Svala spend most of their time playing pranks on Thormar. Hiding his maps on him, stealing all his favorite trinkets. They went too far when they took the compass father gave him. I’ve never seen Thormar so mad. He had Bodvar pinned to the ground, nearly choking him. It took both Thorkel and me to pull him off and calm him down. Svala and Bodvar reluctantly gave it back.

After that, they turned their attention to the slaves, Morcar, along with several of the elves. No one cares enough to step in. I don’t like Morcar much, but I feel some of the elves don’t deserve it, so I convince Bodvar to reluctantly leave them alone. Especially the elves that serve Sigvor. Fortunately for Bodvar and Svala, they are not stupid enough to incur Aunt Sigvor’s wrath.

One of the elves, Valindra, even thanked me when I stopped them from picking on an older elf named Olaurae. Of course, it was really Arni who convinced me to stop my siblings from picking on the old elf. I tell her to give her thanks to my wife. But to be truthful, I rather like the old elf Olaurae. He taught me all about the little games with dice and cards elves play. They’re rather fun, except when I lose. The damn elf seems to win a lot. I think he cheats, but not enough to make it obvious. It doesn’t bother me that much since he doesn’t cheat me all that much. At least not that I’m aware of. Unless he cheats to let me win. That could be possible. He’s pretty wise for an elf.

One thing that bothers me is how some of these elves stare at my wife. That elf named Valindra, the one named Lethvelion, and that one named Renna are constantly taking glances at her. I swear, if I find Lethvelion looking at her in such a longing way as he does again, I might have to do something about it. Even this Olaurae seems to see something within my wife. I asked Valindra why they all keep looking at her in such a way. She tells me that Arngunn looks a lot like someone they all knew back home.

Both my Arngunn and Asfrid’s bellies swell up with babies around the same time. Thorkel and I, along with our family and most of the town, celebrated once we found out. It was a joyful night of drinking, wrestling, and games.

As Svala and Bodvar arm wrestle to prove who is stronger, we all sit at the table sharing drink and stories.

My father and my great uncle Alvi talk about their travels while Thorkel, Thormar, and I listen closely. Uncle Alvi has so many stories of his journeys exploring the unknown seas, it’s fascinating to listen to. And for once, both Thormar and Thorkel share a common interest. They both seek to explore just like uncle.

Bodvar and Svala seem to be in a stalemate. Finally, Svala kicks Bodvar under the table and slams his arm down against the table, winning the arm wrestle. “No fair, you cheated!”

Svala only shrugs with a grin. “Life isn’t fair, little brother. Get used to it. Besides, cheating is just a shortcut to winning.”

Bodvar looks over at father. “Father, tell Svala she can’t cheat.”

“Bodvar, in war, you do what you must to win. There is no honor in war, just victory and defeat. Although, Svala, if you truly want to test your strength and prove yourself to be stronger, you do Bodvar and yourself no favors by cheating. Never take shortcuts in gaining strength and skill. You practice fairly, but when it comes to battle, you take whatever measures you need to in order to win,” father says, taking a sip of his ale.

Uncle nods. “He is right. In war, there is no cheating in war because if you lose, you lose your life, but in practice, you only cheat yourself by taking shortcuts. To cheat in training your body, you do yourself a great disservice.”

My father nods. “Now, speaking of training, we should get back to it.”

My father increased our training and teaching. Especially with me since it’ll be my first time out on the sea this summer. We spent time on the ships, going over how to sail.

“Our ships have become much larger, stronger, and faster than they once were. They’re now three decks. The bottom is for storage and sleeping, the second deck is for the oarsmen thralls, and the third deck is where the raiders maintain the sails and our gunners work the four ballistae,” father says as we tour his ship, which Thorkel will take over this raiding season. “You must know your ship inside and out. You will learn its strengths and weaknesses. You must also learn as much as you can about your enemies and your allies’ strengths and weaknesses. We have plenty of both out at sea. Not to mention the sea itself can be an enemy. Not only can storms sink our ships, but there are monsters out there. Our clan is named after one, and there are many more like the Cirein-croin and the Leviathan. Not to mention the merpeople and the Merrow,” my father says as we stand on the main deck of his ship. “I’ve also heard about this narrow passage with a giant whirlpool in the middle. However, if you try to avoid it by sailing close to the rocks on the only narrow passage, you’ll get attacked by a many-headed serpent. There’s no way to avoid danger.”

“I keep hearing about them. Can they really be that bad?” Thorkel asks.

Father turns on him, his blue eyes drilling into my older brother. “I’ve seen the Kraken and the Merrow myself and have heard enough tales of the others from unimpeachable sources to have a healthy sense of fear. The Merrow lie to the northwest. You must never sail there or they’ll attack you. And I saw the Kraken. If there’s only just one, it’s also to the northwest in the Dead Sea as well. That is why we do not sail there. Now, I’ve heard tales of the Cirein-croin far to the south of the sand lands that the blue-eyed elves live in. Not to mention the merpeople are somewhere in that sea as well. I’m sure there are plenty more. I’ve even heard stories of water dragons. Never toss out a tale just because it sounds absurd, but also take them with a grain of salt. Heed the warnings, and take no unnecessary risks.”

He pauses before continuing. “Now those are just some of the monsters to be aware of. I’m sure there are plenty of others out there we haven’t heard of. You’ll have plenty of enemies that are people as well. The main enemies will be the Southerners and this Golden High Elf Trading Company. We simply call them the Golden Elves. Even though they are mainly merchants who ship goods from port to port, they have a fleet dedicated to hunting down pirates,” my father said. “Speaking of pirates, the seas are full of them. Some of them can be allies. I met an elf with a strange pair of black and red eyes who flew a black flag with a dragon on it. She went by the name of Captain Azariah, and she helped us out in our scuffles with the Golden elves. But not every pirate you can trust. There are some that aren’t so trustworthy. Two pirate captains in particular were rather scoundrels. They’re dwarven brothers who tried to steal a merchant ship from us and nearly sank one of our other ships. Their names are Thornwulf and Skakdraeck.”

“I thought dwarves were friendly blacksmiths,” Thormar says. Thorkel drags his hand down his face. He pushes Thormar’s head.

Father looks at him. “Do you think every Northerner is an honorable Viking?”

Thormar thinks about it for a second. “I suppose not.”

Father gives a half grin. “Then why would you assume every dwarf is a blacksmith with honor, and every elf is a Golden Elf who wants to kill us?”

Thormar lets out a sigh. “I don’t know. I just…”

Father cuts him off. “Just goes to show how backward things can be out at sea. Never make assumptions about individuals based on their race. Assumptions will get you killed. Now that being said, you should always assume the worst. If you see a man wearing a sword on their belt, assume they know how to use it and will use it against you. If you see a man in a cloak hiding most of their figure, assume they’re hiding weapons. Assume that the ship you see is the enemy. However, even though you assume they are the enemy, do not instigate a fight unless you are certain they are the enemy and you can win the fight. Always fight on your terms, and pick battles of your choosing in a place where you have the advantage. Never meet the enemy on their terms. Understood?”

We all nod and say the same thing – “Yes, father.”

A loud crash comes from the dock and out stumbles Svala and Bodvar. Svala punches Bodvar in the arm. “Clumsy oaf!”

“Ouch! Why d’ya do that for?” Bodvar says, rubbing his arm.

“You fell on me!” she snaps at him. Then she looks up at father. “But father, what if you had no choice?”

Father only laughs as he looks down at the two of them. “Svala, don’t let your mother catch you eavesdropping.” he warns. “If you have no choice, you fight. But fight smartly. Find weaknesses you can exploit and opportunities to gain advantages. There’s always going to be plenty of both in every battle. You just need to know where to look.”

“Just like when we had to engage the Elven trading company who attacked us. You purposely made them chase us until we got to the mountains to the north where the fog is in the ship graveyard,” Thorkel says.

Father nods with a grin. “Yes, exactly. And then we ambushed them and rammed their ship into a jagged rock which put a hole in their hull.”

“How come we didn’t raid their ship?” he asks.

“Because they were hunters, and they had wizards on their ship. If it weren’t for our own magical protections on our ships, they’d easily sink us with magic. However, that protection doesn’t work if we were to raid their ship unless you’re wearing one of the amulets. Even then, they can still beat you with magic without using it on you. Wizards and witches are dangerous. That is why we don’t try to engage the Golden Trading Elves,” father explains.

“Why don’t we get our own witches and wizards?” Thormar asks.

“Do you think we can just grow them out of the ground? They aren’t a crop we can harvest. I don’t know about you, but I have no idea how magic even works. Your mother can use magic, and maybe you boys can, but the vast majority of us Northman can’t use magic. Where do you think we could get witches and wizards, huh?” father asks him as he raises an eyebrow.

Thorkel smacks Thormar on the back of the head. “Thormar, maybe you shouldn’t talk anymore.”

Thormar growls and pushes Thorkel back, which was a big mistake. Thorkel hooks his foot around Thormar’s heel as he pushes his chest, making Thormar fall flat on his ass. Thormar yells at Thorkel and shoots for his legs, but Thorkel ends up getting him in a headlock.

“Boys, that’s enough.” Father sighs as Thorkel slowly releases him. Thormar is fuming as he gives Thorkel another shove. Thorkel goes to punch him, and Thormar nearly trips over his feet as he flinches. Thorkel just snickers. “Are you done?”

Thorkel only shrugs as Thormar glares at him. Father only sighs as he rubs his forehead and then focuses his attention on our older brother. “Thorkel, how can you know the answer if you never ask the question? Never prevent your people from asking questions. That is how they learn. The more questions our people ask, the wiser they become. The wiser our people are, the better we all are as a clan. Knowledge is just as sharp as any weapon, as any sword or ax. That is, if you know how to use it. Thormar, ask any question that comes into your head. But, if you ask the question, you have to be prepared for the answer even if you do not like it. After all, the truth is the truth, regardless of whether you like it or even believe it. Now, if we could get witches and wizards, we would surely use them. Your Aunt Ingithora definitely makes a vast difference on Koll’s ship, and she is only one person.”

Thormar turns to our father, “What about mother and Aunt Sigvor? They can both do magic.”

“Then who will watch over our home and lead our people when we are gone? And who will heal the sick? Besides, your mother does not take well to being on a ship. It makes her…” Father trails off, quickly looking around to make sure no one else is listening to us. “It makes her sick, and don’t you dare tell her I said that. As far as Sigvor, she doesn’t like violence. Now, let’s go back inside before any of you get a cold or your mother looks for us.”

Later, Thorkel and I find Thormar pounding nails into a beam back in the keep. “What in the name of the gods are you doing, little brother?”

Thormar sighs. “Can you just leave me alone for once?”

“Now what kind of brother would I bet if I did that?” Thorkel says with a smirk.

“Look, father said that whenever I do something out of anger, I should take some nails and hammer them into this beam. He didn’t tell me why,” Thormar says as he takes another nail and pounds it into the beam. The part below his knee is covered in nails as he works his way up. Thorkel and I just shrug. Thorkel messes up his hair. “Have fun with that little brother.”

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Broken Souls – Chapter 15

Lura Syllana

For some reason, I cannot wait for the night to come and work to begin. To see Orym again fills me with so much anticipation and excitement. Is that wrong? He’s consumed my thoughts. Especially his gentle kindness and warm touch. I want to feel his hands in my hair once more. To see those bright shimmering eyes upon me.

When the time finally comes, I am so giddy with anticipation that I could burst. As my shift starts, Madame pulls me aside. “It seems you really did a number on that man; he wants you for an entire night and he’s willing to pay handsomely. I don’t know what you did, child, but make sure you do it again. You also might want to reconsider what you’re willing to do. I can only imagine what he’d be willing to pay for your virginity or even just to feel the pleasure of your arse. It would be worth it. I assure you.”

“You might be right. I’ll think about it tonight when I am with him,” I say, trying to hold back a smile and give nothing away. I trust Madame to an extent, but I do not want her to know the way I feel about him. She might think I am a foolish child. I’m starting to think that too.

She nods. “Well, he’s waiting for you in the room on the far wing.”

“Thank you, Madame. I guess I shouldn’t keep him waiting,” I say and force myself to hold back from rushing to him. I try to walk as calmly as I can up to the far wing.

As I walk in, he is standing as he did before, facing the window in his cloak. He turns to me and pulls back his cloak, revealing that handsome face. His eyes seem to widen with awe. As soon as I close the door behind me, he comes to me, taking my face in his hands before he kisses me deeply. Then he quickly pulls back, turning away from me. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be so forceful.”

“Don’t apologize, and I do not consider that forceful. I quite enjoyed it,” I say as my heart races faster.

He turns to me with relief and desire in his eyes. “I requested you for the entire night. I hope that isn’t too much.”

“Not at all. I was actually looking forward to this all day,” I say with a smile.

“I know you’re not comfortable with most things, and I won’t force you to do anything you don’t want. I intend to make this just as enjoyable for you as it has been for me,” he says, taking my hand in his.

“Maybe, with the right man I’d surely consider doing more. Especially if he is as caring and gentle as you,” I say, biting my lip.

“Well, I’ll admit I am a bit jealous of this man. I hope he is worthy of your love,” he says.

“He is you, silly. Or at least I’d like him to be,” I say with a smile.

His grin makes my heart melt. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

He takes me in his arms and nuzzles his nose against mine, making me smile. I lean up to kiss him and his lips take in mine. His arms wrap me up and make me feel safe and loved. He’s a Paladin of the Light, and I can feel that Light shine out from him. He has such goodness in his heart and I want to feel its warmth.

