The Bound Soul: Chapter 8

Elves, fantasy novel, Fantasy book, epic fantasy, high fantasy, dark fantasy,

As I arrive at work, full of nervousness and anticipation, I talk to Madame. “I think I’m ready to give my virginity to my client.”

She looks caught off guard. “Really? I suppose that could be wise. Especially since you seem to have him wrapped around your finger. Just know that men seem to lose interest once you give it to them.”

My breath catches in my throat. Orym wouldn’t do that, would he? He’s a Paladin. Holy and divine. He’s a righteous and devout man. He wouldn’t. “I’ll do it.”

“Okay then. I’ll set it up when he comes in. Why don’t you go up to the same room as last night and get ready? Just so you know, when you lose your virginity, it isn’t pleasant for the most part. It can be quite painful and bloody. I will have a talk with him and make sure he’s gentle. If he isn’t, let me know and I’ll make sure he regrets it,” she says in a stern voice.

I nod. “Thank you, Madame. I appreciate all that you have done for me.”

She nods and gives me a half smile. “Of course. I look out for my girls. Now go prepare and have a glass of wine or two. And I’ll have a tonic to prevent pregnancy brought up to you. You might need to wash it down with wine.”

I nod and rush up the stairs. I tidy up, spray perfumes, make sure the bed is set, check my dress, and then double-check everything again. I do as Madame suggests and drink two glasses of wine. It lifts some of the anxiety off my shoulders. But I still wonder – what if he leaves me after?

 A knock at the door makes my heart leap into my throat. I check everything once more, take a deep breath, and answer the door. Standing at the door is Tyma. She’s smiling with a cup in her hands. Right, the tonic.

“Here ya go. You’ll want to down this foul-tasting drink before you do the deed. You don’t want to get a baby inside you. Trust me, you’ll be left to fend for yourself with no coin to help,” she says, handing me the cup of tonic.

I nod and take it. I sniff it and recoil in disgust. “That’s putrid.”

She shrugs. “It’s worth it though. It goes easy with wine.”

I nod and pour myself another cup. I have to go sip for sip, and even then, I need another cup of wine before I can drink it all. It tastes like rotten eggs. Like something spicy and poisonous.

“So, are you ready? Madame told me what you plan to do tonight. It’s always nerve-wracking to lose your virginity. I remember when I lost mine. It was a long time ago to a rather ugly man, but he was kind and gentle. Honestly, if you could get past his homely face, he was a decent man. I’d certainly take him over some of the best-looking men who are rotten to the core. There are plenty of them out there.”

“I think I’m ready. Orym said he’d be gentle. I trust him, oddly enough.”

“Good. Well, I have to go. Good luck,” she says with a smile and a wink. I return the smile with a nod as she heads to her own room.

I catch myself pacing back and forth, worrying if I have misjudged Orym. He’s been so nice and kind to me, but what if he’s just acting and is truly a horrible person underneath? I refuse to believe that.

A knock at the door pulls me out of my thoughts. I scurry over to it and my breath catches in my throat as the man, with all his handsomeness hidden behind a cowl, stands before me. I step aside and let him in, closing the door before he pulls down the hood. “I’ve been waiting for this moment ever since the last one we shared together.”

“Me too,” I say, fidgeting with my hands. I don’t quite know what to do with them, so I force them behind my back. “I am so nervous.”

“I don’t blame you. But don’t worry, my lady, I won’t hurt you. I promise. Are you still sure you want to do this? We can just talk like last time,” he says.

“If that’s what you want, then let me inform Madame, so you’re not charged with taking my virginity,” I say.

“No, you don’t have to tell her. I don’t mind paying as long as the coin gets in your hands,” he says.

“Then we will have sex. I won’t let you pay for a service you didn’t receive,” I say.

“It’s not just a service to me. It’s far more than that. You make me feel as if I’m not alone,” he says, stepping up to me.

I walk to him, resting my hands on his chest. “I feel the same way.”

He wraps me in his embrace, and my soul warms with his kiss. My hands slide up and wrap around his neck as I kiss him back. He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist while he carries me to the bed, laying me down gently. I feel his hot breath against my skin as his lips leave a trail of kisses down my neck. He looks up and down at me. “One last time. Are you sure you want to do this?”

I nod with a smile. “Yes. Just promise not to leave me after tonight. I don’t know if I can stand being without you.”

