List of Mentioned Characters
Human Northerners
Kraken Clan
Listed by Family
- The Earl of the Kraken Clan
- Earl Beorcol Thorgrimsson
- Father:
- Thorgrim Hallkelsson
- Siblings:
- Thorkel Thorgrimsson
- Borgar Thorgrimsson
- Father:
- Thorkatla Alvisdottir
- Spouse:
- Earl Beorcol Thorgrimsson
- Father:
- Alvi Hjortsson
- Siblings:
- Sigvor Alvisdottir
- Ingithora Alvisdottir
- Spouse:
- Children of the Earl and their wives
- Thorkel Beorcolsson
- First son of Earl Beorcol Thorgrimsson
- Spouse:
- Asfrid Hrutdottir
- Asfrid Hrutdottir
- Spouse:
- Thorkel Beorcolsson
- Father:
- Hrut
- Spouse:
- Thora Thorkelsdottir
- Daughter of Thorkel Beorcolsson
- Bothvar Beorcolsson
- Second son of Earl Beorcol Thorgrimsson
- Spouse:
- Arngunn Hrutdottir
- Arngunn Hrutdottir
- Spouse:
- Bothvar Beorcolsson
- Father:
- Hrut
- Spouse:
- Hrut Bothvarsson
- First son of Bothvar Thorgrimsson
- Thormar Beorcolsson
- Third son of Earl Beorcol Thorgrimsson
- Svala Beorcolsdottir
- First daughter of Earl Beorcol Thorgrimsson and the fourth of his children
- Bodvar Beorcolsson
- Fourth son of Earl Beorcol Thorgrimsson and the fifth of his children
- Alvi Hallkelsson
- Father:
- Hallkel Eyvaldsson
- Siblings:
- Thorgrim Hallkelsson
- Nephews
- Thorkel Thorgrimsson
- Beorcol Thorgrimsson
- Borgar Thorgrimsson
- Father:
- Gudrod
- Alvi Hallkelsson’s ward
- Thorkel Beorcolsson
- Earl Beorcol Thorgrimsson
- Thralls of the Earl
- Thema
- Race: High Elf
- Semet
- Race: Wood Elf
- Olaurae
- Race: High Elf
- Morcar
- Race: Human Southerner
- Guthhere
- Race: Human Southerner
- Talindra Vana
- Race: High Elf
- Thema
- The Wise One (Healer of the Kraken Clan)
- Sigvor Alvisdottir
- Daughter of Alvi Hjortsson
- Siblings:
- Thorkatla Alvisdottir
- Ingithora Alvisdottir
- Sigvor Alvisdottir
- Thralls of the Wise One
- Lethvelion
- Race: High Elf
- Valindra
- Race: High Elf
- Renna
- Race: High Elf
- Larongar
- Race: High Elf
- Bealdthryth
- Race: Human Priestess of the Light
- Domneva
- Race: Human Priestess of the Light
- Bricheve
- Race: Human Priestess of the Light
- Calemund
- Race: Human Priest of the Light
- Botsige
- Race: Human Priest of the Light
- Lethvelion
- The Dwarven Blacksmith
- Aldam Bronzehammer
- Father:
- Brukead Bronzehammer
- Mother:
- Ramelin Bronzehammer
- Siblings:
- Baggisli Bronzehammer
- Oddim Bronzehammer
- Father:
- Aldam Bronzehammer
- Members of Bothvar and Thorkel’s crew
- Grimwald Hialtisson’s House
- Grimwald Hialtisson
- Father:
- Hiatli
- Sibling
- Varin Hialtisson
- Cnut Hialtisson (Deceased)
- Father:
- Children of Grimwald and their wives
- Gudleif Grimwaldson
- Father:
- Grimwald Hialtisson
- Spouse:
- Audbjorg Saksidottir
- Father:
- Audbjorg Saksidottir
- Spouse:
- Gudleif Hialtisson
- Father:
- Saksis Gizorsson
- Siblings:
- Arnora Saksisdottir
- Greiland Saksisdottir
- Gizor Saksisson
- Spouse:
- Turid Gudleifsdottir
- Father:
- Gudleif Grimwaldson
- Mother:
