Broken Souls Character Companion Guide

I’ve decided to create short character biographies of the important characters within Aratheon, starting with the main characters within the Seasons of the Cycle series (Book 1 Broken Souls available for free on Wattpad). This will probably be an ongoing series. I’ll be using heroforgeminis to provide visual images for the characters and I’ll do a separate book for the maps and places of Aratheon along with one about the creatures and monsters in Aratheon. 

Table of Contents:

The Northern Human Clans of Coderon

Earl Beorcol Thorgrimsson

Thorkel Beorcolsson

Bothvar Beorcolsson

Thormar Beorcolsson

Svala Beorcolsdottir

Bodvar Beorcolsson

Thorkatla Alvisdottir

Sigvor Alvisdottir

Ingithora Alvisdottir

Asfrid Hrutdottir

Arngunn Hrutdottir

Thora Thorkeldottir

Alvi Hallkelsson

Koll Alriksson

Svanhild Arnthordottir

Arnora Saksisdottir

Veleif Kollson

Halldora and Thorballa Cnutdottir

Aldis Veleifsdottir

Estrid Veleifsdottir

Hunbogi Veleifson

Asvor Veleifsdottir

Bolla Veleifsdottir

Frida Kolldottir

Svafar Kollson

Hallgerd Sigviddottir

Tofa Odinkardottir

Gudrik Svafarson

Greiland Kolldottir

Saxi Kollson

Arnbjorg Thorstardottir

Geirlaug Throstdottir

Starolf Saxison

Asfrid Kolldottir

Asgerd Kolldottir

Gilli Kollson

Hallberta Thorstardottir

Jofrid Sigviddottir

Hilde Gillisdottir

Tyrkir Kollson

Oddny Throstdottir

Yngvild Kolldottir

Varin Hialtisson