He smiles. “I promise I won’t abandon you.”

I return his smile before I lean up and kiss him. “Also, please be gentle. I heard it hurts.”

“Do not worry Lura. I am a Paladin. I have a way of making pains go away. All you’ll feel tonight is the pleasure we share,” he says with a smile as he undoes my dress before tugging it off me. Then he pulls off my stockings and undergarments.

I lay completely naked and exposed on the bed before him as he undresses himself, revealing carved muscle with scars here and there throughout his torso. I sit up and trace my fingers on each scar. “So many scars. What have you been through?”

“Do not worry, it is the way of a Paladin. We put ourselves in danger so others are safe from it.” He smiles and winks.

“I would not wish you to be in danger,” I say.

“If not me, then who? I’m sorry to say, Lura, but that is just the way of things. Paladins are the shield of Light that protects the realms against the darkness. This is my purpose in life, and I fulfill it willingly with honor,” he says proudly with his chest out.

“Will you at least promise me you won’t risk your life for anything short of a truly righteous cause?” I ask. He nods.

“Of course. Every cause I take up is a righteous one,” he says with another wink.

He lets his pants drop, showing that beautiful cock that seems to come to life at the sight of me. He then grabs my thighs and drags me to the edge of the bed as I laugh. I truly didn’t expect him to bury his face between my thighs, nor the pleasure that comes from it. He has me moaning in worship. I feel like a melted puddle of butter, gripping the sheets so I don’t fall over the edge.

Finally, he stands up and wets his cock with his spit. “Are you ready? This might feel a little uncomfortable. But don’t fear, my beautiful woman. It will not hurt.”

I nod, completely trusting this man. With one hand on his cock, he places the other against my pelvis. Then slowly presses his big, meaty cock against my cunt, rubbing the tip up and down against my lady lips. I take a sharp breath in as he presses the tip inside me and it truly feels uncomfortable. But then, a white-hot glow comes out of his hand, filling me with so much warmth. It’s intoxicating. It feels just like every time I’ve ever used magic. So filling and wonderful. A joy of life. But this feeling is slightly different. The magic I’ve used before always felt like a sweet candy-filled and wine drunk joy, but very empowering and somewhat addicting all the same. This warmth feels pure, clean, and divine. As if I am one with this light that seems to envelop me. I want to hold on to it and never let it go.

I can feel his big cock fill me up as the heat engulfs me with so much joy and wonder. I want to live in this light. Bathe in it. I’ve felt nothing like it. It makes me feel as if I’ve died and gone to the place where only the worthy are allowed. The church calls it Heaven. This must be what it feels like. His cock continues to fill me up as the warmth leaves me feeling intoxicated.

Oh, sweet mercy. I think he’s all the way inside me. I want to feel this way all the time. To feel such joy mixed with pleasure. To feel so warm and happy. It’s addicting. He takes his hand away from my pelvis, taking the warmth and joy with him, leaving only an uncomfortable pleasure. “What was that?” I ask.

“The healing power of the Divine Light,” he says as he lifts me up and brings me to the top of the bed.

“That felt amazing,” I say, holding on to him.

He smiles as he leans down and kisses me while slowly thrusting inside me. This pleasure feels amazing too, but nowhere near as good as that warmth. He then leans down again, taking my head in his hands and kissing me. Suddenly, I’m overwhelmed with that joyful warmth once more. It feels like paradise. It’s even warmer than the heat of the sun, and yet it doesn’t feel draining, but fulfilling. I want to feel so much more of it. I want it all.

His lips connect with mine, and I breathe him in, clinging to him and that wonderful light. I hold on to him as he fills me both with his cock and with his soul. I’ve never felt so good. He thrusts his cock inside me, and they become harder and faster. The pleasure tries to battle the joyful warmth, but ultimately loses out. Nothing could feel as good as this. His lips wander down to my neck as he fucks me, filling me with so much joy and warmth.

I can feel his breathes become heavy and his thrusts become erratic. His kisses become primal, and the light feels far more intense. I’m drowning in joy, warmth, and pleasure. I want it to take me.

I finally fall over the edge and feel the intense pleasure wash over me along with his burning hot seed filling me up. He collapses on top of me as the warmth slowly fades, taking the pleasure with it, but the joy seems to stay. I hold his head against my breasts as his breath staggers and struggles. He’s soaked in sweat and shivers with coldness. I hold him tight and keep him close. He seems to be on the edge of consciousness. I hold him close to my heart, Nourishing him with my love.