I reach down and start to unbuckle his belt, but he stops me. He pulls back and looks me in the eye. “What’s the rush? We have all night. Let’s cherish the moment and get to know one another.”

Joy washes over my face, and it’s shown in my smile. “I’d like that. A lot.”

“Would you like some wine?” he asks as he walks over to the table where a jug rests along two empty cups.

“Sure.” I linger by the doorway, not sure what to do as I rub my elbow.

He pours us both a cup and hands me one before he goes over to the bed. He takes a long sip and sets it aside. “Will you join me on the bed? I’d like to feel your warmth.”

I nod, taking a sip of the wine before setting it aside and laying down next to him. He wraps me in his arm and lets me rest my head on his chest. His other hand runs through my hair with gentle care.

“So, tell me, Lura, how did you end up here?” he asks.

“Well, I used to live down in Tent City with my parents. I spent a lot of time with my uncle and his crew of thieves. He wouldn’t let me join him on his jobs, but I spent much time pick-pocketing and stealing from vendors. Anything I could to feed my family,” I admit.

“I find it atrocious how people are left to starve and fend for themselves while others live in wealth and hoard it for themselves,” he says as his finger twirls a strand of my hair.

I look up at him to see the righteousness in his eyes. “Yes, it seems like a grave injustice.”

“What more happened for you to end up in this place?” he asks.

“My uncle and his crew were arrested, all because a man who was a brother of one of the guards wanted to force himself on me. He was stopped by my uncle and his friends and tossed out, but he betrayed them and led the guard to my uncle’s hideout and they were all taken. I somehow escaped and went home, but unfortunately, the man led the guard to my parents, and they were taken solely because they were my parents and he wanted me,” I say. The memories bring the pain with them.

“That is awful. Who is this man? Maybe there is something I can do?” he asks.

“No, it’s unimportant now. I snuck into Low Town from a crack in the wall I used to slip in to steal things. I wandered the streets a bit before men tried to take me, but Madame stepped in and took me in. I started serving drinks, trying to save up coin to buy my family’s freedom. But serving drinks doesn’t quite pay enough, so I decided to serve men in a different way. I’m desperate to see my family free. Fortunately, you’re my first customer.” I look up at him with a smile. 

He leans down and kisses my head. “You have a kind soul. I can see that as clear as the night sky.”

“Really? I don’t feel like a good person. Good people don’t sell their bodies for pleasure or steal, for that matter,” I say.

“I wouldn’t say that. I think good people sacrifice what they have for what they feel is right. You are sacrificing your body to follow your heart so that you can one day right the wrongs that have been done to you. I think you’re a very good person. Better than most. Heck, better than most who follow the Light even,” he says, with a sincere smile. “Better than me.”

“I don’t believe that last part. You’re so kind,” I say.

“To you, I am kind, but my sword and hands are soaked in enough blood to damn me for an eternity. You would think following the Light would be peaceful, but unlike priests, Paladins are no stranger to war and death. I joined the faith after my family was brought to the sword by Northern Savages. They slaughtered my entire family and fed on their corpses like demons. My parents worked for the Golden High Elf Trading Company on their ships and would travel to and from Chillshore on merchant ships trading. I was with them this time for whatever reason; I can’t remember. We were attacked when we were taking a shipment from Chillshore down to Barefrost by these savages who feed on the flesh of others. I watched as I hid while my parents were slaughtered and fed on. If it weren’t for the priestess Damaris, I’d be dead. She shielded me and men came from Barefrost, driving the savages back.” He takes a moment to take in a deep breath and let it out as he looks out at the window. “I vowed that I would get my revenge on the savages. I trained to become a warrior, but was brought to the Light by the same priestess who saved my soul. Sister Damaris was once again there for me. She’s kind and true to the faith. I wish all who claimed to follow the Light were like her, but sadly the church is full of those who claim to follow the Light but only serve themselves. Anyway, I will one day return to the north and seek justice against the savage cannibals.”

“I am so sorry for your pain and loss. That is truly awful and sad,” I say as I look up at him and bring my hand to cup his face. He leans into my touch, covering my hand with his own. I wish I could wash away his pain. I want to clean him of all that he suffers from. I get up and kiss him. He pulls me into his arms and holds me close, kissing me softly. “I do know of that priestess you mentioned. She used to come down to Tent City to help the people in need.”

He smiles. “That sounds like her.”

We stay just like this, holding each other with kisses. I want nothing more than to remain in his embrace. But unfortunately, our time together comes to an end. “I feel so guilty. I didn’t even give you the pleasure you paid for.”

“You gave me much more than that, my lady. You gave me peace and warmth. Far more valuable than pleasure,” he says with a smile, giving me another kiss.

“Well, maybe if you’re back tomorrow, I can offer you something more. I still have my virginity, and I want to give it to you,” I say, biting my lip.

He looks worried as he raises a single eyebrow. “Are you sure?”

“I will never find a better man than you to give it to,” I say.

“Then I would be honored to receive such a gift,” he says with another kiss. “Tomorrow, I will make it special. I promise.”

I smile and bite my lip. “I do not doubt that. You’re already special to me.”

He grins before resting his head against mine. We lay like this for a long time, enjoying each other’s warmth. Then, he gives me one last kiss and a smile. “Until tomorrow then.”

I nod. “Until tomorrow.”

After we part ways, I find myself with Tyma and her friends at the Hookah Lounge, telling her every little detail. “That’s great. I’m glad you got a client. Just don’t get your heart wrapped in him. These men can be quite fickle and often cruel. Usually, it’s always the ones who seem so good and pure that have such cruelty to them.”

“I don’t think he has an ounce of cruelty to him. He’s absolutely perfect,” I say. “I hope he is,” she says with a careful smile.

Be the first 100 to sign up for the Arathoon Newsletter and a FREE Digital copy of Shattered Souls when it is released!

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Broken Souls – Chapter 14

fantasy, fantasy novel, Fantasy book, Fantasy story, elves, vikings

Bothvar Beorcolsson

The feast was the biggest I’ve ever seen in our town. Thorkel, Asfrid, Arngunn, and I sit at the head table. Our siblings all sat at a table to the side with the children from the leaders of the other clans.

My father and mother sit with Koll, his wives including my aunt Ingithora and Sigvor along with the leaders of the other clans including the Wolf Clan.

My wife, which is a happy thought, clenches my hand under the table. She doesn’t enjoy being at the center of attention. Especially with such an immense crowd full of important people. There are so many people here that there had to be tables set up outside throughout the town center. I share her feelings. Sitting here with everyone looking is nerve-wracking. I think I’d rather fight Grom and his friends. Thorkel and Asfrid, on the other hand, seem to enjoy it. He was always one for flair and she is cut from the same cloth. I think that’s why we married who we did. Arngunn is as perfect for me as Asfrid is for Thorkel.

The people pound the table and yell at us to kiss. Thorkel and Asfrid laugh. Arni, on the other hand, is as red as the wine we drink. But she turns to me anyways with that sweet, adorable smile only made even more desirable by the blush on her face. She leans up and I sink my lips into hers. The people erupt with cheers. Arni’s face is even redder than the silk around her waist.

My father gets up. silence creeps over the hall and the town as people cram in together to hear what he has to say. “My fellow true Northman. We are a proud people, are we not?”

The crowd erupts in cheers. My father grins and just as the crowd grows quiet, he says one word to get them going again. “Skol!”

The word echoes through the hall and the town as they all say it before quieting down once more. “As proud Northerners, we hold sacred to our traditions, some lost over time and new ones found. And we honor the Gods. And we have seen their presence, today of all days.”

Whispers spread through the hall before getting put out like a flame with a gust of wind. “There is no doubt in my mind that the gods smile upon us. You saw it yourself when they shined down upon the ceremony to bless the marriage of my two sons and my newly wedded daughters by law. As the Wise One said, they will bring us children. Children who’ll carry on our history and culture. That is what it means to be a Northerner. To bring new life into our clans and carry on tradition and culture.”

He turns to us and takes a moment to take us all in. “I haven’t said this enough, but I am proud of my two sons, and I am grateful for the two women they have chosen to marry. Those women surely have their work cut out for them in keeping those two iron heads out of trouble.”

The crowd erupts into laughter. Father gives us a warm smile and a wink. “But, if I am being honest, they remind me of myself at their age. Young and full of pride and ambition. They take on the world as if they had skin of iron. Hopefully, these women can shrink their heads a bit. What is a Northerner without a strong woman by their side? Eh?”

The men and women all nod and agree. Several cheers to it. But not everyone. The old Earl from the Wolf Clan, Bjarni, and his son Vidkunn and his children all seem to keep stoney faces. All but the youngest one who seems to always wear a smile. He even seems to find a friend in Thormar. Somehow, that doesn’t surprise me. But the rest seem to try to keep their distance. There is no love between us, and it is not a world-shattering revelation with the bloody history we share. A cycle of war and death. Which makes Sigvor’s words ring in my head. What did she mean? Whose daughter? Mine? Thorkel’s? What did she mean by the Daughter of the Sea? We are people of the sea, so I guess that makes sense unless she’s referring to something else. The only other possibility I can think of is the god Nasi who we make a sacrifice to before every raid.

“May Fridgerd be praised for giving her blessing on these two unions, but any Kraken knows these two beautiful women were destined to be with my sons.”

A few familiar voices shout out in agreement. Father only nods. “Practically tied at the hip, those four are. This just makes it official. Now, I’ll stop my rambling, and let’s celebrate. Eh?”

The crowd erupts in cheers.

“Bring out the feast!” My father shouts over them, making them cheer even louder. They drum on the table once more and Thorkel gives out a loud laugh. I turn to Arni, who once more has a face the color of a rose as she turns to look up at me. This time I dive right in and kiss her, which leaves her with a big smile. She in return kisses me back. The thralls bring out the food followed by Thyri, the cook, snapping at each and every one of them with her wooden ladle in hand, swinging it around as if it were a battle ax. That woman is as fierce as any Viking Berserker.

They put plates buried in a mountain of food in front of us while putting the major platters on each table. They bring tables outside to put out food for the rest of the town who couldn’t fit inside the great hall.

We dig in and feast until our bellies hurt with delicious beef and pork roasts, potatoes, sweet mazzletofs, string beans, corn dripping with butter, smoked fish, steamed calamari, boiled cabbage smothered with more butter, and melted cheese to cover it all. I wash the food down with a cup of tingle fruit wine, savoring the taste. It’s strange how such a tart fruit makes for a sweet wine. As good as it tastes, it’s that strange fizzle that makes it undeniably delicious. And of course, Thyri personally brought me my favorite, tazzle berry pie. Even though I could puke with how full I am, I still cram the deliciously sweet pie in my mouth.

An argument breaks out between my father, Koll, Einar, and the Wolf Clan leaders, Bjarni and his son Vidkunn, and the one I recognize as Vidkunn’s oldest son… I can’t remember his name… Thor something. Hall or grim or… I don’t know. Baldric and Siv give them all scornful looks. I can certainly verify the claims of them and those wolves firsthand. I shudder at the memory.

I also see Aldam arguing with his two siblings, Baggisli and Oddim Bronzehammer. Aldam slams his fist on the table. His little brother only smirks at him. Baggisli simply shakes her head.

Five women walk up to us. Three seem younger than the other two, but they’re all from the Valkyrie village. I recognize Amalasontha and her daughter Tonna along with the girl, Almedha, from the docks, but the other two I don’t. Although I think the older one goes to the Clan Meetings… Maybe they both do? I don’t know; I need to pay more attention during the meetings, but they’re so boring. She is probably the Matriarch or whatever. They are surely warriors, or were, that I have no doubt.

Arni leans over and whispers in my ear before they arrive. “It is Dasyra Ragnarsdóttir, the Matriarchal Spiritual Leader, along with Amalgunda, the Chieftess, and surely you remember Amalasontha, the War Leader of the Valkyrie clan. And, of course, Tonna is here. I’m sure Asfrid is so happy to see her. The other girl is Almedha, daughter of Dasyra.”

My eyes go wide… Almedha is the daughter of the Spiritual Matriarch? I did not know that.

As a woman who seems a tad bit older than my mother approaches first, I stand to greet her.

“It is a pleasure, Dasyra of the Valkyrie. Along with Amalgunda and Amalasontha. Thank you for joining us in our celebration. Tonna…” I nod at Amalasontha and Tonna and receive one in return. Tonna looks as if she’s holding back a laugh. Amalasontha wears a stony expression, as usual. The other two women also seem to hold back laughs. I look over at Almedha, who’s snickering. “Uhhh… Almedha… It’s good to see you as well. I didn’t realize you were…”

Arni elbows me. I look down and she nods over to the younger woman standing behind the older woman who approached me. “That is Dasyra.”

My eyes go wide. She is no older than I am! Why would she be the Spiritual Matriarchal Leader? And why do they need three different leaders? The woman standing in front of me along with Dasyra both smile. Dasyra speaks up. “It is okay. This happens all the time.”

I eye her warily. Then, the lady who approached first speaks. “I’m Amalgunda, the clan Chieftess, and this is Amalasontha, our war leader.”

Amalasontha finally smiles for the first time that I’ve ever seen as she nods. “We’ve met before, but it was a long time ago when the four of them were just children playing in our woods.”

“I have not forgotten that,” I say with a forced smile.

“We have come to honor you and your wife along with your brother and his wife and will pray for success upon the unions,” Amalgunda says as all three bow their heads.

I do the same in return. “Well, your honor is much appreciated,”

All three women nod and retreat. Tonna leans in. “Way to go, Bothvar. I can’t believe you mistook the chiefess for the Matriarch. I’m sure they were very amused, probably not as much as I was, but it’s been a long laugh in our village at how many people make that mistake.”

