Koll Alriksson

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Meet Koll Alriksson, one of the wealthiest members of the Kraken clan in Stormfront. He is the son of Alrik Hakonsson and the brother to Einar, Skuf, Hedin Alrikson and Sibbe Alrikdottir. 

His wealth is largely due to the fact that his entire crew is made up of all his family members, so all of the loot, minus that they contribute to the Earl and Clan itself, is kept by the family instead of being distributed to the crew. Of course, when you have three wives, it makes it easier to create a large family. Of course, Koll wasn’t the one to decide to marry three wives. His wives made that decision for him. Svanhild Arnthordottir, Ingithora Alvidottir, and Arnora Saksisdottir, his three wives, all grew up close to each other. Inseparable. Rumor has it that Svanhild and Ingithora are more than close friends and share an intimate love for each other. However, all three of them shared a deep affection for Koll and instead of fighting over him and letting jealousy tear them apart, they decided to share him in a joint marriage. 

Unfortunately for Koll, the three of them seem to rule the household while Koll maintains his rule over his ship and crew, with Ingithora’s help of course as she navigates the seas for the crew. But the day-to-day necessities of the household are decided by the wives. And not even Koll himself is willing to go against them, especially when they team up. 

Each of his wives have given birth to children with him. 

Koll had four children with Svanhild Arnthordottir. 

Veleif Kollson
Frida Kolldottir
Greiland Kolldottir
Gilli Kollson

Koll came to have three children with Ingithora Alvidottir. 

Svafar Kollson

Yngvild Kolldottir
Asfrid Kolldottir

Koll came to have three children with Arnora Saksisdottir.  

Saxi Kollson
Asgerd Kolldottir
Tyrkir Kollson

All of Koll’s sons went on to marry (Some multiple wives) and have children of their own. Read about their wives and children in their own separate short bios. 

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Broken Souls, Book 1, Seasons of the Cycle

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Thora Thorkeldottir

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Thora Thorkeldottir, is the daughter of Thorkel Beorcolsson and Asfrid Hrutsdottir. Before she was born, Sigvor gave a prophecy during her parent’s wedding that they would bear the Daughter of the Sea. No one knows the true meaning of the prophecy. However, unfortunately, both of her parents died when she was only a baby. She was raised by her grandfather, Beorcol, the Earl of Stormfront, and his wife Thorkatla along with her uncles, Bothvar, Thormar, and Bodvar, and her aunt Svala. 

She grew really close to her family, especially Svala, who became more like a sister along with Bodvar being somewhat like an older brother since they were rather close in age. Bodvar was the closest thing she had to as a father seeing how he made it his responsibility to raise his brother’s daughter in order to honor him. 

To find out more about Thora, read the book, Broken Souls. 

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Broken Souls, Book 1, Seasons of the Cycle

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The Northern Human Clans of Coderon

To begin within the world of Aratheon, we should start with the characters that are present within the main story of the series Seasons of the Cycle. You can find book 1, Broken Souls here on Wattpad. 

The Northern Clans of the human race within Coderon are made up of what some would consider, savages. However, they consider themselves free people of the north and have a rich history with as much depth as the Dead Sea. Their ancestors date back to the first human settlers in the north and some even have a mix of Giant in them. 

The Northerners will always think of themselves as independent from the southern human kingdom. They refuse to bend their knees to any southern king and rarely do the 9 separate clans ever listen to each other. Some even hate each other. Among them is a bitter rivalry between the Wolf clan and the Kraken clan. Wars have broken out among them many times in the past and they can rarely ever see eye to eye. Only a few times have they ever put their differences aside to unite and once was under the leadership of King Teowulf who united the clans against the southern king Vandil in his conquest to unite the human realms and reclaim the throne. 

The clans are listed as follows. 

The Kraken Clan

Located in Stormfront.

The current leader is Beorcol Thorgrimsson

Their mostly known for their sea raiders called Vikings. 

The Eagle Clan

Not much is known about them, not even their location. 

The Wolf Clan

Located in Fenris Village

Current leader is Jarl Bjarni Vikarsson

Rumor has it, the Wolf Clan can talk to wolves and uses them as scouts to guard their forest and protect their village. 