He barely whispers. “Sorry about that… I lost control. I didn’t mean to use that much power. It drained me.”

“Don’t apologize for that. It was the most wonderful, amazing thing I’ve ever felt. I’ve experienced nothing like it,” I breathe, kissing his head.

“Well, hopefully, it won’t be your last time experiencing it. You know, if you trained at the church, you’d feel it quite often whenever you use the Light,” he says.

“How does one use the Light? I am filled with the blue magic,” I say.

He struggles to get to his elbows and lifts up his necklace with a crystal attached. “It purifies the magic we use and converts it to the Divine Light. You see, I too harness much of the Arcane magic. I was born with it, but this lets me turn over to the Light.”

“That is fascinating. So, if I go to the church, will I be given one as well?” I ask.

He nods before he rests his head back down against my bosom. He kisses my skin as his hands caress me softly. “I will have to go soon. I don’t want to, but if the church finds me sneaking off to this brothel, they’ll surely send me away.”

“Will you be back tomorrow?” I ask.

“I will find a way to sneak out and return. I think I love you. Would you ever come away with me? You can become a priestess and we can be together. In secret, of course, because any form of an intimate relationship is forbidden for us, but no one will ever find out.”

“I would love to, but I need the money to save my family from slavery. Does the church pay at all?” I ask.

“It pays decently. I won’t lie; it probably isn’t as good as the coin you make here, but it’s honest work and it makes you feel like you’re making the world a better place most of the time. Of course, it is burdened heavily with politics and bureaucracy, but what isn’t?”

I laugh. “That is true. Even a brothel has a level of bureaucracy.”

He smiles and kisses both of my breasts. “Just think about it, and we can discuss it tomorrow when I fill you with my Light again.”

I laugh and kiss his head. “Oh, please fill me with your Light.”

He smiles and winks. Then, he gives me one last kiss before he pulls himself up off the bed. He staggers and wobbles a bit. His face is slightly pale.

“Are you okay?” I ask.

He nods. “Yes, quite so. But I may have used more energy than I should’ve. Just like with the Arcane magic, using the Divine Light takes a toll. You can only use so much of it before you tire out.”

“Well, please be careful. I don’t want you hurting yourself just to show me some joy.”

“It was worth it. Trust me. I enjoyed it just as much as you did,” he says as he finishes getting dressed. I go to him and kiss him as he wraps his arms around me, holding me close. “Tomorrow I’ll be back and we can be together again.” “I can’t wait,” I say as we share one more kiss before he leaves with his cowl hiding his handsome face once more.

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The Bound Soul: Chapter 6

I feel sick to my stomach worrying about what I’m about to do tonight. Am I seriously about to let a man use my mouth in order to make some more coin? My father was mad about me stealing. I can’t imagine what he’d think of this…

As I start my shift at the Brothel, still waiting tables and cleaning dirty mugs, I watch each and every man, wondering who’ll be the one that I will have to serve. I hope it’s not the balding fat elf with drooping ears. Nor the disgusting drunk slob that has half of his meal all down his tunic. And then there’s the tall skinny man missing half his teeth. And what of the short, stubby elf with a gimp?

All of them disgust me. I’m going to have to service one of them. Another man comes in under a hood of a cloak. His face is covered in the shadow. He walks up to Madame and they chat for a bit, her nodding before her eyes slide across the room, landing on me. A smile crosses her lips. She says something to the man before he nods and walks upstairs.

Madame glides across the room to me. “Ready to make more coin?”

I nod reluctantly. She smiles. “Don’t be so reluctant. You’ll want him to enjoy it so he asks for you again. Now come. This man is willing to pay well just for a mouth.”

I follow her upstairs and she stops us right outside the door. “All you have to do is savor his cock like a tasty treat. Listen to the sounds he makes. That will let you know how he likes it. And for the sake of King Volodar, do not let your teeth touch his cock. No man likes that.”

I nod, my stomach tightening. Am I seriously about to do this?

She nods towards the door. “Now go inside; show him what heaven is like and you’ll earn a nice bag of coin.”