“Well, you could’ve given me a heads up,” I say.

“And miss the look on your face when you realize you got it wrong? Nah. By the way, it’s good to see you two. I haven’t seen you, Bothvar, since the All-Clan Meeting, and you, Arngunn, since the forest. I must’ve just missed you at the clan meeting,” Tonna says.

“That’s because Thorkel and Bothvar ditched us,” Asfrid says in a bitter tone as she interrupts. “Didn’t expect to see you here, Tonna…”

Tonna gives her a smile. “It is good to see you too, Asfrid. And you as well, Thorkel.”

“Ahh. it is good to see you again, Tonna,” Thorkel says with his usual smile until he sees the look on Asfrid’s face, and that smile is quickly washed off.

“Maybe at the next All Clan Meeting you can actually make a plan when you try to prank the Wolves and it might actually succeed,” Tonna says.

“Right… And perhaps going through the forest full of wolves wasn’t the best idea,” Thorkel says, with a forced grin before Asfrid’s expression goes from cold to burning hot.

“Well, I am going to go enjoy the festivities. I wish you four the best of luck in your marriages,” Tonna says with a smile and a nod before skipping off.

Almedha smiles as she approaches. “So, did you ever figure out that problem of yours?”

“I think it’ll always be a work in progress,” I say, returning the smile before looking over at Thorkel. I return my gaze to meet Almedha’s vibrant green eyes. “And yours?”

“I could say the same,” she says with a laugh as she looks back at the four walking away. “Well, I wish you four all the best in your marriages. It was nice to meet you, Arngunn. You’re a lucky woman. And you as well, Thorkel and Asfrid. Bothvar, it was good to see you again. Congratulations on your marriages.”

She then walks away, and both Arni and Thorkel lean in, asking what that was all about. I only shrug and tell them I’ll explain later.

I lean over to Arni. “I don’t think I’ll ever understand them. Why is the youngest one the Matriarch? And why do they have three different leaders? Talk about too many skippers on a ship.”

“I wouldn’t be too quick to judge. Besides, I heard a rumor that Dasyra is actually super old, but magic makes her look young. She’s really the daughter of Ragnar Bjornsson. The illegitimate daughter from an elven slave, but daughter nonetheless.” 

“And how did I not know you were hanging with Tonna at the All Meeting?” Asfrid asks my brother, venom dripping from her words. But mutters under her breath. “Even though I figured so.”

Thorkel goes white as snow. “It was nothing. We just saw each other in passing, that’s all.”

“It certainly didn’t sound like nothing. What was this about a prank on the Wolf Clan?” Asfrid asks, crossing her arms against her chest and raising an eyebrow.

“We were just trying to have some laughs at the Wolves’ expense. Didn’t quite go the way we wanted it, and I didn’t know Tonna would join us. It was only a brief moment. Nothing more,” Thorkel says while rubbing the back of his neck. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think he’s sweating.

To my surprise, Baldric and Siv walk up. Baldric is a man with shoulders as wide as the door frames. He towers over most. Siv tosses her red hair behind her shoulder and smirks. She is not short, but it’s hard to deny she’s beautiful. But her face is kinda wolf-like, just like Baldric’s. Not ugly, though. Rather majestic, but intimidating as well. “I see you two haven’t been sulking in the forest since that All Clan Meeting so long ago.”

“I see you two haven’t forgotten it,” Thorkel says, not daring to look at Asfrid. “Maybe next time you can leave your dogs in the woods and we can fight like warriors.”

Siv laughs. “Still wouldn’t be a fair fight for you. Wolves are just naturally stronger and faster than anything else on land.”

“But you wouldn’t dare step foot into the water, because nothing beats the Kraken in the water,” Thorkel retorts.

She only shrugs. Baldric steps up. “Regardless, we didn’t come to cross swords. We came to offer congratulations on your marriages. Maybe another day we can find out who the better warriors are, but today, we will put aside this petty squabbling and show our respect.”

“I’ll be truthful. I didn’t expect this from you two or your clan, but I’ll return the respect.” Thorkel stands up, grabs his goblet, and holds it up. “Share our drink and enjoy the games and festivities. We can fight in the days to come.”

Baldric and Siv nod and toast to that, along with the rest of us. Baldric looks back at our family, arguing with each other. Father still argues with Bjarni and Vidkunn. “If only our family could do the same.”

That actually gets a chuckle out of Thorkel. “Who knew I’d find a laugh from Wolf’s humor. Maybe you’re not so bad after all, Baldric.”

Baldric shrugs. He then nods and his eyes meet mine. It feels as if I’m seeing someone I should know better. Someone I’ve known for a long time, but I’ve only spoken to him maybe once. He nods and I return in kind. Siv’s eyes also catch mine, and there’s a similar feeling there. Her eyes remain on mine for a bit longer before the two of them walk away. 

“What a strange lot they are,” Asfrid says, then she punches Thorkel on the shoulder. “Next time you go off trying to prank the Wolf Clan and don’t invite me, you’re going to be sleeping outside in the cold after I knock your teeth out.”

“Fair enough,” Thorkel says, nearly coughing on his drink.

Semet, the green-eyed elf, walks up and fills our drinks. Arni’s servant that my mother gave her. The two have always been inseparable. When she goes to walk away, Arni stops her. “Semet, why don’t you get something to eat and enjoy the rest of the night? You are my friend and you should celebrate as well.”

Semet smiles and nods. “As you wish.”

More people come to greet us and congratulate us as we eat. Styrkar Hreinsson and his brother Saksis. Both have sons a little older than us and serve on our father’s ship, and so will their sons. Varin Hialtisson, father of Sigvid, who is the father of Solmund and Griotgard, comes to give us congratulations. He has taken Skardi under his wing and is teaching him how to navigate the seas. We tap our mugs with his and drink up.

Earl Trehame of the Builders, a jolly old man with a long beard and a wide belly, comes up with joyful praise and a warm congratulation. He seems like a fun one to be around.

Even the Giant Earl Kveldulf and his wife Thyre, along with their son Bergthor, come up to congratulate us. All three of them can hardly fit into the hall being so tall. Even Thyre is almost half a man taller than everyone outside of the giants.

As the feast finished, we were ushered outside around the large fire where drums, lutes, panpipes, and harps create a festive melody. I pull Arni in my arms, lifting her off the ground and spinning her around while she laughs and holds on.

We move and dance to the flow of the music with Thorkel and Asfrid. Arni wraps her hands around my neck and holds on to me as we spin and move to the beat of the drums.

At some point, Arngunn sees something that upsets her. She pulls away and heads out of the square where everyone is dancing and singing. I follow her out of the crowd and down a side alley into the dark, where I hear a familiar voice of a woman pleading and struggling.

“Get off of her!” Arngunn yells.

I walk past Arni to find Gorm trying to force himself on Semet. She’s in tears as she struggles against Gorm. I pull him off of her and push him back, grabbing her and pulling her over to Arni as she takes the girl into her arms. He growls at me and tries to push me but I bat his hands away and push him against the building. “She is not yours to use!”

Others stop what they are doing and gather to witness. Thorkel and my father push through. “What is going on?”

“It is clear what is going on. Gorm is at it again, disgracing himself,” Thorkel says with a snarl.

Gorm looks at all the other people, grimacing. “She’s just a slave.”

“But she is not your slave,” my father says, stepping up.

“Who cares? She is not a Viking. She is not of our people. She is a filthy elf,” he says, snarling.

“That does not matter. You are damaging someone else’s property. That is as good as theft,” my father says, glaring at him. Gorm meets his gaze with scorn. My father doesn’t back down but glares back with a much deeper intensity. “If I find you trying to steal someone’s property again, you will face some dire consequences. Do you understand?”

Gorm spits on the ground and walks away. My father meets my eyes with a nod before looking over at the slave and my wife, then he looks around. “What are you all standing around for? Let’s get back to the festivities.”

Everyone reluctantly returns to dancing and games. My brother claps his hand on my shoulder before he returns with Asfrid to dance. Sometimes I don’t understand my brother. I still can’t forget what happened that night at the All-Clan Meeting with that slave, yet here he is against it…

 I help Arni escort Semet back into the hall. She takes her back to her own quarters that my father gave her and lets her stay there. Not long after, she returns to me and barricades herself in my arms, leaning up to kiss me. “Thank you, Bothvi. She means a lot to me, and I would not have any harm come to her.”

Leaning down, I press my forehead against hers. “I know, my sweet love. She will be safe as long as I’m around. I remember when we first met her after we learned that your parents died. I know she helped you heal, and for that I will forever be in her debt.”

Arni smiles, bringing her soft delicate hand up to my cheek, caressing it. I wish I could keep the warmth of her touch forever against my skin. I lean into her hand, closing my eyes. She then grabs my beard and pulls me down to meet her kiss.

We head back out to join the fun, singing, and dancing. Playing games and laughing throughout the night. With Arni by my side, my life feels complete. Our dance lasts long into the night before the music stops. My father, mother, and my aunts all walk up. My father steps forward as people gather around. “It is time for the most important part of the ceremony.”

He smiles as he looks at my brother and me. “Time to make me a grandfather. I want a kid from each of you this winter and more to come.”

“What your father is trying to say, it is time to consummate your marriages,” Aunt Sigvor says as she claps her hands together. “A marriage isn’t truly final until it’s consummated and the dowry is paid tomorrow morning, however, this is a special case since the brides’ parents feast in Valholl for the honors they’ve accomplished, they were put in the protection of the Earl. And it wouldn’t make sense for Earl Beorcol to pay himself. We will forgo the dowry. Instead, payment will be made with children to carry on Beorcol’s line.”

“Now let’s get these four into their beds!” my father shouts as we’re suddenly ushered forward, practically dragged and pushed through the great hall into our rooms. However, none of them leave.

“You’re all not going to watch, are ya?” I ask, looking around.

“We have to witness the two of you getting into bed and then we’ll give you some privacy,” Aunt Sigvor says.

I grab the fur blanket and hold it in front of my wife as she slips her dress off and gets in bed. Then I take my shirt and boots off before slipping my trousers off. I slide in next to her and pull her into my arms.

“Okay, now we will leave,” my aunt says as she ushers people out. “Out, out! All of you. Let them get down to baby-making.”

I hear my father yell as he leaves Thorkel’s room. “I better hear the sweet sound of lovemaking. By the time winter ends, I want grandsons. Oh, and don’t rush. You’ll be doing your woman a favor. Take it slow and be gentle.”

We’re finally alone as silence creeps over the room. I get up and put an extra log in the brazier and then slip back into bed. We lay there in the fire’s light, neither saying a word.

There’s tension in the air and it’s as thick as whale blubber. I finally decide to speak. “Well… I guess we should… a… make some babies.”

She laughs and leans up to give me a peck on the cheek. “I don’t know about you, but I’ve never… uh… done any baby making.”

“Well… I once walked in to find my father and mother doing some baby-making once. I think that’s when Bodvar was made.”

“And how were they doing it?” she asks as she reaches up and combs a finger through the beard I’ve been growing. It’s not quite long enough to braid yet.

“Well, my mother was on her hands and knees with my father behind her, but we shouldn’t do it that way because Bodvar is a few ore men short of a full boat.”

She snorts a laugh. “Well, he tends to act before he thinks, but he is still a child. The gods know we weren’t the wisest children. We were always getting into trouble.”

“True,” I say with a smile.

A loud bang rings out from the door. “I don’t hear any baby-making going on.”

I let out a long sigh. “He is relentless sometimes.”

“How about I lay on my back and you just stick it in? That will work, right?”

“Well, I suppose it doesn’t matter how it is done, as long as I lay my seed inside you,” I say as she rolls on her back.

I get up and crawl between her legs. She looks up at me with those crystal blue eyes as shimmering as the sea and bites her lip. “Just be gentle. I heard it hurts the first time. Sigvor told me I’d bleed.”

My eyes go wide. “I don’t want to hurt you, let alone make you bleed. Why would you bleed? We’re not fighting, we’re just making babies.”

“I don’t know. That’s just what she said. But she said it’d only hurt at the beginning and it’ll feel good after you’re inside me for a bit.”

“Well… Just tell me if it’s too much,” I say as I spread her legs and push them up against her. I stroke my cock. Then I go to press it up against her slit.

“Wait!” she says as she pushes me back. Then she turns and gets on her hands and knees, bringing her mouth down to my cock. She looks up at me as she takes my dick in her hands. “Sigvor said to get your cock wet with my mouth and that would help it go in better.”

“You’re going to put my cock in your mouth? That doesn’t seem very… Eh. I guess.” I only shrug, but then I feel her hot, wet mouth wrap around my cock, and pleasure shoots out from it. “Oh, that feels good.”

She takes it out and looks up at me with a smile. “Yeah? You like that? Maybe if you’re good, my handsome husband, I’ll do it more often. It doesn’t taste half bad.”

I smile down at her as I run my hand through her soft hair and bring my fingers to her cheek, gently stroking it with my thumb. “Oh, then I will treat you like a queen if that is the case.”

She laughs and then takes my cock back into her mouth. “For the love of the gods, that feels wonderful. Better than anything I’ve ever felt!”

She slowly sucks on it while moving her tongue around, and I shudder as a passionate fire erupts through me. Who would’ve ever thought of a woman taking a cock in her mouth? I certainly wouldn’t have.

She takes as much of my dick in her mouth as she can before she gags on it. As she catches her breath, she lets it fall from her mouth. She spits on it and rubs the spit around my cock with her hand. She looks up at me with those sapphire gems. “I think it’s wet enough now.”

