Thorkatla Alvisdottir

Meet the mother of Bothvar Beorcolsson, and his siblings Thorkel, Thormar, Svala, and Bodvar. Thorkatla Alvisdottir is the mother of the legendary hero, Bothvar and the husband of the Earl of the Kraken Clan in Stormfront Village, Beorcol Thorgrimsson. 

She is the middle child of two sisters, Sigvor the eldest, and Ingithora the youngest. They’re one of the few people in Stormfront who have the potential to harness magic. Thorkatla spends her days raising her children, helping to manage the day-to-day tasks of running the village with her husband and helping her sister heal the sick and wounded. She and her two sisters have the largest collection of books and artifacts in the village and are among the few who can read various languages including the High Elven Language along with the Southern Human languages. 

She is looked to by many of the clan members as a leader and inspires many of the women, leading a woman’s circle that includes many of the wives and daughters of the captains and leaders of the village. 

She’s respected among the clan and many come to her, seeking her wisdom for their own problems and life decisions. 

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