- Audbjorg Saksidottir
- Father:
- Ottkatla Gudleifsdottir (deceased)
- Father:
- Gudleif Grimwaldson
- Mother:
- Audbjorg Saksidottir
- Father:
- Havard Grimwaldson
- Father:
- Grimwald Hialtisson
- Father:
- Gudleif Grimwaldson
- Grimwald Hialtisson
- Varin Hialtisson’s House
- Varin Hialtisson
- Father:
- Hiatli
- Sibling
- Grimwald Hialtisson
- Cnut Hialtisson (Deceased)
- Father:
- Sigvid Varinsson
- Father:
- Varin Hialtisson
- Spouse:
- Hedinfrid Jomarsdottir (Deceased)
- Father:
- Hallgerd Sigviddottir
- Father:
- Sigvid Varinsson
- Mother:
- Hedinfrid Jomarsdottir (Deceased)
- Father:
- Jofrid Sigviddottir
- Father:
- Sigvid Varinsson
- Mother:
- Hedinfrid Jomarsdottir (Deceased)
- Father:
- Griotgard Sigvidson
- Father:
- Sigvid Varinsson
- Mother:
- Hedinfrid Jomarsdottir (Deceased)
- Father:
- Solmund Sigvidson
- Father:
- Sigvid Varinsson
- Mother:
- Hedinfrid Jomarsdottir (Deceased)
- Father:
- Hosvir Sigvidson
- Father:
- Sigvid Varinsson
- Mother:
- Hedinfrid Jomarsdottir (Deceased)
- Father:
- Vigdis Sigviddottir
- Father:
- Sigvid Varinsson
- Mother:
- Hedinfrid Jomarsdottir (Deceased)
- Father:
- Skardi
- Father:
- Unknown
- Mother:
- Unknown
- Father:
- Varin Hialtisson
- Cnut Hialtisson’s House
- Cnut Hialtisson (Deceased)
- Father:
- Hiatli
- Sibling:
- Grimwald Hialtisson
- Varin Hialtisson
- Spouse:
- Ketiloy
- Father:
- Ketiloy
- Spouse:
- Cnut Hialtisson (Deceased)
- Spouse:
- Gunnstein Cnutsson
- Father:
- Cnut Hialtisson (Deceased)
- Mother:
- Ketiloy
- Spouse:
- Joreid Beigarthsdottir
- Father:
- Joreid Beigarthsdottir
- Father: Beigarth
- Spouse:
- Gunnstein Cnutsson
- Skarf Cnutsson
- Father:
- Cnut Hialtisson (Deceased)
- Mother:
- Ketiloy
- Father:
- Thialfi Cnutsson
- Father:
- Cnut Hialtisson (Deceased)
- Mother:
- Ketiloy
- Spouse:
- Sigrid Styrkarsdottir
- Father:
- Sigrid Styrkarsdottir
- Father:
- Styrkar Hreinsson
- Mother:
- Ragnhild Hagidottir
- Spouse:
- Thialfi Cnutsson
- Siblings:
- Ulf Styrkarsson
- Ingirid Styrkardottir
- Bragi Styrkarsson
- Signy Styrkarsdottir
- Father:
- Cnut Hialtisson (Deceased)
- Styrkar Hreinsson’s House
- Styrkar Hreinsson
- Father:
- Hrein
- Spouse:
- Ragnhild Hagidottir
- Father:
- Ragnhild Hagidottir
- Father:
- Hagi
- Spouse:
- Styrkar Hreinsson
- Father:
- Ulf Styrkarsson
- Father:
- Hrein
- Mother:
- Ragnhild Hagidottir
- Spouse:
- Torhild
- Siblings:
- Ingirid Styrkardottir
- Sigrid Styrkarsdottir
- Bragi Styrkarsson
- Signy Styrkarsdottir
- Father:
- Torhild
- Spouse:
- Ulf Styrkarsson
- Spouse:
- Bjornulf Ulfsson
- Father:
- Hrein
- Mother:
- Torhild
- Father:
- Ingirid Styrkardottir
- Father:
- Hrein
- Mother:
- Ragnhild Hagidottir
- Siblings:
- Ulf Styrkarsson
- Sigrid Styrkarsdottir
- Bragi Styrkarsson
- Signy Styrkarsdottir
- Father:
- Bragi Styrkarsson
- Father:
- Hrein
- Mother:
- Ragnhild Hagidottir
- Siblings:
- Ulf Styrkarsson
- Sigrid Styrkarsdottir
- Ingirid Styrkardottir