“Should I use my tongue on your slit?” I ask as she lays back down and spreads her legs.

“Probably wouldn’t hurt,” she says.

I slide down onto my stomach and bury my face between her soft, white thighs. The smell of her cunt drives me wild as I drag my tongue around her slit. I give the insides of her thighs some kisses before diving back in, licking up and down the walls of her slit. She grips my hair. “Oh, my word. Don’t stop, that feels so good.”

I smile and lick my tongue up the little round bead-looking thing and that causes her to cry out. “For the love of the gods!”

She likes that. She thrusts her hips against my face when I do it again. I finally pull away. “I think it’s plenty wet now.”

“Okay.” She pants. I get back between her legs, lifting them against her chest. Slowly, I press my cock up against her cunt and make my descent.

Her eyes go wide as she gasps. “Oooh! That hurts.”

“I’m so sorry. Should I stop? Do you want me to pull it out?” I ask.

She shakes her head no. “Keep going. We have to do this to consummate the wedding. They’ll know if we don’t.”

“Okay, just tell me if it hurts too much,” I say as I continue sliding my cock inside her. It’s so tight. I really have to take my time and slide a finger length by finger length. Stopping each time to allow her time to breathe. 

I slip in a little more, finding a break in her resistance. She screams out in agony. My eyes go wide and I sink my teeth into my bottom lip. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. I will stop. We don’t have to do this. I…”

“It’s okay,” she says in a breath. She whimpers a bit. This isn’t how sex should be. This isn’t how I imagined our first time would go. Whenever I saw my mother and father having sex, they seemed to enjoy it. Our people have never been shy about having sex. Whenever we have large feasts and celebrate, people always have sex out in the open and they all seem to enjoy themselves. Besides a few slaves who didn’t seem to enjoy it. What am I doing wrong? I don’t like seeing Arni like this. She grits her teeth. “Just keep going.”

I lean down and bring my face down to hers as I wrap my arms around her neck. She holds onto my shoulders. Slowly, I continue to push more of my cock inside her. She winces, grits her teeth, and digs her nails into my back. This is not how I pictured our first time together. I don’t go any farther and slowly retreat. She looks up at me, confused. “What are you doing?”

“I don’t enjoy hurting you,” I say.

She smiles wearily at me and then leans up and kisses me. “It’s okay. Just get it over with. This will only hurt this once. That’s what Sigvor and your mother said.”

I grit my teeth and slowly slide my cock inside her and she yells out in pain. My cock is finally all the way inside her. “There it’s in.”

She is gasping for breath. I just keep it inside her without moving. While leaning on one arm, I bring my other to gently swipe the loose hair from her face. Sweat beads on her brow. She finally catches her breath. “I think I’m ready.”

“Are you sure?” I ask.

She nods. I lean down and kiss her. Ever so slowly, I roll my hips back as she bites her lip. I nudge my dick forward and she grimaces. I pause to make sure she is okay. She only nods. So, I continue. I make short, slow movements back and forth. Taking my time and being as gentle as I can be. It’s excruciating. I have the urge to go faster. To thrust my hips in and let loose, but I hold back with all my will. I won’t ever hurt Arni. She has my heart, and hurting her would be like hurting myself. I keep control over my urges and keep it slow. Stopping whenever she winces.

“Don’t stop. It’s starting to feel good.”

“It doesn’t look like it to me,” I say.

“Just keep going,” she says, and I do. I slowly rock my hips back and forth. By the gods, does it feel good. She is so tight. She claws her nails against my back and I groan out. But fuck, it feels so good to be inside her. She moans out as she closes her eyes.

I lean down and kiss her. She kisses me back, running her hands through my hair as I thrust into her at a steadier pace. I pull her head back as I kiss down her neck. A fire of pleasure burns within my cock and ripples through my entire body. I fight the urge to lose control and fuck her harder, but it’s so hard. I just want to let go. The way she looks with her eyes closed as she moans out, pleasure melting on her face drives me even crazier. I lean down and kiss her as she wraps her legs around my waist and pulls me to her. Her hands run through my hair and grips it, pulling me back to meet her kisses.

In this moment, we truly are one. It’s hard to tell where I end and she begins. Arni reaches down and starts to rub the top of her slit, I lay my hand on top of hers and she takes my fingers and guides them along the top of her vagina. I just want to remain like this forever, but I feel so close to erupting. I fight it as long as I can, but I can’t stop myself from falling over the edge as my cock bursts with pleasure as she tightens around me, crying out in ecstasy. I fill her with my seed as she continues to clamp down on me and tremble in pleasure. Her moans are quivering pleas of surrender.

I finally finish as a chill sweeps over my sweat-soaked skin. Pulling myself off her, I roll onto my back and collapse. We’re both panting for breath. She finally rolls to turn to me, leans up, and kisses my cheek. I wrap my arms around her and pull her against my chest. “That was… wow.”

“I know. At first, it hurt. A lot, but the pleasure quickly overcame the pain. I’ve felt nothing like that before,” she says as her finger traces circles on my chest.

“Yes, I agree. I have no words to describe how I felt.” I run a hand through her hair.

“I know you just put a baby inside me. I know it’s a son. He’ll grow up to be big and strong like his father,” she says with a smile.

“I hope I can make him proud to be my son.” My arm moves down to her shoulder and caresses it.

“I know you will,” she says, leaning up to kiss my cheek again. This time I turn and kiss those sweet, luscious lips and she laughs before kissing me back.

“Let us get cleaned up and get some sleep.” I force myself to get up and so does she. That is when I realize there is blood on the sheets and on her as well, coming out of her cunt. Horror washes over my face. “For the love of the gods, what did I do to you?”

“Relax, husband. Sigvor and your mother said this happens to all virgins for the first time they have sex,” she says.

“Let me get us some new sheets, towels, and a wash bucket.” I grab on some britches and rip the old sheets off, taking them out to find my father, mother, aunts, Koll, and several others up.

As soon as they see me, they’re up and are congratulating me. My aunts and my mother take the sheets from me, practically parading them all over with the other women. My father, Koll, and the other men congratulate me. All this for having sex.

Finally, I’m able to get my wife and I cleaned up while slaves replace our sheets just as Thorkel comes out but without bloody sheets. Everyone looks confused. Thorkel shrugs with a sly grin. “We may have done it once or twice before. I didn’t realize we would need to show the sheets.”

The room erupts into laughter. Everyone but my mother, Sigvor, and Ingithora are laughing. They don’t seem happy at all. Mother shakes her head. “You’re going to bring bad luck upon your marriage…” I slip into my room and fall into bed with my wife. I smile at the thought of her as my wife while I pull her into my arms and kiss her shoulder. She snuggles up to me, and we lay like that until sleep takes us.

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Broken Souls – Chapter 13

fantasy, fantasy novel, Fantasy book, Fantasy story, elves, vikings

Lura Syllana

I feel sick to my stomach worrying about what I’m about to do tonight. Am I seriously about to let a man use my mouth in order to make some more coin? My father was mad about me stealing. I can’t imagine what he’d think of this…

As I start my shift at the Brothel, still waiting tables and cleaning dirty mugs, I watch each and every man, wondering who’ll be the one that I will have to serve. I hope it’s not the balding fat elf with drooping ears. Nor the disgusting drunk slob that has half of his meal all down his tunic. And then there’s the tall skinny man missing half his teeth. And what of the short, stubby elf with a gimp?

All of them disgust me. I’m going to have to service one of them. Another man comes in under a hood of a cloak. His face is covered in the shadow. He walks up to Madame and they chat for a bit, her nodding before her eyes slide across the room, landing on me. A smile crosses her lips. She says something to the man before he nods and walks upstairs.

Madame glides across the room to me. “Ready to make more coin?”

I nod reluctantly. She smiles. “Don’t be so reluctant. You’ll want him to enjoy it so he asks for you again. Now come. This man is willing to pay well just for a mouth.”

I follow her upstairs and she stops us right outside the door. “All you have to do is savor his cock like a tasty treat. Listen to the sounds he makes. That will let you know how he likes it. And for the sake of King Volodar, do not let your teeth touch his cock. No man likes that.”

I nod, my stomach tightening. Am I seriously about to do this?

She nods towards the door. “Now go inside; show him what heaven is like and you’ll earn a nice bag of coin.”

I nod, take a deep breath, and let it out. I tell myself, it’s just an act. No more, no less. It’s now or never. I steel myself and walk in. The man has his back to me as he looks out the window. He turns to me, taking off his cowl. His face is more than pleasant. He’s got a beard and mustache with long black hair. His eyes shimmer bright blue. He swallows and steps forward. “You… You’re quite beautiful.”

“Thank you, sir,” I say.

He nods, closing the gap between us. His hand gently brushes up against my face. “Such beautiful eyes. You have a lot of mana inside you. What is someone with as much potential as you doing in a place like this?”

“I… I don’t have many choices. I can’t afford a permit nor can I afford tuition in the Academy,” I say.

“Have you ever thought about joining the Church of the Light? You can learn the Divine use of healing. With your potential, you’d be one of the greatest healers we’ve seen,” he says. I shake my head. I do not want to be shackled to them. Or anyone else. “That’s a shame. The church could use someone of your potential. You’d do a lot of good.”

“Are you with the church?” I ask.

He nods. “Yes. Technically, I am not supposed to be here, but a man has needs. I’m a Paladin.”

“Are people of the church not supposed to have sex?” I ask.

He shakes his head. “In our service to the Light, we are prohibited from another’s love. Our heart belongs to our duty.”

I nod. “I understand, but you wish for the pleasure of the flesh?”

“It is my great weakness. I shouldn’t, but I can’t help it. I need to feel the love of a woman,” he says.

“Then, let me help you with that,” I say as I reach for his belt buckle. This man is someone I can serve. Even though he’s here, seeking the pleasure of my mouth, he seems to be kind and noble. We all have our flaws and I can understand this. I wouldn’t be able to be a part of a church that forsakes love. My heart is too big.

I slowly sink to my knees as I undo his trousers and let them fall to the floor. Standing before me is an enormous cock, thick and wrapped in veins. I look up into the man’s eyes, his beautiful, luminescent, sapphire eyes. Like two gems shining in the moonlight. I wrap my hand around him and feel the pulse of life inside him. I stroke his massive pillar of a cock and feel him shudder.

I do what feels right, bringing my lips to the head of his dick and kissing it softly. He lets out a sigh of release. Then I lick the bottom of his cock all the way to the tip. It doesn’t taste so bad. Not bad at all. His eyes connect with mine as he bites his lip while my tongue swirls around his tip. He gasps as I take the head in my mouth and close my lips around it.

He moans out as I suck on his dick. This isn’t so bad. Not bad at all. It feels like I have this power over him. To make him feel so good with just my mouth. Slowly, I stroke his shaft as I lick and suck on the tip. “That feels so good.”

His hand runs through my hair, gently stroking it. I take more of his dick inside my mouth and have to stretch my mouth open in order to do so. His cock seems to pulse with life as I lick it. “Oh, for the love of the Light, you are so beautiful. Holy Divine Light, that feels good. Don’t stop.”

I pick up the pace and worship his cock as if it were the holy scepter of his church. He moans and groans, his hand gripping my hair as he rocks his hips back and forth. “I’m so close.”

Does that mean… “Oh, holy Light!”

He holds my head as his cock bursts into my mouth, spewing his seed on my tongue. I quickly swallow it as more sprays into my mouth. Honestly, it isn’t all that bad. It tastes sweeter than I thought it would. He finally releases my head and stumbles back onto the bed. “That was the best I’ve ever had. Come, sit with me.”

I do as he asks and lie down next to him. He wraps his arm around me. “What is your name?”

“Lura, sir,” I say.

He rolls on his side to look at me. “I’d like to see you again, Lura. Will you be here tomorrow night?”

I nod, and that earns a smile. “Well, then I’ll be back tomorrow to see you once again. My name is Orym, by the way.”

“It was nice to meet you, Orym. This was my first time and I’m glad it was with you,” I say.

He smiles. “I’m glad I could be your first. I promise, whenever you’re with me, I will make sure it is pleasant for the both of us.”

“I would very much like that,” I say.

He leans in and kisses me on the lips, making my face burn hot. Then he breaks away and gets up, pulling up his pants and buckling them up. “Well, I have to be off before someone notices where I am. I cannot wait to see you again tomorrow, Lura. You are a sweet girl. I hope maybe one day you change your mind about the church.”

I smile at him. “Maybe you can help convince me.”

He grins. “I just might have to.”

Then he leaves, putting his cowl back over to cover his face. That was far better than I ever expected. I think I am in love, but at the same time, it does not feel as I imagined it. He doesn’t look like the man of my dreams, but he is kind and nice.

A moment later, Madame comes in with a wide smile. “I don’t know what you did, child, but you have really outdone yourself. Especially for your first time. He wants to see you again tomorrow. Here. You’ve earned this.”

She hands me a pouch of coins. The biggest pouch I’ve ever held in my entire life. I look in it and find it is all silver. My eyes go wide as I look up at her and, before I know it, I hug her once more. “Thank you so much!” “Don’t thank me, you earned it,” she says, patting my head.

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Broken Souls – Chapter 12

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Bothvar Beorcolsson

She practically drags us out all the way through town as people wish us luck. She leads us all the way to the carved wooden altar of Fridgerd, the goddess of marriage, love, and fertility. The mother of the gods. There, our aunt, the wise one Sigvor, awaits along with our father. My mother pushes us forward to stand in front of them. Sigvor wears a very nice linen dress with her dark hair done in a braid. Her eyes show joy as her lips try to touch them in a smile full of warmth. She has on an elegant headdress with antlers decorated with flowers.

