Frida Kolldottir

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Frida Kolldottir is the eldest daughter of Koll and Svanhild and the second oldest overall child of Koll. Some say she was born with an ax in hand. Svanhild said she came out kicking and screaming. Regardless, she has the heart of a warrior and the strength to back it up. She’s never lost a wrestling match and there are few warriors in the village as strong as her, one being the revered Bothvar, son of Beorcol.

She serves on her father’s ship in the vanguard and she’s always the first to charge into battle. It’s been said that no shield can withstand the swing of her ax. Even her brothers are hesitant to challenge her. She’s fiercely loyal to her family, friends, and clan.

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Broken Souls, Book 1, Seasons of the Cycle

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Bolla Veleifsdottir

Bolla is the youngest of Velief’s children. Her mother is Halldora, who she shares with Asvor and Estrid. She has no interest in working on her grandfather Koll’s ship with her cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandmother. Instead, she desires to be like her great aunt Sigvor, the wise one of the village. She wants to heal others and help.

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Broken Souls, Book 1, Seasons of the Cycle

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Asvor Veleifsdottir

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Asvor is the third daughter of Veleif Kollson and the second daughter of Halldora Cnutdottir. She has four older siblings, Aldis, Estrid, and Hunbogi along with a younger sister, Bolla Veleifsdottir

She became friends with a slave who is a wood-elven girl named Delrianna Oceanscribe, who teaches her about druidism. She is enraptured by the practice and convinces her grandmother, Ingithora to let Delrianna train her in the practice. She quickly becomes obsessed with the art of Druidism and thanks to her lineage passed down by Ingithora, she has enough magical abilities to learn and cast druidic spells.

Next, read about Bolla.

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Broken Souls, Book 1, Seasons of the Cycle

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Hunbogi Veleifson

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Hunbogi Veleifson is the son of Veleif Kollson and Thorballa Cnutdottir. As far as the order of Velief’s children in age, he’s the third oldest. The order goes Aldis, Estrid, Hunbogi, Asvor, and Bolla.

Velief is tall and lanky. He comes entitled, arrogant, and spiteful. He’s obsessed with his looks and wealth. He can be very cruel to those he deems as less than himself. He doesn’t get along well with his siblings and cousins, all of which live under the same roof. He shares a room with his two cousins, Starolf Saxison and Gudrik Svafarson, neither of which get along with him.

Next read about his younger sister Asvor Veleifsdottir.

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Broken Souls, Book 1, Seasons of the Cycle

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Estrid Veleifsdottir

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Estrid is Velief’s second oldest child and Halldora’s firstborn. She’s skilled in sword fighting and works on her Grandfather’s ship along with her siblings, cousins, uncles, and aunts. She’s good friends with her cousin Svala Beorcolsdottir. The two along with her sisters, Asvor, and Bolla, their cousin Hilde Gillidottir, and their friends Vigdis Sigviddottir, Turid Gudleifdottir, Asdis Throstdottir, Alfeid Throstdottir, and Asleif Hordottir are often seen together and get into quite a bit of trouble.

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Broken Souls, Book 1, Seasons of the Cycle

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Aldis Veleifsdottir

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Asfrid is the oldest child of Veleif Kollson. Her mother is Thorballa Cnutdottir. She grew up desiring to be a great warrior like her father, her mother, and her grandparents, Koll and Ingithora.

She works on her grandfather’s ship along with her cousins, uncles, and aunts. She desires independence and freedom. She loves being out on the sea, exploring new lands, and testing her combat skills against worthy opponents.

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Broken Souls, Book 1, Seasons of the Cycle

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Halldora and Thorballa Cnutdottir

Halldora Cnutdottir
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Thorballa Cnutdottir

Halldora and her sister Thorballa grew up close with the family of Koll. They were close friends with the daughters of Koll and have grown a fondness for the eldest son, Velief. It wasn’t until Velief saved the life of their father that he was allowed to marry one of his daughters.

However, Velief grew to like both Halldora and Thorballa. Instead of choosing between the two, they both decided to marry him.

With Velief, they would go on to have five children between the three of them. Four daughters, Aldis, Estrid, Asvor, and Bolla, along with a son named Hunbogi.