- Signy Styrkarsdottir
- Father:
- Styrkar Hreinsson
- Others
- Fridmund Bjarkisson
- Father:
- Bjarki
- Father:
- Gizor Saksisson
- Father:
- Saksis Gizorsson
- Siblings:
- Arnora Saksisdottir
- Greiland Saksisdottir
- Audbjorg Saksidottir
- Father:
- Greiland Saksidottir
- Father:
- Saksis Gizorsson
- Siblings:
- Arnora Saksisdottir
- Gizor Saksisson
- Audbjorg Saksidottir
- Father:
- Iarl Gerison
- Father:
- Geri
- Father:
- Rognvald Holmgavtsson
- Father:
- Holmgavts
- Father:
- Fridmund Bjarkisson
- Grimwald Hialtisson’s House
- Members of Koll Alriksson’s Crew and Family
- Koll Alriksson
- Svanhild Arnthordottir
- Ingithora Alvisdottir
- Arnora Saksisdottir
- Veleif Kollson
- Halldora Cnutdottir
- Thorballa Cnutdottir
- Aldis Veleifsdottir
- Estrid Veleifsdottir
- Hunbogi Veleifson
- Asvor Veleifsdottir
- Bolla Veleifsdottir
- Frida Kollsdottir
- Svafar Kollson
- Hallgerd Sigviddottir
- Tofa Odinkardottir
- Gudrik Svafarson
- Hilde Savafarsdottir
- Greiland Kollsdottir
- Yngvild Kollsdottir
- Saxi Kollson
- Arnbjorg Thorstardottir
- Geirlaug Thorhalldottir
- Starolf Saxison
- Asfrid Kollsdottir
- Asgerd Kollsdottir
- Gilli Kollson
- Hallberta Thorstardottir
- Jofrid Sigviddottir
- Tyrkir Kollson
- Oddny Throstdottir
- Hallgrim Tyrkirson
- Members of Einar Alriksson’s Crew and Family
- Einar Alriksson
- Skuf Alriksson
- Freydis
- Vog Einarson
- Eystein Einarson
- Thorgunna Einardottir
- Gudfrid Einardottir
- Trandil
- Shanyrria
- Broddi Svalfisson
- Asny Thorhalldottir
- Thorstar Ulfbjornsson
- Members of Throst Thorhallson’s Crew and Family
- Throst Thorhallson
- Armod
- Asvor Throstdottir
- Alfdis Throstdottir
- Arngunn Throstdottir
- Oddny Throstdottir
- Asdis Throstdottir
- Alfeid Throstdottir
- Other mentioned characters of the Kraken Clan
- Brynhild Svartkollrdottir
- Thorvir Stormborn
- Rodmar Asulfson
- Gorm Thorgilsson
- Inga Gormsdottir
- Moldof Thorgilsson
- Sigeric Thorgilsson
- Kotkel Thorgilsson
- Kodran Steinmodsson
- Thrain Haklangsson
Other Important Human Northerners
- Wolf Clan
- Bjarni Vikarsson
- Vidkunn Bjarnisson
- Thorgrim Vidkunnsson
- Thorvor Geirmundottir
- Arnthor Thorgrimsson
- Asa Vidkunnsdottir
- Thorhall Vidkunnsson
- Alfdis Saksidottir
- Dalla Vidkunnsdottir
- Gadaric Vidkunnsson
- Asny Bjarnidottir
- Siv Mylaerdottir
- Baldric Mylaerson
- Oddim Bronzehammer
- Ice Clan
- Kadal Bothvarsson
- Ulfeid Vebrandottir
- Ealhstan Kadalsson
- Eawyn
- Scyra: The White Wolf
- Thyia
- The Builder Clan
- Trefor Treharne
- Asgrim Treharne
- Kadal Treharne
- Osvald
- Gyda
- The Giant Clan
- Kveldulf
- Thyre
- Bergthor
- The Valkyrie Clan
- Dasyra Ragnarsdottir
- Almedha Dasyrasdottir
- Amalgunda
- Amalasontha
- Tonna
- Baggisli Bronzehammer
- Yeti Clan (Non-Human)
- Longhorn = Ukam
- White-hair = Fenebom
- Short-snubs = Ulluc
- Blue-Eyes = Shuli
- Shuli’s daughter = Sheko
- Shuli’s son = Aruhn
- Shuli’s deceased mate = Bollelos
High Elves
- Main Character