I nod, take a deep breath, and let it out. I tell myself, it’s just an act. No more, no less. It’s now or never. I steel myself and walk in. The man has his back to me as he looks out the window. He turns to me, taking off his cowl. His face is more than pleasant. He’s got a beard and mustache with long black hair. His eyes shimmer bright blue. He swallows and steps forward. “You… You’re quite beautiful.”

“Thank you, sir,” I say.

He nods, closing the gap between us. His hand gently brushes up against my face. “Such beautiful eyes. You have a lot of mana inside you. What is someone with as much potential as you doing in a place like this?”

“I… I don’t have many choices. I can’t afford a permit nor can I afford tuition in the Academy,” I say.

“Have you ever thought about joining the Church of the Light? You can learn the Divine use of healing. With your potential, you’d be one of the greatest healers we’ve seen,” he says. I shake my head. I do not want to be shackled to them. Or anyone else. “That’s a shame. The church could use someone of your potential. You’d do a lot of good.”

“Are you with the church?” I ask.

He nods. “Yes. Technically, I am not supposed to be here, but a man has needs. I’m a Paladin.”

“Are people of the church not supposed to have sex?” I ask.

He shakes his head. “In our service to the Light, we are prohibited from another’s love. Our heart belongs to our duty.”

I nod. “I understand, but you wish for the pleasure of the flesh?”

“It is my great weakness. I shouldn’t, but I can’t help it. I need to feel the love of a woman,” he says.

“Then, let me help you with that,” I say as I reach for his belt buckle. This man is someone I can serve. Even though he’s here, seeking the pleasure of my mouth, he seems to be kind and noble. We all have our flaws and I can understand this. I wouldn’t be able to be a part of a church that forsakes love. My heart is too big.

I slowly sink to my knees as I undo his trousers and let them fall to the floor. Standing before me is an enormous cock, thick and wrapped in veins. I look up into the man’s eyes, his beautiful, luminescent, sapphire eyes. Like two gems shining in the moonlight. I wrap my hand around him and feel the pulse of life inside him. I stroke his massive pillar of a cock and feel him shudder.

I do what feels right, bringing my lips to the head of his dick and kissing it softly. He lets out a sigh of release. Then I lick the bottom of his cock all the way to the tip. It doesn’t taste so bad. Not bad at all. His eyes connect with mine as he bites his lip while my tongue swirls around his tip. He gasps as I take the head in my mouth and close my lips around it.

He moans out as I suck on his dick. This isn’t so bad. Not bad at all. It feels like I have this power over him. To make him feel so good with just my mouth. Slowly, I stroke his shaft as I lick and suck on the tip. “That feels so good.”

His hand runs through my hair, gently stroking it. I take more of his dick inside my mouth and have to stretch my mouth open in order to do so. His cock seems to pulse with life as I lick it. “Oh, for the love of the Light, you are so beautiful. Holy Divine Light, that feels good. Don’t stop.”

I pick up the pace and worship his cock as if it were the holy scepter of his church. He moans and groans, his hand gripping my hair as he rocks his hips back and forth. “I’m so close.”

Does that mean… “Oh, holy Light!”

He holds my head as his cock bursts into my mouth, spewing his seed on my tongue. I quickly swallow it as more sprays into my mouth. Honestly, it isn’t all that bad. It tastes sweeter than I thought it would. He finally releases my head and stumbles back onto the bed. “That was the best I’ve ever had. Come, sit with me.”

I do as he asks and lie down next to him. He wraps his arm around me. “What is your name?”

“Lura, sir,” I say.

He rolls on his side to look at me. “I’d like to see you again, Lura. Will you be here tomorrow night?”

I nod, and that earns a smile. “Well, then I’ll be back tomorrow to see you once again. My name is Orym, by the way.”

“It was nice to meet you, Orym. This was my first time and I’m glad it was with you,” I say.

He smiles. “I’m glad I could be your first. I promise, whenever you’re with me, I will make sure it is pleasant for the both of us.”

“I would very much like that,” I say.

He leans in and kisses me on the lips, making my face burn hot. Then he breaks away and gets up, pulling up his pants and buckling them up. “Well, I have to be off before someone notices where I am. I cannot wait to see you again tomorrow, Lura. You are a sweet girl. I hope maybe one day you change your mind about the church.”

I smile at him. “Maybe you can help convince me.”

He grins. “I just might have to.”