The Valkyrie Clan

Located in Forsa Village

Current Leaders

The Matriarch is Dasyra Ragnarsdottir

The Tribal Chieftess is Amalgunda

The War Chieftess is Amalasontha

Rumor has it that their village is made up completely of women. At least the free citizens are. The only men within the city are slaves. At least, that are what the rumors mention. 

The Giant Clan

Located in High Mountain Village

The current leader is Chief Kveldulf

They are rumored to be the decedents of the Jotunn/Jotnar giants from lands north of the Dead Sea. Their enormous size gives credence to the rumor. 

The Builder Clan

Located in Holmslatr Village

The current leader is Chief Trefor Treharne

The Builders have been known to be one of the only non-violent clans within the northern tribes/clans. They forsake violence and dedicate themselves to the act of building and craftsmanship. 

The Ice Tribe

Located in Avala Village

Current Leadership: 

The current Jarl is Kadal Bothvarsson, brother to the deceased King Teowulf Bothvarsson. 

The current Raid Leader is Ealhstan Kadalsson

The current Spiritual Leader is Eawyn, widowed wife of the deceased King Teowulf Bothvarsson.

The Bone Eater Tribe

The only thing we really know about them is that they have been known to partake in cannibalism along with wearing the skins and heads of the people and beasts they kill. They’ve been ostracized from the other clans. 

Not much is known about the ninth tribe, not even their name. Some think they no longer exist, and others proclaim they’re hidden within the mountains. Some claim they’re a clan of Yeti, but not much is known about the North in general, let alone each tribe individually. The Northerners only recently have taken to writing their history down on parchment and most of it was passed down orally which makes us question the validity of such tales spoken. 

Earl Beorcol Thorgrimsson

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Broken Souls, Book 1, Seasons of the Cycle

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Arngunn Hrutdottir

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Arngunn is the younger sister of Asfrid and the daughter of Hrut. However, both their father and mother died during a summer raid, leaving them orphaned. Fortunately, Earl Beorcol took them in as his wards. They grew up close friends with the Earl’s sons, Thorkel and Bothvar. She also became close friends with an elven servant girl named Semet. 

Arngunn would later go on to marry Bothvar and her sister, Asfrid would marry Thorkel in a joint wedding. They would later go on to have a son named Hrut. To learn how their story came out, read Broken Souls here on Wattpad. 

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Broken Souls, Book 1, Seasons of the Cycle

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Asfrid Hrutdottir

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Meet Asfrid Hrutdottir. She along with her younger sister Arngunn, were left orphaned after both their mother and father were killed during the raiding season. Both she and her sister were taken in as wards by Earl Beorcol and his family. 

Asfrid would later go on to marry Beorcol’s eldest son, Thorkel, after spending much time together growing up as close friends. The two would go on to have a daughter, named Thora, who is prophesied to be the Daughter of the Sea. Learn more about Asfrid in the book Broken Souls.  

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Broken Souls, Book 1, Seasons of the Cycle

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Ingithora Alvisdottir

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fantasy, fantasy novel, Fantasy book, Fantasy story, elves, vikings, heroforgemini, dnd, Ingithora Alvidottir

Meet the youngest of the daughters of Alvi. Ingithora is the younger sister of Sigvor and Thorkatla. She grew up with a strong relationship with her two closest friends, Svanhild Arnthordottir and Arnora Saksisdottir. All three of them fell in love with the same man, Koll Alriksson. But instead of fighting over him and destroying their friendship over man, they decided to share him and wed him in a joint marriage. But even she couldn’t have predicted the intimacy she developed with Svanhild that blossomed into a shared love between the two that also strengthened the love they shared with Koll and to a lesser extent, the bond of friendship they have with Arnora. 

The four of them managed to fill an entire crew of their own children and their grandchildren. 

Their children are as follows: Veleif Kollson, Svafar Kollson, Greiland Kolldottir, Saxi Kollson, Asfrid Kolldottir, Asgerd Kolldottir, Gilli Kollson, Starolf Saxison, Tyrkir Kollson, and Yngvild Kolldottir.

Now their sons were all married off with women, most having multiple wives, following in their father’s footsteps, and having children of their own which will be further explored in their own individual chapters.

Ingithora becomes the Sea Navigator on Koll’s ship and second in command, in which their children, children by marriage, and grandchildren make up most of the crew. 