- Lura Sylanna
- Father:
- Tanyl Syllana
- Mother:
- Lixiss
- Father:
- Lura Sylanna
- Lethvelion’s Thief Guild
- Lethvelion
- Haerzis
- Larongar
- Olaurae
- Zaos
- Aimar
- Saevel
- Delmuth
- Dakath
- Filarion
- Akkar
- Phraan
- Elas
- Rothilion
- Haryk
- Nasir
- Kesefeon
- Erolith
- Valindra
- Renna
- Minpireth
- Low Town Trinite Brothel
- Madame Faralene
- Zaralraden
- Tyma
- Alisenda
- Caeninita
- Maenirin
- Maginka
- Maenalasa
- Gisrae
- Nambra
- Church of the Light
- Holy Prophet of the Light
- Terel Glarespell
- High Mother
- Mathienne Naesalor
- High Father
- Arbelladon Warmspear
- Mothers of the Light
- Vedana Oddheart
- Nostra Longswitch
- Kynice Radiantshield
- Aule Brasstruth
- Chaetris Rapidbirth
- Amaranthae
- Fathers of the Light
- Anfather
- Selvelion Duskwood
- Colvardonn
- Riluaneth Waeszeiros
- Fylson Greran
- Archbishop
- Goren Wranyarus
- Bishops
- Eldaerenth Yllayarus
- Centhune
- Bialaer
- Erlareo
- Sarya Morsandoral
- Ayre
- Devdan
- Velethuil Carxalim
- Mentioned or Important Sisters of the Light
- Lynfeah
- Daemys
- Damaris
- Amoann Darkbell
- Jereno
- Mentioned Accepted
- Olizara Greatgazer
- Meifinas
- Glarald Balris
- Fhaornik Venxidor
- Helekharise
- Illianaro
- Accepted Strays
- Haemyish
- Laenane
- Halaema
- Leilatha
- Illianaro
- Voborrie
- Novice Non-Strays
- Zarlatha Arcaneseeker
- Ilethana
- Novice Strays
- Lyrring
- Bemarlene Emberwish
- Qigwynn
- Rinehish
- Faineris
- Terafeah
- Aithneris
- Chalia Eilroris
- Cheyoise
- Charinva
- Hubys
- Inhepireth
- Ochilysse
- Therlu
- Biremeril
- Terelor
- Brenrila
- Chumye
- Fenaimh
- Important Paladins
- Orym
- Holy Prophet of the Light
- Golden High Elf Trading Company
- Admiral Myrdin Sylkas
- Captain Faidhor Haryrwen
- Captain Gorwin Glynydark
- The Royal Family of the High Elves
- Former King Volodar Morric
- Queen Immianthe Morric
- Prince Faelar Morric
- Princess Ariana Morric
List of Important Items
- The Sacred Hammer
- Hammer of Justice
- the Divine Sword
- Amulet of the Sun
- Dagger of Dread
- Pendant of Strength
- Hammer of Justice
- Hreitharr’s Hammer (Hammer of the Dwarven Builder God)
- Magical Orbs
Raw Materials mentioned
- Metals
- Nedraetium (Glow Ore)
- Steel
- Iron
- Fungi
- Luminescent Emerald Mushrooms (Glow Mushrooms)
- Fruit
- Tazzle Berries
- Tingle Fruit
Creatures of Aratheon
- Civilized Races
- Elven
- High Elves.
- Wood Elves
- Drow Elves
- Dark Elves
- Kar Species (Cat People)
- Dwarves
- Mountain Dwarves
- Sand Dwarves
- Humans
- Northern Clans
- Southern Kingdom
- Borderlanders
- Islanders
- yeti
- Jotnar Giants
- Orcs
- Goblins
- Gunduar
- Spider Folk
- Elven
- Indiginous Species
- The Shifting Sands of the High Elven Kingdom
- Crown Bird
- The Northern Timberlands
- Brown Tusk Bear
- Dire Wolves
- Mountain Goats
- The Shifting Sands of the High Elven Kingdom
- Non-Indiginous Species
- Wendigo (Shadow Stalkers)
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