Sigvor smiles down at both of us from the altar. “Today is a day of celebration. We have come here to witness the union of brothers with sisters.”

For the love of the gods, when she says it like that, it makes it seem like I’m wedding my sister. “These two brothers bound in blood, the same blood that I share, have come here to forge an eternal bond between two sisters who are also bound in blood, uniting two families as one.”

She takes a step down so she is standing on our level and looks us both in our eyes. She turns to Thorkel first, taking his hands in hers. “Do you, Thorkel, son of Beorcol, come to bind your love with that of Asfrid, daughter of Hrut?”

“I do with all my love,” he says with a smile.

She nods and releases him before turning to me, taking my hands in her own. Her warm touch spreads through my own body. “And do you, Bothvar, son of Beorcol, come to bind your love with that of Arngunn daughter of Hrut?”

I nod over-enthusiastically. “I do with all my heart.”

My aunt’s smile widens. “Good. Now you two may join your father upon the altar.”

“Now bring out the brides to be,” she says as Thorkel and I take our place next to our father.

Thorkel and I wait with eagerness. It suddenly dawns on me how many people are here watching us as we stand at the altar on top of the hill in front of the mountains. Nearly every street is filled with people. All the way to the docks, people stand to watch. Not just people from our entire town, but leaders of other clans as well. I’m surprised to see that even the Earl and his family from the Wolf Clan have come. A man about my age catches my attention as his eyes meet mine. I can feel him sizing me up. He’s tall, with broad shoulders, hair that looks like the night, and a stare as cold as ice with eyes glimmering green. Next to him is a very beautiful woman the same age as him, with hair as red as fire and matching glistening green eyes. There’s no mistake about it, it’s the twins Baldric and Siv, grandchildren of Earl Bjarni. They’ve grown a bit since the All-Clan Meeting, where we tried to sneak up on their tribe, if that can be imagined. I still can’t figure out why there’s something so familiar about Baldric and Siv. I just have this nagging feeling we know each other. 

I tear my eyes away from them and see some familiar faces. The Valkyrie clan watches from the opposite side of the aisle. The War Chieftess, Amalasontha, stands as she acknowledges us with a nod of her head. Her eyes seem to pierce into me like they did when Thorkel, our friends, and I got caught on her land so long ago. Next to her is the smiling face of Tonna. She is beautiful, to say the least, with her long brown hair in elegant braids. Her face appears delicate but also has a sharpness to it. She gives us both a wave. I find myself smiling as I wave back. I will never forget the time she taught Thorkel, Vog, Solmund, and Griotgard how to fight with a staff. I wonder what Asfrid will think when she finds out she’s here. I remember quite clearly; she wasn’t very fond of her. Did she ever learn that we were spending time with her at the All-Clan Meeting? Next to her is another woman as old as Amalasontha, two younger women, and one that I recognize. I met her at the All-Clan Meeting. She’s the girl from the dock… What was her name… Almedha! She looks as beautiful as ever with braided brown hair and her smile. She gives me a nod and I return it.

My breath catches as our aunt Ingithora ushers out the two most beautiful women in all of Aratheon. One, in particular, I can’t look away from. Her face is veiled in a see-through sheen, but I can clearly make out every gorgeous detail of her beauty. Her eyes are as deep as the sea with a blue that makes all the sapphires in the world seem dull. Her golden blonde hair is swirled up in a bun with flowers and lacy pink ribbons wrapped and decorated in it.

Her dress is a pure white of the finest linen. It’s even got a red silk belt wrapped around her slim waist that contrasts with the deep blue silk belt wrapped around Asfrid. My mother rarely ever parts with her silk. It tells me how much she really likes the two.

Arngunn’s smooth creamy skin shows the touch of sun with a golden glisten. When her eyes meet mine, it feels as if we are the only two people here. The rest of the world seems to fade away. And when she bites her lip, a fire burns inside of me.

They are brought in front of Sigvor. “Asfrid and Arngunn, daughters of the late beloved Hrut who is now feasting in Valholl with his beloved wife, Grimhild. You have come to intertwine your fates with Thorkel and Bothvar, sons of Earl Beorcol, and my sister Thorkatla Alvisdottir. Since both of your parents have passed away, Thorkatla, the mother of Bothvar and Thorkel, and Earl Beorcol, their father, have taken both of you in and adopted you. Thorkatla is here to give their hands away in marriage.”

Our mother steps forward and takes both of their hands in hers. “Thorkatla, do you hereby pass over their hands in marriage to Thorkel and Bothvar?”

“I do,” mother says.

Sigvor looks at Arni and Asfrid. “Asfrid and Arngunn, daughters of Hrut, do you two vow to love and care for Thorkel and Bothvar, sons of Beorcol, until your last voyage to the halls of the gods?”

Both women nod. “We do.”

Sigvor then turns to us. “Do you, Thorkel and Bothvar, take Asfrid and Arngunn’s hands in marriage, to protect and love until your last voyage to the halls of the gods?”

“We do,” we both say in unison.

“You may take their hands.”

Thorkel and I step down as our mother holds their hands up for us and we take them in our own. The warmth of Arngunn’s hand within mine makes my soul come alive. Her skin is as soft as the silk she wears around her waist. We all take a step up to the altar.

“Bring the sacrifice,” Sigvor says.

A goat is brought forward. Sigvor steps up to the altar and grabs a knife and a bowl. She steps down to the slave holding the goat and places the bowl underneath its neck. “With this sacrifice, we seek the God Fridgerd’s blessing upon these sacred unions of marriage so that they may prosper with good fortune and bear many children.”

With a sharp cry from the goat, she slits its throat. Blood sprays out and spills into the bowl, and the goat flops down onto the floor. She takes the bowl, walks up to the altar, and mixes different herbs within the bowl before placing it in Fridgerd’s open hands. Then she chants in the old tongue. Words I cannot understand.

Suddenly, a light shines down on the bowl so bright it nearly blinds us. Gasps are heard throughout the crowd. And then it’s gone. It takes several moments to be able to see.

Sigvor turns around so quickly it causes Arngunn to squeeze my hand. She looks hard at the four of us as if she cannot decide what to do. “I have just had a vision.”

Our father steps forward. “What did you see?”

“A daughter… A Daughter of the Sea will be born from the consummation of tonight. She’ll bring…”

I hear her mumble war and death under her breath as she stares off into the sea. Whose daughter? Ours? Thorkel’s? What could she possibly mean?

She shakes her head and rubs the dip between her eyes. “Where was I?”

She looks over at the bowl. “Right… It seems Fridgerd has put her blessing upon these two marriages.”

She grabs the bowl from the hands of the statue of the goddess. Then she dips a brush and she gasps. That’s when I see it. The bowl that was filled with goat’s blood instead has a golden liquid within it. She looks up at us. “Fridgerd has truly shined upon you.”

She dips the brush into the golden liquid and splashes it upon each of us. It burns, but it doesn’t hurt. It feels as if it washes through me.

“With that, the ritual is complete,” she says wearily. Her eyes searching us for answers.

“I think this means it is my turn now,” our father says as he steps up, hesitantly.

“Ri… right,” Sigvor says as she steps aside without taking her eyes off of us.

“Now, bring us the swords and rings. I promise, there will be no surprises with my part,” he says, getting a reluctant laugh from the crowd. He gives a half-hearted smile and quickly runs a hand through his now braided hair that is showing the first signs of gray.

My brothers and sister, along with Koll Alriksson’s youngest daughter, all walk forward. My brothers carrying swords and the girls carrying the rings.

They hand each of us a ring and a sword. We place the ring upon the sword. My father looks at us all. “Thorkel, Bothvar, you both hold two swords that have been passed down from father to son. They hold the protection of our ancestors all the way from the great Bjorn himself who discovered this world.”

I hear a mutter from Vidkunn Bjarnisson of the Wolf tribe, which also catches my father’s eye and earns a smirk from him.

He turns to the women. “The sword you hold into your hands is forged anew with my blessing. Hrut was a good friend of mine and as close a brother as one gets. I know these swords have his protection and mine.”

He smiles down at us and turns his gaze to my brother. “Thorkel, my son. Do you swear to the gods that you want to marry Asfrid, daughter to Hrut?”

“I do more than anything,” he says.

He then turns to me. “And you, Bothvar, my son. Do you swear to the gods that you want to marry Arngunn, daughter to Hrut?”

“I do with all my heart,” I say, earning a nod from my father.

His gaze turns to Asfrid. “Asfrid, daughter of Hrut, do you swear to the gods that you want to marry, Thorkel, my son?”

“I swear I do,” she says, biting her lip.

My father smiles at her before turning to my soon-to-be wife. “And lastly, you, Arngunn, daughter to the great and late Hrut, my dear friend. Do you swear to the gods that you want to marry my son, Bothvar?”

“I want to marry him as much as I want to breathe,” she says.

“I’ll take that as an I do,” my father says, earning a few chuckles from the crowd. He smiles at that as his eyes shift up to them. “Well, who would have thought these four would marry each other?”

The villagers of our town roar in laughter. “I definitely wouldn’t have bet against it. Now. With the sacrifice made and the vows said, I proudly announce you all as married. Exchange the rings and one more thing for my sons.”

We exchange the rings on the tips of the swords, place them on our fingers, and look up at my father. “For the love of the gods, kiss your brides.” More laughter from the crowd as I wrap my arms around my wife and kiss her deeply, lifting her up off the ground. She is my wife!

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Broken Souls – Chapter 11

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Bothvar Beorcolsson

“For the love of the gods, do you remember as younglings when we used to come here all the time to try to lift that hammer?” Thorkel asks as we enter the cave together. This time, we’re much older than we used to be. Father is retired from raids, and now Thorkel is captain and raid leader. It’s crazy to think about how things have changed. After winter passes, I will become a man and I can finally join my brother out on raids. To say I’m nervous would be like calling a thunderstorm a sprinkle. I’m terrified. But that is tomorrow’s problem. I cannot worry about tomorrow’s problem when today I can rejoice.

Today, my brother and I will get married. To say it like that sounds just wrong. My brother is marrying Asfrid and I will marry Arngunn. Not a person in our village is surprised by this. We’ve been all but inseparable since we were just little younglings. My brother and Asfrid only waited so long so that we could all be wedded on the same day and share our joy. And I am definitely nervous.

“Relax,” Thorkel says. “You look as strung up as a drawn bowstring.”

“How can you be so calm when we’re about to be married men? This… This is… This is the most important day of our lives. This is the day we will be wedded to the women that we love. That will bear our children.”

“Brother… You are making war out of a dispute.”

“I am not. Why would I want to make war? That’s not what I want.”

Thorkel only drags his hand down his face, yanking at his braided blonde beard. “You’re making this more than it needs to be. Nothing will change for the most part. You already spend most days with Arni as it is. There is no need to make yourself worry.”

“But it is a big deal. She will be my wife. That means we can have children, right? What if I am not a good father? What then? What if my son thinks I’m not a good warrior?”

Thorkel shakes his head before he walks up to me and puts his hands on my shoulders. I stare into his blue eyes that are just like mine and our father’s. His blonde hair has grown long. “You need to believe in yourself more. That’s your problem. You are so filled with doubt that you do not think you are capable of anything. And you spend too much time thinking about what you will do wrong. Stop thinking about what could happen in the future. Spend more time thinking about what you need to do to become a good father and a good warrior. That is how you need to think. But at some point, you’ll need to stop thinking and start doing. It is one thing to think about what you need and another thing to do it. That is what father taught me, and something you still need to learn.”

“I wish I got to spend more time with father.” I look up at the hammer, still sitting there with its gold trim and words no one can read. It hasn’t aged or even gained a spec of dirt on it.

“You will. It is good most of the time. He can be a real bastard at times, but even then, you’ll realize it’s all a lesson. It always is with him. He’ll groom you into what he wants you to be. The man is as sharp as a freshly made battle ax by the grumpy old dwarf.”

“Of course, he is, that’s why his name will always be remembered in history, and so will yours and probably the old grumpy dwarf,” I say, getting a laugh from my brother.

He squeezes my shoulder. “Yours will too if you can believe in yourself.”

He lets go and walks over to the hammer and gives it one more tug to no avail. “It was worth a try. It seems no matter how strong I get; I still can’t lift the damn thing. Are you ever going to give it a try?”

I shrug. “Ehh. Even with the hammer, I doubt I could ever be as good a warrior as you.”

His face goes stale. “That’s because you never try.”

“We figured you two would be here,” a warm, familiar feminine voice echoes out.

Both Thorkel and I look up to find Asfrid and Arngunn walking in. Asfrid smiles as she walks up to the hammer. “It feels like it was not that long ago we were here as younglings. Remember the time your mother and Sigvor caught us fighting with Gorm and his henchmen?”

“How could I forget?” Thorkel asks as he looks at her with a smirk. “Our mother had us doing slave work until father came home. But at least we gave Grom a good arse kicking.”

Arngunn’s smile warms my heart and is the reason it beats. I take her hand and gently squeeze it. “That day was not my finest moment. I stood like a coward while you all fought.”

Arngunn’s smile vanishes as she looks at me with confusion. “That is not how I remember it. You protected me while I hid behind you. I was the coward.”

“That’s not true. You were only a little girl, there wasn’t much you could do. But I let my brother, Solmund, and Griotgard fight an unfair battle without aiding them.”

“Ehh, don’t turn a raindrop into a thunderstorm,” Thorkel says waving us off with his hand. “We were children. Besides, Skardi was the fool on the ground laughing. Although I’m still not entirely sure it was these mushrooms. I’m starting to believe that’s just who he is.”

