Asfrid is a daughter of Koll Alrikson and his sixth oldest. Her mother is Ingithora. She’s forced to share a bedroom with her younger sister, Asgerd. The two get along like ice and fire. Asfrid’s icy personality contrasts with Asgerd’s hot and fiery persona. While Asfrid rarely ever shows her emotions, Asgerd wears hers on her sleeve and is quick to anger. The two may get on each other’s nerves more often than not, they also have a deep loyalty to each other and their family.
Starolf is the son of Saxi Kollson and Geirlaug Throstdottir, however, he also considers Arnbjorg Thorstardottir his mother as well, since she is also Saxi’s other wife and helped raise him. Arnbjorg and his father Saxi taught him how to fight. As the grandson of Koll, as soon as he was of age, he raided upon Koll’s ship with the rest of his family. He spends his off seasons with his cousins, Gudrik Svafarson and Thormar Beorcolsson, along with their circle of friends, planning their journey to explore the west and the greater world at large.
Meet Geirlaug Throstdottir, the daughter of Throst, one of the ship captains who is a close friend with Koll Alriksson and Beorcol Thorgrimsson, the earl. Geirlaug is one of seven of Throst’s daughters with his two wives. Geirlaug is the middle child with Arnod as her mother. Her older sisters include Asvor, Alfdis, and Arngunn. Her younger sisters include, Oddny, Asdis, and Alfeid.
Growing up, she was brutally bullied by a woman named Ercongota until Arnbjorg Thorstardottir stook up for her. Ever since then, the two have become close friends, even sharing a husband together, Saxi Kollson. Geirlaug eventually gave birth to Starolf Saxison.
Arnbjorg Thorstardottir was born a warrior and nothing will ever change that. That’s what drew her to Saxi Kollson. A true warrior. Of course, she never expected her close friend, Geirlaug Throstdottir would also desire him. She was willing to share the man.
Arnbjorg is the daughter to Thorstar Ulfbjornsson and the older sister to Hallberta Thorstardottir
Geirlaug eventually gave birth to their son, Starolf whom they all raise together. While Geirlaug stays home with the other women of Koll’s family, Arnbjorg joins Saxi and Starolf, as he came of age during raid the season on Koll’s ship.
Saxi Kollson, the fifth child of Koll and third son, is loud and obnoxious. Loves shiny things and fighting. His favorite weapon is the gigantic sword he calls his Giant Slayer. Like most of his armor, weapons, and shiny objects, he acquired it while raiding on his father’s ship and you’ll never see him without it even after all of his brothers give him a hard time about it, especially Svafar. The two of them have always had a rivalry and usually, Svafar always has the upper hand. Saxi married both Arnbjorg Thorstardottir and Geirlaug Thorhalldottir. He has a son with Geirlaug named Starolf.
Greiland Kolldottir is the second oldest daughter and fourth, overall, child of Koll Alriksson. Her primary mother is Svanhild Arnthordottir. Although, they all consider all three women, their mothers. Greiland is forced to share a room with her youngest sibling, Yngvild. The two sisters tend to get along like fire and moonshine. Things tend to get heated when the two are fired up. There have been heard many shouting matches and things are thrown when arguments are ignited. However, even with the intense fights between the two, they will easily join forces if someone else tries to get in between the two of them. You won’t find more loyal sisters than Greiland and Yngvild. As heated as their fights are, they will be the first to come to each other’s defense.
Meet Gudrik Svafarson, the son of Svafar Kollson and Hallgerd Sigviddottir. He and his cousin Starolf Saxison are always seen together. They were forced to share a room together with their other, less favorable cousin, Hunbogi Veleifson in their grandfather’s rather large hall. Starolf and Gudrik have become close to their distant relative, Thormar Beorcolson. The three along with several others have spent most of their time planning their conquest to explore the world when they finally come of age and can have their own ship built.
Tofa Odinkardottir is no stranger to a battle. Her father raised her with a sword in hand. Then she met Hallgerd Sigviddottir and felt a desire for her. The two became close friends. However, her feelings grew even more confusing when she ran into Svafar Kollson in the midst of a raid on an Elvish ship. They boarded the Elven ship from different sides on different Viking ships. The two ended up fighting back to back against the elves. Svafar wanted her more than anything. She certainly had feelings for him, but she couldn’t deny her feelings for Hallgerd either. So she told Svafar that he had to marry the both of them and he was not a fool to turn that down.
Of course, when Hallgerd had Svafar’s son, Gudrik, she treated him like her own flesh and blood and taught him how to fight right beside Svafar.
Meet Hallgerd Sigviddottir, the older sister of Jofrid, Griotgard, Solmund, Hosvir, and Vigdis, all children of Sigvid Varinsson and Hedinfrid Jomarsdottir. Their grandfather Varin Hialtisson still lives with them.
Along with her close friend Tofa Odinkardottir, they share a marriage with Svafar Kollson and have a son named Gudrik Svafarson.
Svafar is the second son and third overall child of Koll and the first son of Ingithora. He has taken two women for wives, Hallgerd Sigviddottir and Tofa Odinkardottir. Two women he grew up close to. Tofa serves with him on his father Koll’s ship. Hallgerd has given the happy triage a son named Gudrik, who just became old enough to raid.