Frida Kolldottir

fantasy, fantasy novel, Norse, Norse Mythology, Viking, Vikings, Fantasy book, Fantasy story, elves, vikings, heroforgemini, dnd, Frida Kolldottir

Frida Kolldottir is the eldest daughter of Koll and Svanhild and the second oldest overall child of Koll. Some say she was born with an ax in hand. Svanhild said she came out kicking and screaming. Regardless, she has the heart of a warrior and the strength to back it up. She’s never lost a wrestling match and there are few warriors in the village as strong as her, one being the revered Bothvar, son of Beorcol.

She serves on her father’s ship in the vanguard and she’s always the first to charge into battle. It’s been said that no shield can withstand the swing of her ax. Even her brothers are hesitant to challenge her. She’s fiercely loyal to her family, friends, and clan.

Read about these characters in Broken Souls, Book 1 of Seasons of the Cycle here on for FREE. Just click the link below.

Broken Souls, Book 1, Seasons of the Cycle

fantasy, fantasy novel, Fantasy book, Fantasy story, elves, vikings