Asfrid laughs. “He is definitely a few arrows short of a full quiver, but that’s why we love him. He’s mad for sure, but a genius in his own right.”

“Yes, I couldn’t have said it better myself.” Thorkel smiles at her.

“Why did you two come up all this way? Don’t you know it’s bad luck to see your betrothed before the ceremony? Our marriage is sure to have bad luck now,” I say.

“Oh, don’t be so superstitious. It won’t change anything. We’ll still be together no matter what. It was fated by the gods,” Arngunn says as she puts her warm hand against my cheek. I hold it there.

“You know, I’ve read many books since coming here as children and I still haven’t discovered what these runes mean,” Asfrid says as she kneels by the hammer, taking a closer look at its inscription.

Thorkel shrugs. “It’s just words. What significance could words have anyway?”

Asfrid only shakes her head. “One day your lack of knowledge will hurt you. I just hope I can make you see the error of your ways before that day comes.”

He laughs as he pulls her into his arms. “I will not stop you from trying.”

We ignore them as Arni and I both brush strings of hair out of each other’s faces. She leans in and our lips touch. Her kiss is as sweet as ripe summer berries.

“Are you four going to miss your own wedding day?” All four of us break apart as Skardi, Solmund, and Griotgard walk in. “Thorkel, Bothvar, your mother is about ready to commit murder. She already threatened to turn us all into pigs if we do not get you four down there to get ready.”

“He’s not jesting. I saw her toss a mug of mead at your father. He’s now hiding in his ship. Your mother scares me. Can she really turn us into pigs?” Griotgard asks.

“I don’t know, but I wouldn’t doubt it. I’ve seen her do stranger things,” Thorkel says with a visible tremble. “We better go. I do not want to incur her wrath.”

“Do you think we can do magic? We are her children after all. We did come out of her womb. You’d think we’d be able to do a little bit,” I ask as we hurry down the slope of the mountain and rush back through the gate.

Thorkel only shrugs. “Don’t know, don’t even want to try.”

There’s no sneaking back into town as our mother is on us like an eagle diving down on its prey from the sky. “Where have you four been? We have been working tirelessly to prepare such a special day and you four disappear on us!”

She looks at Asfrid and Arngunn. “I’m not mad at you two, only these halfwits. But still, it is bad luck to see your betrothed before the ceremony. Why don’t you both go find my sister Sigvor and the rest of the women? They’ll get you all ready for the ceremony.”

She turns on us with a finger out. “And you two. You are lucky you are now men, even though you seem to behave otherwise, or I would have you doing slave work for the foreseeable future! I had torn apart half the town looking for you two. Don’t you dare say a word. Just because you are men doesn’t mean I can’t tan your hide like I once did when you were boys. Today of all days you have to wander off. You two are just like your father. Always getting into trouble. I swear to the gods, you two will be the death of me. Thank the gods Thormar is nothing like you two. I hope and pray Svala and Bodvar don’t grow to behave like the both of you. Now come on. You both need a bath and something needs to be done about your hair!”

She practically drags us by our beards before tossing us into the hall. If we had an army of women like her, we’d be unbeatable. My mother’s servants attack us, forcing us into the bathhouse, scrubbing the filth off us and doing up our hair while mother has us dress in proper linens. She even puts some gooey stuff in our hair to make it look slick and practically gives us a second bath in these strong-smelling oils that smell like the forest.

Then she examines us with a fine-tooth comb, straightening wrinkles, licking her thumb to swipe our eyebrows, and dusting off our shoulders until she’s satisfied with how we look. Then the strangest thing happens. Her entire face contorts as tears stream down from her eyes and she pulls us both in a hug tight enough to put a bear to shame. Women are truly strange creatures. “Oh, my boys. You’ve grown up so fast. Where did all the time go? You’re getting married. Oh, for the love of the gods, you’re finally tying the knot. You could not have picked two finer girls than Asfrid and Arngunn. The gods must have written it in the stars; you four were born to be together. I’m so happy to finally see this day. Oh, I’m just sad it came so soon. One minute you were babies, and now you’re both full-grown men.”

She sighs as she grabs a cloth to wipe her eyes. And just like that, she’s back to being the woman I know as she jams her finger into both of our chests. “Don’t you go screwing this up? This will be the best thing to happen to you until you have children of your own. And the gods know more than any that you two need a good woman to keep you out of trouble. Even so, it hasn’t done your father much good. Where is he, anyway? You both stay right here. I swear to the gods if I come back and you’re both missing, you’ll wish I tanned your hides.”

She storms out like a gust of wind from the north. “Psst. Psst.”

Thorkel and I trade looks. “You heard that, right?”

He nods. We look around. “Psst.”

That’s when I see our father poke his head out from behind the hallway to the barn. “Is it safe to come out? Is she gone?”

I fight the laughter trying to force its way out and nod. He relaxes as he walks into the hall, straightening his fine linen clothing before he eyes us, stroking his long, dirty blonde beard. His blue eyes seem to see right through us. “Thank the gods. I truly thought she was going to turn me into a pig. I know she can. I’ve seen her do it. The woman can be completely mad sometimes. I love her, but she is one of the few things I am truly afraid of, and if you know what’s good for you, you’ll fear your wives as well. Now come here, you two. I’ve got something I want to tell you.”

We both walk up to him as he puts a hand on each of our shoulders. “You’re men now. About to be married men at that. I’m proud of you both. Many people think to be a true Viking is to be a fearless warrior who raids and fights to earn his spot in Valholl. That is certainly true. But a true Viking is also a good husband. At least as good as he can be. Sometimes it can be really difficult. Especially when your wife threatens to turn you into a pig and she has the power to do so.”

He quickly looks around, an instant of fear in his eyes. It is an absurd thing to see one of the bravest warriors I have ever known cower in fear of his own wife. Even so, I don’t lose any respect for my father because I know that fear all too well. It is a confusing fear. Even though I fear the woman, I love her with all my heart.

“As I was saying, being a Viking is more than being a sea warrior, or a husband for that matter. You have to be a father. There is no more important task in being a member of the Kraken clan than carrying on our legacy through your children. I know, I haven’t always been present in your lives. Especially you, Bothvar, but if you learn anything from me, learn what I have just told you. Take care of your family. Take care of your wife and the children she gives you. Protect them with your own life if the gods require it. And for the love of the gods, do what you can to avoid angering your wife. It is an impossible task and you will fail at it. Trust me, I know this to be true, but try, nonetheless. Do this, and you will always have my pride. My love is already and always will be yours,” he says as he looks us both in the eyes. It always feels as if those eyes see everything. “Now come here.”

He grabs both of our heads and pulls us in for a hug. “This day is a day for praise and celebration. Enjoy it. For this is the last day of your freedom.”

We both pull back and look at him with a fair bit of caution, but before we can say anything mother barges in, and father’s eyes go wide with a moment of fear. “There you are! I’ve been looking for you everywhere! How is the feast coming along? Do we have enough food for everyone? Did you prepare for a sacrifice as I asked you to? What about the sacred artifacts for the ritual of marriage? My sister is already set to perform the ritual to bind them in marriage. For the sake of the gods, Beorcol, do something about your hair and that wild mess of a beard. This is a very important day and you look like a raggedy vagabond.”

“For the sake of the gods, woman, one at a time! The feast is well on its way to being ready. I’ve got three pigs, a bull, six chickens, and a bear we managed to hunt being cooked as we speak. We got enough food to feed the town twice over. And remind me what the other things were again.”

Thorkel and I can hardly hold in our laughter. Father gives us a cold stare. “Just you two wait. You’ll experience this soon enough.”

Just then, Bodvar and Svala rush in with Thormar on their heels and the dog, Ruffles, dashing in behind. “Slow down! I swear to the gods if you mess the hall up, you’ll be in a world of hurt.”

I still can barely fathom how old they’ve all gotten. Thormar is now as old as I was when Thorkel went out on his first raid with Father and Svala’s not far behind. Bodvar has gotten big as well. He’s now as old as Thorkel was back when we discovered that hammer. These days seem to go by far too fast.

My mother’s glare turns back on my father. “I was saying, have you gotten everything needed for the ritual? Sigvor gave you a list.”

“Ahh, yes, I got it all. Don’t worry. Oh, and Kadal and his wife, Ulfeid, along with their children are here, and Eawyn, Teowulf’s widow, is here with her daughter… Scyra, I think her name is. And the Valkyrie tribe is here. The three chieftesses, Dasyra Ragnarsdóttir, Amalgunda, and Amalasontha, have also arrived with their kin. I still don’t understand why the women need three chieftesses. Makes little sense to me. Is that all?” my father asks.

My mother’s eyes go as wide as rubies as she attacks my father’s beard and hair. “Why didn’t you say something sooner? Have they been properly greeted and welcomed? Has anyone else arrived? What about Trefor from the Builder’s Clan? And Thorweald of the Eagle Clan? I doubt he’ll come though, because the Eagles rarely ever show up to anything. I will warn you; I sent out invitations to Bjarni and the Wolf Clan, but I don’t think they will come.”

Father’s eyes got even wider than mother’s. “Are you crazy, woman? Why would you invite those bastards from the Wolf Clan? You can’t trust a Wolf. They’ll only cause trouble. They’re treacherous. If it wasn’t for King Teowulf, may he feast in Valholl, I would’ve killed them all. And for the sake of the gods, stop tugging!”

“It was the right thing to do for such an occasion like this. At least we can say we tried. Now, hold still! This beard isn’t even fit to nest a bird. Why didn’t you have it braided as I asked? Come. I’ll have one of the slaves do it,” she says as she literally drags him by the beard.

“I hope that isn’t something we have to look forward to,” Thorkel says, wide-eyed.

“I don’t think so. Asfrid and Arni are nothing like our mother. Right?” I look up to him for reassurance and find none.

He only shrugs. “At least they can’t do magic.”

We both chuckle, but I stop short. What if they can do magic? “Right… I mean. They can’t do magic, right? I’ve never seen them do magic. Have you?”

“I don’t even know how one does magic. I mean, when mother does it, I do feel something. I don’t know what, but it’s there. But I still have no idea what she is doing. Ehh… Who needs magic anyway?” he says as he runs his hands through his slick, braided hair.

Svala and Bothvar come running back with Ruffles at their feet and Thormar chasing after them. Thorkel grabs Bodvar and Svala by the collars of their tunics. “Better stop playing. You don’t want to get mother madder than she already is.”

“Yeah, he’s right for once. Now give me back my compass!” Thormar says. I just noticed the scruff growing on his face. Thorkel waves his hand at the two and Bodvar finally pulls out the compass from around his neck and gives it to Thorkel, who hands it to Thormar.

“I see someone growing some pig hair,” I say, and Thorkel bursts out laughing.

Thormar quickly rubs his face as it turns bright red. “It’s just the start. One day I’ll have a beard better than both of yours.”

“I’m glad I won’t get a beard. Why do you even want hair on your face?” Svala asks.

“It keeps your face warm during winter and out on the sea,” Thorkel says.

“Will I grow a beard?” Bodvar asks as he rubs his face.

“I’m not so sure about you. Only real Viking men grow beards. Do you think you’re tough enough?” Thorkel asks as he squats down to Bodvar’s level.

Bodvar puffs out his chest and beats a fist against it. “I am tough enough. Yesterday, I mounted the bull and rode him for five full breaths before he bucked me off.”

Thorkel bellows a laugh. “You might just prove to be Viking yet.”

“He reminds me of you,” I say, slapping his back. “Don’t let mother find out you did that or she’ll have you cleaning up pig shit for the rest of the summer.”

“Oh, for the love of the gods, he’s right. Bothvar and I have spent many days cleaning pig shit for the trouble we got into!” Thorkel spits out, laughing.

“That is gross. I’m glad I don’t have to do that. Mother’s been forcing me to train with Aunty Sigvor to become a wise one, but I don’t want to. I want to be a shield maiden. If you tell anyone, I will put a dead fish under your bed, but father has given me a few lessons in private. It’s a secret,” Svala says.

“Oh, is that so? Well, I suppose I won’t tell anyone,” Thorkel says, shrugging.

Svala glares at him. “I will have Ruffles shit on your pillow if you utter one word about it to mother!”

We all laugh. Thorkel’s face grows still. “Did you really teach him to do that?”

Svala only smirks. “You won’t want to find out for sure. Besides, I want to be just like Aunty Ingithora. She goes out to sea with uncle Koll and fights beside him. I heard she cut a man’s head off who tried to attack uncle Koll. She’s a true warrior!” Svala puffs out her chest and pretends to be just like her.

“What about me? Don’t you want to be like me? Aren’t I a true warrior?” Thorkel asks, sticking out his bottom lip.

“Yes, but you’re a man. I don’t want to be a man. I want to be a woman. A shield maiden. And a sea navigator like Aunty Ingithora. I heard she can see the land from the other side of the sea!” She claims.

“I don’t know about that, but I’m sure if you work hard enough you can become a warrior just like her,” I say, scuffing up her hair. She smacks my hand away. “Maybe you should ask her to teach you how to navigate the sea.”

“I have and she is.” Her eyes go wide as her hands clamp against her mouth. “I wasn’t supposed to tell anyone about that. It was supposed to be a secret.”

We all laugh. This time, Thorkel messes her hair up. “Don’t worry little sister, your secret is safe with us.”

“I want to be like father, uncle Koll, great uncle Alvi, and Aldam. Aldam’s so strong he can shatter a boulder with a swing of his hammer. I saw him do it,” Bodvar says as he imitates him. “That’s why I collect hammers, because I want to be as strong as him.”

Thorkel just smirks. “Is that so? You really think you can be as strong as him?”