Of the five children, Halldora gave birth to Estrid, Asvor, and Bolla. Of course, Thorballa had Aldis and Hunbogi.

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Broken Souls, Book 1, Seasons of the Cycle

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Veleif Kollson

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Veleif is the eldest son of Koll Alriksson and Svanhild Arnthordottir. Veleif grew up close to the sisters Halldora and Thorballa, daughters of Cnut and after saving Cnut’s life in battle, earned the right to wed one of them, but both wanted his hand in marriage, so they both agreed to marry him.

Velief went on to have one daughter named Aldis, the eldest child, and a son named Hunbogi with Thorballa and had three other daughters, Estrid, Asvor, and Bolla with Halldora. The three were happy with the life they had forged. Thorballa would serve on Koll’s ship, helping Ingithora in her task of navigating the sea while Halldora stayed home with the children. They lived in Koll’s great hall along with Velief’s other siblings.

To learn more about Velief’s wives and children, check out the next section.

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Broken Souls, Book 1, Seasons of the Cycle

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Arnora Saksisdottir

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Arnora Saksisdottir is, of course, the daughter of Saksis Gizorsson. She has an older brother named Gizor (Named after his grandfather, of course) and two sisters, Greiland and Katla.

As mentioned in Ingithora and Svanhild’s biographies, the three of them have joined in a marriage with Koll Alriksson. The man they all shared an infatuated love with.

Arnora had three children with Koll along with the other children he had with his other wives.

Saxi Kollson

Asgerd Kolldottir

Tyrkir Kollson

In the next few chapters, you’ll read about all of their children and their children’s significant others.

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Broken Souls, Book 1, Seasons of the Cycle

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Svanhild Arnthordottir

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Svanhild Arnthordottir grew up as Arnthor’s daughter and only child. Her parents died when she was young and she was taken in by Alvi, the father of Thorkatla, Ingithora, and Sigvor. That’s how she became close friends with Ingithora. Ingithora helped her through her grief, giving her someone to confide in. As they grew up together, they became intimate.

They also met, Arnora Saksisdottir, whose father Saksis along with her older brother, served on the same crew as Ingithora’s father Alvi along with Beorcol Thorgrimsson, Koll, Einar, and Skuff, sons of Alrik. Over time, Arnora became very close with Svanhild and Ingithora. Like a sister. However, the three of them became fond of the light-hearted Koll Alriksson who was the best friend of Beorcol, son of Earl Thorgrim. Beorcol was already set to marry Thorkatla, Ingithora’s older sister.

The three women all found out they desired the same man. At first, it drove rifts in their friendship. Svanhild and Ingithora didn’t want one man to break apart what they had. It was special. They had found a bond with each other. Even though Arnora didn’t share the intimate bond they had, they still found a friend in Arnora and they didn’t want to lose her. It wasn’t all that strange to have a marriage between one man and multiple women, usually two. It wasn’t often that it happened and some frowned upon it. Within Stormfront, marriage wasn’t just a pack between two people, but their families as well. A marriage was to bind two families together. However, a marriage they proposed would be very complicated, involving three large families.

Svanhild and Ingithora proposed this to Arnora and Koll and, surprisingly, they were both for it. Arnora was hesitant at first, but she was infatuated with Koll and knew if she had to share him with anyone, her two closest friends would be her choice. Koll and the women talked to their families about the marriage. Alrik and Alvi both agreed to the marriage. However, Saksis didn’t like the idea of having his daughter become one of three wives. He believed the marriage would not favor his family. However, Svanhild was able to persuade him with her charm. She told him about the family they’d be able to forge with Koll having three wives to have children with. With such a potentially large family, they’d be able to crew their own ship entirely with the children they have. That means all the gold minus the gold they had to pay the Earl would belong to the family. This would benefit all of their families.

This convinced Saksis and he gave his daughter’s hand in marriage. The ceremony was performed by Earl Thorgrim and Thorve Eindrididottir, Ingithora’s mother who was the clan’s wise woman, wife of Alvi.

As mentioned in Ingithora and Koll’s biographies, Svanhild’s claim of forging a large family that could fill an entire crew of a ship came true and the family prospered in wealth. Next, read about Arnora and her story. Then you’ll read about their children.

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Broken Souls, Book 1, Seasons of the Cycle

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