Then he leaves, putting his cowl back over to cover his face. That was far better than I ever expected. I think I am in love, but at the same time, it does not feel as I imagined it. He doesn’t look like the man of my dreams, but he is kind and nice.

A moment later, Madame comes in with a wide smile. “I don’t know what you did, child, but you have really outdone yourself. Especially for your first time. He wants to see you again tomorrow. Here. You’ve earned this.”

She hands me a pouch of coins. The biggest pouch I’ve ever held in my entire life. I look in it and find it is all silver. My eyes go wide as I look up at her and, before I know it, I hug her once more. “Thank you so much!” “Don’t thank me, you earned it,” she says, patting my head.

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The Bound Soul: Chapter 4

The men have twisted smiles with eyes that are filled with lust as they crowd me. I step back before hitting the wall as the men tease me.

“Oh, little girl, we’re going to play a fun little game together,” he says as his friends all laugh. I swallow the dread in my throat as I freeze. I can’t find words. I want to scream at them. To tell them to leave me alone, but I can’t even breathe.

“Oh, Cele, there you are. I’ve been looking all over for you,” A raven-haired, busty woman says as she pushes the men aside and helps me up. She glares at the men. “Enthein, did you forget the last time you tried to hurt one of my girls?”

The eyes of the man who was terrorizing me go wide. “Sorry, Madame Faralene, I didn’t realize this one was yours. Forgive me.”

“I will this time, now off with you lot,” she says as she whisks me away into a nearby building. “What in the bloody hells are you doing out here all alone?”

“I… I was trying to find someplace to stay for the night.”

“Well, you almost found out what it’s like to be at the mercy of scoundrels. Thank goodness I was around. Now, come dear, let’s get you all cleaned up and a nice hot meal.” She doesn’t wait, pulling me in with her. My jaw drops as we enter a room full of people. Men sitting around tables drinking with scantily clad women dancing in their laps. Some are showing off their bosoms and others let men grope them. Disgusting.

I’m being dragged up the stairs into a side room with a wide round table and forced into a chair. They give me a bowl of delicious-smelling stew, and I don’t bother asking questions as I devour every last bite of it. The woman then drags me back to the bathroom, and I’m stripped naked and shoved in a tub of cold water. Another woman comes in and scrubs me. I cling to my delicate parts to keep them hidden from their eyes, but the woman scrubbing me doesn’t care. She just pushes my hands aside and washes my bare breasts. At least what I have for breasts. They look like molehills compared to… What did that man call her? Madame Faralene? She has a bosom that could knock a man out.

After I’m cleaned, I’m pulled out, and the woman dresses me as if I was a child. And not with decent clothes. The same kind as those women downstairs wear. Sheer stockings that only go up to my mid-thigh. Underwear, if you can call it that, that barely covers my bottom and a dress that does nothing to cover my legs. Soon, Madame Faralene comes back and inspects me. “Yes, you’ll do quite nicely.”

“Excuse me? What is going on?” I ask.

“How would you like to earn a lot of coin?” she asks.

“Coin? How much coin?” I say with my attention fully in her hands.

“Oh, more than you’d ever see in your entire lifetime, girl,” she says.

Suspicious, I narrow my eyes. “And what would I have to do to make this money?”

She smiles. “Oh, just wait on a few scoundrels. Let them have a feel or two. Give ‘em a dance. Make them feel desired. You could make a lot more coin if you take them to bed, but I won’t force anyone.”

I think it through and nod. “I’ll do it for now. But once I make enough, I’m done.”

“Fair enough,” she says with a smirk. “Now, let’s put you to work. See the table over there? Go bring em some drinks.”

I nod and head up to the bar, grab three mugs of ale, and head over to the men sitting at the far table in the corner. I place them down on the table and let out a gasp as a hand comes down hard on my bottom. My face turns to pure red as I look over at the elven man, who has a wide grin on his face as he keeps his hand on my arse. I try to brush him off, but he gives it a squeeze. I want to slap him, but I know that I shouldn’t. I pull away and thankfully he lets go as I rush back to the Madame.

“Girl, you’re going to have to do a lot better than that if you want to earn enough coin to get out of here,” she says in a flat tone as I hold myself, covering as much as I can of my exposed skin.

“You need to tempt them. Don’t give them what they want, but let them know you have it,” she says in a sultry manner. “There is far worse you could do than this line of work.” I sigh as I get back to work, serving drinks and enduring hands that are far too friendly.

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