He flexes his muscles to show us. “I’ll be so strong; you bloody goat turds won’t be able to beat me.”

We all laugh as Bodvar crosses his hands against his chest. “You are a bunch of arselickers with cowpies for brains.”

That only makes us laugh even harder.

“You know, in two summers, I will be old enough to go with you both on sea raids,” Thormar declares.

“Is that so?” Thorkel asks as he brings his hand up to his beard to stroke it and his eyes narrow to consider Thormar.

“It is so. I’ll become a man and I’ll get married too,” he says in all surety.

“Well, age isn’t the only thing that determines if you’re able to raid or not. You have to be brave, capable, and competent. Are you those things?” Thorkel asks.

“Well… Yeah. I think so,” Thormar says as he runs a hand through his blonde hair. The back is completely shaved while Thorkel and I have our sides shaved and the tops long with the hair braided in typical Viking fashion.

“What does it mean to be competent?” Bodvar asks.

Thorkel and I chuckle.

“I’m competent. Does that mean I can raid?” Svala asks.

“You don’t even know what that means either,” Bodvar says as he kicks the back of her knee, making it buckle.

She turns to him and gives him a good kick in the shin, which earns a loud cry from him as he hobbles on one foot, holding his leg. “What in the name of Hel did you do that for?”

“Because you deserved it,” she says, folding her arms against her chest and sticking her tongue out at him.

Bodvar goes to kick her right back, but she dodges out of the way and sticks her tongue at him again.

“Who are you going to marry, Thormar?” Thorkel asks with a devious grin.

“I don’t know yet, but whoever she will be, she’ll be a shield maiden,” Thormar declares, beating his chest. “A smart one at that, like Aunty Ingithora.”

“I want to marry Greiland Kollsdottir. She’s a shield maiden, and she’s got a big butt,” Bodvar says. Thorkel and I nearly keel over with laughter. Bodvar tilts his head at us. “What? What is so funny?”

“Nothing, little brother, nothing at all,” Thorkel says, patting his shoulder.

Our great uncle Alvi pops in with Gudrod behind him. Gudrod is all smiles as he walks up to us. “Hey, Thorkel! Hey, Bothvar! I can’t believe you are both going to get married, although I’m not surprised it’s to Asfrid and Arngunn. Are you guys nervous?”

“Of course not,” Thorkel says with a smile, puffing out his chest.

“Speak for yourself,” I mumble under my breath.

“I would be. Do you guys need any help with anything?” the boy asks with so much enthusiasm.

“I think we’re all good, Gudrod. But thank you for asking,” I say.

“Well, you boys have grown up right before my very eyes. I could not be prouder,” great uncle Alvi says. “I swear to the gods, I blink and you go from a couple of knuckleheads who constantly get in trouble to full-grown men. Time stops for no one.”

“You can say that again,” Thorkel says, scratching his beard.

“Well, we just came to congratulate you two. It couldn’t have been a more perfect pairing,” Uncle Alvi says with a smile. “Just remember, a happy wife makes a happy life. Cherish the time you spend with them; you never know what moment will be your last. Trust me, I’m an old man who’s lived it all.”

“We will take your word for it, uncle,” Thorkel says, patting him on the shoulder. But uncle pulls us both into a great big hug.

Then Thormar pesters him with more questions about his journeys. Especially west. Great Uncle Alvi, along with my father, are some of the few Vikings who journeyed west and lived to tell about the tale. Of course, this was long before they were betrayed by my uncle Borgar.

Just then, my father’s long-time friend, Koll Alriksson, the husband of my mother’s sister, Ingithora Alvisdottir, walks in with her by his side. His other two wives must be with our betrothed. With him is their eldest, Veleif, who is much older than Thorkel by several cycles, along with the second eldest son, Svafar, who is just a few cycles older than Thorkel, and Saxi, who’s also older than Thorkel. Gilli and Tyrkir bring up the rear. Gilli is Thorkel’s age, while Tyrkir is my age. The five daughters and the wives of the sons must be with Koll’s other wives. I just noticed Starolf Saxison, Gudrik Svafarson, and Hunbogi Veleifson walk in behind. All three are Thormar’s age. Their family is enormous enough to man Koll’s ship without the aid of outsiders. That in itself makes Koll’s family one of the wealthiest aside from our own. It helps when you don’t have to cut your profits to your crew when they are all your children or your children’s children. I couldn’t imagine having three wives, especially seeing what my own father has to deal with. Koll is a patient man.

“It is good to see you all on this fine day, my nephews and my little niece,” Aunt Ingithora says with a smile as she bends down and pulls my little brother Bodvar and Svala into a hug. She has her silky brown hair braided immaculately. Her eyes seem to shimmer blue. “You two are getting bigger every time I see you.”

“We saw each other yesterday,” Svala says. She tosses her blonde hair back.

“And yet it seems like you’ve grown at least a finger taller. You’ll be a shield maiden yet,” Aunty says. Svala’s eyes go wide with a smile, but she quickly puts a finger to her lips. Ingithora smiles and winks at her. “Don’t worry, it is still our secret.”

Koll steps up to Thorkel and me and pats us both on the shoulders. His black beard has grown a little gray. “I cannot say I’m surprised to see you both tying yourselves to Hrut’s daughters. May he feast in Valholl. You’ve been tied to them since the day any of you could walk. Hrut was a dear friend of mine and your father, and I know the man would be proud to give you his daughters’ hands in marriage. He always knew only the strongest of Krakens would marry his daughters, and he was not wrong. You two will grow to give your father a run for his coin.”

“Thank you. It means a lot to us,” Thorkel says with a nod. “Living up to our father will certainly be a large shield to pick up.”

“And there’s no one better to do that than the two of you. Fighters from the day you fell out of the womb. Can’t say I’m surprised with the womb you came out of. That woman makes a bear seem tame,” he says with a chuckle. Ingithora punches him on the shoulder. He feigns being hurt. ”What was that for?”

“That is my sister you’re talking about,” she says with eyes full of fire. And I can definitely see the resemblance when she has that look. The same flame my mother burns in her own eyes when she’s mad. But Ingithora is a bit younger and far less temperamental. She turns to us and covers her mouth from Koll. “She does have a bit of a nasty temper, though. I’ve been at the wrong end of it far too many times.”

“You’re telling us. She nearly hung us up by our ankles on our own wedding day,” Thorkel says with a laugh as he scratches the back of his neck. I laugh reluctantly. I swear the woman knows when you’re talking about her. “Can she really turn us into pigs?”

“Ahh, there you are, sister,” my mother says as she walks in. Ingithora gives us a silent nod, making us all go as stiff as a trunk. “I’m sure you aren’t talking about me now, are you?”

See? It must be some kind of magic. Even Koll’s eyes are as large as a gold coin. Ingithora just smiles. “Of course not. You always think everything is about you. We were just giving your sons some tips on how to maintain a good marriage. That is all.”

“Okay. Well, come. Sigvor needs your help,” she says as she grabs Ingithora’s arm and practically drags her out of the hall.

“Your mother must have hearing like a hare,” Koll says. The man has always been a hero to me. He’s a tall man with broad shoulders. He keeps his hair cut short with a neatly trimmed beard that’s showing specks of gray. But even he shows fear of my mother and her sisters.

“I think it’s just when her name is spoken. Some kind of magic or something,” Thorkel says, pulling at the collar of his tunic.

“Yeah, that could be it.” He strokes his beard in consideration.

“So, are you two nervous? I was certainly nervous when I married Halldora and Thorballa. But I really didn’t have a choice. The Cnut Daughters were going to marry me whether I liked it or not. Thankfully, I liked it,” Veleif says. He has Koll’s black hair with a short goatee and a mustache. He’s just as tall as Koll and has the same build. Basically, a miniature Koll. Just one wife shy.

“I sure am. Especially after seeing how my mother is always bossing my father around. Is that what we have to look forward to?” I ask.

“I’m afraid so,” Koll says with a laugh. “It gets worse when you marry more than one. They seem to gang up on you and you have nowhere to run. I can’t even raid anymore without one of them coming with me. I swear they always have an eye on me.”

“Speaking of raiding, Koll. I’ve wanted to talk to you about something. Why has no one ever sailed beyond the Dead Sea? Beyond the Elven Woods. Thormar has a bunch of maps of islands farther west with Southern Pirates. Could there be more plunder there?” Thorkel asks.

“That’s what I have been saying!” Thormar says, flinging his hands in the air.

“Your father and I discussed this many times. South may be our familiar hunting grounds, but we both agree west might hold more opportunity. However, there are far more dangers to the west. You know why we call ourselves the Kraken clan?” Koll asks as Thorkel shrugs and I shake my head no. “Because it is real. A monster unlike any you’ve ever seen. It stalks the waters out to the northwest. I’ve seen it myself take down a ship. Long tentacles that can reach taller than our masts. I’ve seen it drag ships down under. That’s not the only danger out there, nor the only monster. There’s a monster that can suck the water into what looks like a whirlpool, but don’t be deceived. If you get close enough, you’ll see its teeth rise out of the water like shark fins. It has long tentacles that snare you and drag you into its gaping maw that leads into the abyss. They call it the Charybdis. The only problem is that it’s between a pass, and the only way around it is to sail near a different monster with multiple heads. Some call it a Scylla. If you get past them, you’ll have to fight off the Merrow.”

“The Merrow?” Thormar asks, narrowing his eyes. “I’ve never heard of them.”

“It’s good you haven’t, boy. They’re people of the sea, like mermaids but far more vicious. They’ll attack anything that comes into their waters. I’ve heard they eat the flesh of their victims. No one knows for sure because no one has fought them and lived to tell the tale,” he says.

“Then how do we know about them?” I ask.

“That is a good question, isn’t it? Well, my father was sailing out to raid when he saw the Merrow attack a ship in front of him. They killed everyone on board. Fortunately, my father’s ship turned tail and ran. Everyone on the ship will give you the same story. These Merrow… uh… fish people swarmed the ship and attacked like rabid dogs. And those aren’t the only things you have to worry about. There are lots of those Southern Pirates you have to fight. And then there’re the elves. They call themselves the Golden High Elf Trading Company and have a fleet of ships dedicated to capturing and killing pirates. They link us in with them for good reason. I’ve heard other tales of even more things under the sea. Like sea wizards that are also like mermaids. And mermaids themselves. Plus, the Cirein-croin among others we haven’t even discovered yet. I’ve even heard tales of a creature called the Leviathan and a turtle as big as an island named Mackinaw.”

“What if we stay closer to the shoreline? Surely the Merrow won’t come that close,” Thorkel asks.

“Perhaps. Then what about the elves?” he asks.

“We’ll take them as slaves,” Thorkel says.

“That is easier said than done. Trust me. But I think it’s possible to go west and avoid these dangers. I certainly wanted to try in my youth. Still do. Perhaps you could be right. Maybe if we sail with the shoreline in sight, we might be able to avoid the dangers of the sea monsters and the Merrow. Perhaps,” he says as he runs his fingers through his beard. “I’ll have to talk to your aunt and your father about such things.”

Thorkel nods. Koll puts a hand on his shoulder and squeezes. “We will see. Anyhow, we just came to wish you good fortune before the ceremony. We’ll talk about this later. Okay?”

Thorkel nods. Koll clasps our arms one after another before he leaves. Veleif gives us both a pat on the shoulder. Saxi and Svafar do the same. Gili and Tyrkir each pull us into bear hugs. Starolf, Gudrik, and Hunbogi all give nods. Then Starolf and Gudrik clasp Thormar’s hand before they leave.

Aldam Bronzehammer comes in with two boxes. He’s no taller than half a man, but stronger than five at the very least. Our people have a great deal of respect for dwarves. There are no finer craftsmen, and they are fierce warriors. “Well, kiss a ram’s ass and call me an elf. I never thought you two arsefaces would finally find enough sense to settle down, even though you and those girls are practically attached to the hip.”

The old dwarf always had a way with words, and he pulls laughs out of us. Especially our little siblings. Svala most of all. “They are definitely arsefaces.”

Aldam laughs. “You’ve always been my favorite, Svala. These idiots have brains made out of pig shit, but yours is pure gold.”

“Hey, are we not your best apprentices?” Thorkel asks, acting offended.

“Ehh, you’re not my worst. I’ll admit, you all have proven to be not total troll shit with a hammer, and your work isn’t complete garbage. Not like some people I’ve seen banging on an anvil. Let me tell ya, and I’ve seen some goblin piss excuses for blacksmiths. Especially with you humans. Even some dwarves need to take the hammer out of their arses. You should see some of those Southern goat humpers. They couldn’t tell the head of the hammer from the grip. Bloody bunch of slags, the lot of ’em. Although I heard from my mother and father that the little princeling might have some potential. He’s training with them and my cousin Prince Borlann Ironhammer. Apparently, he’s not a total royal snob.”

“You speak highly of a Southern prince? Surely, he’s nothing but a swine fucker,’ Thorkel says with clear disdain.

“You listen here, boy. I’ll give you a lesson that you should never forget. Never underestimate your enemy, or anyone, for that matter. Just because he’s your enemy and you hate him doesn’t mean he’s weak or stupid. Hell, it doesn’t even mean he’s wrong or even evil. But don’t mistake them for fools or you’ll see your mistake at the cost of your life. As much as I hate those tree-hugging, deer-humping, pointy-eared, bastard Wood Elves, I won’t underestimate their military might and I know they’re not lacking for brains. They are one of the fiercest enemies I have ever faced on the battlefield, and I have much respect for them as warriors even though I would love to bash their skulls in with my hammer. You should do well to keep that in mind if you ever do find yourselves on the opposite side of the battlefield from this Prince Arald. He’s the son of the same man who proved my point. King Teowulf was a great man and a fierce warrior, but he made the same mistake of underestimating King Vandil and it earned him his death. Learn from his mistake and don’t make it with the little princeling even though he’s most likely a stuck-up little prissy boy.”