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Broken Souls, Book 1, Seasons of the Cycle

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Sigvor Alvisdottir

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Meet Sigvor Alvisdottir, the eldest sister of the daughters of Alvi. Thorkatla and Ingithora are her two younger sisters. She was once happily married with a daughter she loved so dearly. However, she wasn’t able to save them. Now she dedicates her life to the healing arts and vows to do everything in her power to save everyone she can. Especially those of her kin and clan. That’s why she became the Wise One of the Kraken Clan of Stormfront Village. She lives with her sister Thorkatla and her husband Beorcol the Jarl of Stormfront within their keep and helps any and all who need it. She never turns down the sick or injured no matter how hopeless they may seem. 

She collects whatever books, artifacts, herbs, and resources she needs to save and protect her people, accruing a wealth of priceless magical tools, tombs, spell books, literature, herbs, and resources.  She is also very devoted to the gods of their people. A devoted disciple and follower of Fridgerd, the mother of all. 

She’s a woman determined to do whatever is necessary to keep her people safe and well. 

Thorkatla Alvisdottir

Meet the mother of Bothvar Beorcolsson, and his siblings Thorkel, Thormar, Svala, and Bodvar. Thorkatla Alvisdottir is the mother of the legendary hero, Bothvar and the husband of the Earl of the Kraken Clan in Stormfront Village, Beorcol Thorgrimsson. 

She is the middle child of two sisters, Sigvor the eldest, and Ingithora the youngest. They’re one of the few people in Stormfront who have the potential to harness magic. Thorkatla spends her days raising her children, helping to manage the day-to-day tasks of running the village with her husband and helping her sister heal the sick and wounded. She and her two sisters have the largest collection of books and artifacts in the village and are among the few who can read various languages including the High Elven Language along with the Southern Human languages. 

She is looked to by many of the clan members as a leader and inspires many of the women, leading a woman’s circle that includes many of the wives and daughters of the captains and leaders of the village. 

She’s respected among the clan and many come to her, seeking her wisdom for their own problems and life decisions. 

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Bodvar Beorcolsson

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Meet Bodvar Beorcolsson, the wild child of the children of Beorcol son of Thorgrim, Earl of Stormfront and the Kraken Clan. He’s the youngest of the five children of Beorcol and Thorkatla Alvisdottir, just after his sister Svala and three brothers, Thormar, Bothvar, and Thorkel. 

Bodvar is always the one playing pranks on everyone else, especially Thormar and usually with the help of Svala and the encouragement of Thorkel. Of course, it’d always be Thorkel getting in trouble for encouraging him. 

However, it was after the darkest moment in the Kraken’s Clan recent events, known as the Longest Night, in which winter lasted far beyond any that came before it and darkness took over the sky for what seemed like forever without providing the light of the sun to tell time. A night in which many died and those who survived were forever changed. 

It was only a few cycles of the seasons after the Longest Night that Bodvar would leave the Kraken Clan and Stormfront to stay in Fenris Village amongst the Wolf Clan in exchange for Gadaric  Vidkunnsson, the grandson of the Jarl of the Wolf Clan in order to put out the flames of their long and bloody hatred for each other and bridge the gap between the two clans. 

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Broken Souls, Book 1, Seasons of the Cycle

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Svala Beorcolsdottir

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Svala is the only daughter of Earl Beorcol Thorgrimsson and Thortkatla Alvidottir of the Kraken Clan in Stormfront Village. She’s the middle child with three older brothers, Thorkel, Bothvar, and Thormar and a younger brother Bodvar. 

Svala dreams of becoming a Sea Navigator, like her aunt Ingithora, the youngest of her mother’s sisters. She wants to sail the seas and explore the world. She desires to discover what is beyond the known world she’s seen on the maps her brother Thormar has collected. She doesn’t want the life of her mother, and her mother’s elder sister, Sigvor, the wise one of the village. She doesn’t want to be a healer or a wife, staying behind to raise children while her brothers go out to sea to raid and fight. She wants to be in the crew on a ship to sail the seas and raid. 

However, tragedy struck and she’s left looking after her niece Thora, Thorkel’s daughter. Read Broken Souls to learn what happened. 

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Broken Souls, Book 1, Seasons of the Cycle

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