“You always speak the truth, as hard as it is to hear, my friend,” Thorkel admits as he puts his hand on Aldam’s shoulder. “I’m grateful we had the opportunity to learn from you. I won’t underestimate this prince, but one day we will face him and take back what is rightfully ours. That I promise you.”

“Aye. I don’t doubt it. You two have grown to become men I respect. That’s rare. Just don’t let your hate for these Southerners lead you to a war that would leave many of your people dead. Trust me, my people have learned the hard way about the cost of war. We’ve fought the Wood Elves ever since our two races discovered each other many centuries ago. Many great dwarves died in our wars with the elves, and what for? Neither side has gained an inch. The only thing we’ve accomplished with our fighting is death and destruction. We’ve lost a lot of our great creations and some of the most honored heroes in these battles, and I’ve lost some of my closest friends and family during the many wars we’ve had. It’s made me a bitter old dwarf. That’s why I’m here. My siblings and I have come to the north to find what was lost. To find our way once more. The way of the hammer and forge. Before our wars, we sought to create and build, but we’ve become destroyers instead. Don’t make our mistakes. Carve your own path.”

Skardi, Solmund, and Griotgard walk in looking a bit more groomed than earlier. Aldam gives us both a nod. “Well, I’ll be off. There are a few more things I need to be doing before the wedding. I just came to wish you good luck and give you these. You’ve both earned them.”

He hands us the two boxes and we open them to find a hammer for both of us. Not just any hammer, they’re beautifully crafted hammers that are really lightweight and well-balanced. It looks smoother and brighter than iron.

“Is that steel?” Thormar asks.

“No. It’s better. Lighter than steel and just as hard. Not as strong as Nedraetium, but far lighter. You can’t find the metal around here. It’s only found in lands far south of here,” the dwarf says.

“I don’t know what to say, my friend. This gift is much appreciated,” Thorkel says.

“Yes, this is far better than we deserve,” I say with a smile.

“Aye, for once, I’m proud to disagree with you. You boys have earned those. Just promise me, you’ll only use them to create and not destroy. That is what it means to be a Bronzehammer and a blacksmith. We use our hammers to build and not break,” he says with pride.

Both Thorkel and I nod. “We will.”

“Good, now I’ll be off. Much to do and little time to do it,” the dwarf says as he walks out, grumbling about all the things that need to be done.

Griotgard steps up and places his hands on our shoulders. “Well, you two are about to become thralls to the Hrutdottirs. Do you really want to spend the rest of your lives getting told what to do by a woman?”

“How is it any different than it is now? They already tell us what to do.” Thorkel chuckles.

“That is true,” Skardi says with a laugh. “They have you as tamed as a dog.”

The three of them laugh.

“Did they teach you both any new tricks?” Griotgard asks. “If they haven’t, I’m sure fetch will be the first one you’ll learn.”

Even Thormar laughs at that one. Thorkel and I both share a flat face. Thorkel gives an over-exaggerated sarcastic laugh. “Just you wait. You’ll get shackled down eventually. And then you won’t be laughing.”

“Well, maybe not all of you,” Thorkel adds as he looks at Skardi.

“You’re not wrong. It’d take a different sort of woman to chain me down,” he says with a smile.

Mother bursts back in and grabs Thorkel and me. “You two! It’s time. Come on. Let’s go.”

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Broken Souls – Chapter 10

fantasy, fantasy novel, Fantasy book, Fantasy story, elves, vikings

Lura Syllana

Warm sunlight breaks through from the balcony as I lay in the arms of a man with pure golden hair and eyes as blue as the sky. He holds me with tender care, nuzzling my bare neck. I smile with pure happiness. His hardness presses up against me and I wiggle my hips against him, but we’re interrupted as children rush in. Our children. I quickly pull the blankets over us to cover ourselves as our children convince us to get out of bed for the day. My husband sighs with a hint of frustration, but I can tell deep down he’s never been happier. He convinces them to go hide and he’ll come out and find them. They rush out in glee before my devilish husband puts me on my back with a grin brighter than the sun.

“You are so bad,” I say as I drag my hand down his perfectly sculpted chest. He grabs my legs and lifts them on top of his shoulders before…

I shoot up from my cot and groan as I realize it was all just a dream. That man… he feels so familiar, but I’ve never met him before. The golden-haired mysterious man of my dreams. Perfect in nearly every way. A man I feel like I’ve known my whole life and yet, he only exists in my dreams.

Work at the Brothel isn’t easy. I’m expected to get them as drunk as possible so they spend as much coin as possible, but the drunker a man gets the more handsy and pig-headed he is. I feel so disgusted every night after work. I have to take a bath just to wash the stain of their eyes off me. Not only that, but I’m constantly pushed and pressured to be one of Madame Faralene’s women of pleasure. To sell the pleasure of my body to these perverted men. There is no way in all the hells I would ever do that.

To make things even more difficult, I have seemed to get off on the wrong side of one of Madame Faralene’s best “workers,” if you can call what she does as work. Zaralraden, a golden-haired, blue-eyed falcon of a woman, seems to dislike me. She goes out of her way to get under my skin. The other day she hip-bumped me, causing me to nearly spill all of my drinks. Of course, I may have used a little of this magic I secretly learned to prevent losing the drinks. I think I may have angered her when I laughed, hearing her complain about her holy client. A High Father or whatever. The way she described him was rather funny, but it’s clear she despises the man and the things she says he’s making her do cause me to shudder. Somehow, it doesn’t surprise me that these holy men of the church or whatever are here tossing coin around to satiate their unholy desires. Hypocrites, all of them. It is why I will never trust the religious type.

But even so, Zaralraden is the worst kind of evil. The conniving, spiteful kind. If she wasn’t bad enough, the attention I get from men is not the welcomed kind. I’m not talking about just the stares they give me, but the things they say to me are absolutely disgusting. I thought Phraan was bad. He definitely is bad, but some of these men can give him a run for his coin. Some of the things they say they want to do to me makes me want to take a bath and wash the filth of their words off my skin. Part of me is afraid Madame will try to convince me to take up one of their offers. As if I would ever consider it, but I’ve heard things from the other girls. A lot of girls start out like me, but no one stays a barmaid. Soon, an offer will be made that is too tempting to decline.

Still, there is no way in hell I will ever consider doing anything with these pricks. I’d rather starve. Hell, even joining the church would be better. I will keep my dignity and that is that.

“Hey, new girl… I need a refill!” one particularly disgusting man says. His ears are pierced all the way up to the point and he’s got a gut that can’t be contained by any shirt. I reluctantly bring over a pitcher of ale and take his cup. But when I feel his hand crawl up my leg, I can’t take it. I grab the mug and wash his face with the ale. “You filthy bitch!”

He immediately flings the chair back as he gets to his feet and grabs me by the hair, but his hand is caught before it strikes by the bouncer, a rather large beefy man with dark skin and black hair named Janyris. “Don’t touch the girls.”

He lets go of my hair and yanks his hand free only when Janyris lets go. “Get a hold of your women.”

I quickly walk away, but not before Madame has a word. “Lura, what do you think you’re doing?”

“He grabbed my arse,” I say.

“And your point? You do realize this is a brothel, right?” she says, hand on hip with the other pointing a finger at me. “The men who come in here will get handsy. Can you handle that, or will I have to find someone else who can? Need I remind you that I saved you from those men on the street? I can just as easily put you back on those streets for all the men to have at you.”

I hold my tongue in fear she’ll do just that. I need to get out of this place. I have to find out who bought my parents, along with my uncle and his crew. I will set them free one way or another. “Good, now get back to work.”

She storms off and Zaralraden snickers. “Be a good girl, you stupid sewage rat.”

I hate that woman!

I’ve worked long enough at the brothel to earn some pocket coin. I’d have more if I didn’t have to pay such high rent to Madame for room and board. Just for a room I have to share with seven other girls. Fortunately, none of them are like Zaralraden. Nambra, a blonde-haired elf is rather nice and polite. Alisenda, a taller brunette who’ll take no nonsense. Her daughter, Caeninita, who’s rather shy. Maenirin, a red-haired girl with pale skin who has a loud mouth. Maenalasa, a beautiful brunette with the charm of one of the best of merchants. She has men wrapped around her finger. Gisrae, who’s aggressive and can be rather violent. Men who cross her learn the hard way that she can give as good as she takes. And lastly, a woman I’ve become rather close with named Tyma. She’s a dark-skinned woman with dim blue eyes, which means she doesn’t have an ounce of magic in her. Her hair is black, but she tends to wear golden wigs to attract men’s attention. We share a bunk and she’s easy to get along with. She’s really taken me under her wing.

We spend quite a bit of time together whenever we’re able to. She seems to know the ins and outs of not just the Brothel, but Low Town itself, and it seems like she’s got friends everywhere. I’m always following her around town during our off time and meeting new people. It doesn’t hurt that she’s one of Madame’s best girls, rather tied with Zaralraden. It also helps that the two hate each other. You know what they say about the enemy of your enemy. Although I do find it weird that she still stays here, considering how much coin she brings in.

After a long night of work, I follow her out to a hookah lounge where we find a booth with her friends, just a few men and women who are stuck here just like the rest of us. Irevhur, a short, black-haired man with dark skin who works the docks doing hard work. Zharrish, a woman with deep chocolate skin that spends her days in the hot kitchens baking. She’s a rather plump woman, and it’s easy to see why her baking is by far bested by no one else. I’d be just as plump if I had half the skills with an oven. Of course, having skill is one thing, but having the food to bake with is another. Thankfully, she loves to treat us with some leftovers and mistakes.

It’s been several cycles since I started working at the Brothel. Still waiting tables and cleaning dishes. Men get handsy, but I’ve gotten better at ignoring them.

For the most part, I’ve kept my head down and made what little money I can. I’ve been saving up little by little, and hopefully one day I’ll have enough to track down my parents and buy back their freedom.

I just wish I could make more without offering my body up for pleasure to make some coin, but I’m near to the point of caving. At this rate, it will take me a human lifetime to save up enough coin to buy them back. However, I’ve seen how much she pays the girls who are in high demand. It’d only take a season or two to save up the kind of money I’d need to buy my parents’ freedom. Of course, I’ll need a lot more if I want to buy my uncle and his gang’s freedom. But I can’t think about them right now, as hard as that is. I need to worry about my parents first. I can’t let my dignity impede saving my family. I’ll do anything to get my parents their freedom. Especially since it’s my fault they were sold into slavery.

One night after closing, I talk to madame. She’s busy, so she hardly gives me the time. “I was wondering… How much exactly does it pay to sleep with men?”

She stops what she’s doing to look up at me with an eyebrow raised. “What’s the change in heart?”

“My family was sold into slavery and I’m saving to buy their freedom,” I say honestly.

Her hardened face seems to soften. “I can understand that. It’s noble and selfless. Well, there are different rates. Pleasing a man doesn’t always have to be with your cunt. You see, you can use your mouth or your arse. Of course, letting a man fuck your arse isn’t always pleasant. It can be very pleasant with a man who knows what he’s doing, but not with men who hang out in brothels. They tend to be a bit rough. Of course, the arse also prevents pregnancy. But we have other ways of preventing pregnancy. As long as you drink a tonic before sex, you will not get pregnant. It’s not the tastiest, but it does its job. As far as rates go, it depends on what you’re willing to do and your clients. Obviously, I pay out different rates for different methods of pleasing a man, or a woman sometimes. To use your mouth is the lowest rate. Your cunt is in the mid-range because it can be pleasant. However, if you’re a virgin, you can earn a lot to lose it. Men seem to prefer virgins and will pay a hefty rate. Your arse is the highest since it is usually not very pleasant and quite a few men seem to prefer it for whatever reason.”

“Do I get to choose the men?” I ask.

“Not being as new as you are. Eventually, when you get repeat clients who will request you, you’ll have more freedom to turn men down, but when you start, you must take what you can get. However, I don’t see it being a problem for you. You’re very beautiful. You have that petite little nose, a delicate chin, and plush, soft cheeks with lush lips that men seem to drool over. You’ll surely get a long line of men who’ll seek you out if you know how to please them,” she says, her eyes drifting down my body.

“I’ll do it, but I want my virginity to remain intact,” I say.

“So, meaning you’ll only please with your mouth? What about your little tush?” she asks.

“For now, let’s just do the mouth,” I say.

She nods. “I’ll respect that. I want you to know that this is a safe place. Unlike some brothels, we protect our women. I know firsthand what it is like since I used to be in your shoes. I worked for a man who didn’t care at all what happened to the girls as long as he got paid his coin. I endured much abuse at the hands of many men. I won’t let that happen to you. Okay?”

I nod, and she seems really sincere. “I appreciate that.”

She smiles. “Tonight. I’ll have you wet your feet with just one man, and if you feel that it’s something you’d like to continue doing, then I’ll start bringing you as many customers as you’re feel comfortable with.”

I nod. “Thank you, Madame. And thank you for everything you’ve done for me. I’m in your debt. You’ve helped me out so much.” “It is nothing, child. I feel a responsibility to women like you and me. We are not that different. My family was also taken and sold. Unfortunately, they died before I could ever set them free. I hope you do not have to endure the same fate,” she says. Before I can stop myself, I hug her. She stiffens up at first, but gently pats my head, welcoming my embrace.

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